How does Western media cultivate "Islamophobia" in the minds of viewers?

By nature, people are afraid of things they do not know, and hence a fertile environment is created to spread fear, hostility and false information about the other
Many Western media have exploited this fear because of the lack of information about Islam and Muslims, and have increasingly spread hostility against Arabs and Muslims.
The definition of Islamophobia: is prejudice, hatred and fear of Islam or Muslims.
The term came into use in English in 1997 when a leftist British think tank called Renameed Trust used it to condemn feelings of hatred, fear and prejudice directed against Islam or Muslims
Others saw it as a concomitant phenomenon of the growing number of Muslim immigrants in the United States and the European Union, and some linked them to the events of September 11.
The origin of the label: consists of the words of Islam and Phobia, and is intended to fear or irrational fear of something that exceeds the actual risk assumed.
Oxford Dictionary defines Islamophobia as "fear and hatred directed against Islam, as a political force specifically, prejudice and discrimination against Muslims."
Example of the Dutch media in planting fear of Muslims:
In the murders, the American media uses a lot of tricks when the killer is Muslim, then the American media begins to analyze that he is a murderer because he is a Muslim and that their religion incites them to violence and "jihad"
While a white man kills others, and he is not called a terrorist.
For example, the unfortunate incident "Chapel Hubble" when a white man killed three young Muslims in America, then the American media defended the white man because he was angry at the parking lot! They said he was suffering from mental illness! They did not call it terrorist.

The Western media has a bad image of Muslims in Western countries, so the image of a Muslim in the Western media is that very ugly man with the beard of repugnance, the white robe and the terrible cruel features holding a weapon in his hands.
And the Muslim woman is the terrifying woman who wears black "niqab" from head to toe,
i think a major point is that alot of christians (and muslims) dont realize is how similar the koran and the bible are content wise, just the koran does not do chronological order. im christian reading the koran and the major differences i can see is jesus relationship to god, the koran can easily be turned into a law/advice book as it states advice how to handle situations like poverty, loans or divorce. with the "and muslims" part i mean that just because the koran also gives advice to christians to not see jesus as god, that alot of muslims think christians are idol worshippers and hence unbelievers, when actually christians agree jesus is born as a human (and god loves us so much that he would even sacrifice his own son for us). Already in sure 2 it emphasizes christians and jews being believers and all believers can marry other believers (no mentioning of restriction on women muslims with other believers in the koran, which is against the popular belief).
then in countries like indonesia sometimes the media just sees the christians like iblis trying to get muslims off the correct path for daring to say "merry christmass" or one case where a road crossing looked like a christian cross and some people were believing it was an intentional advertisement for christianity (cross-phobia like vampires, and ofcourse there were sane people who reasoned with).
I remember after 9/11, that afternoon, I went to pick up my son from daycare. I was living in Orange County, California... a politically left state in America, but a particularly conservative area (voting wise). I had chosen a good family to watch my son, since I needed to work and I was in college at the time. I didn't think anything of the fact that what had happened was to affect my own life so directly, not because I am so self centered, but because the world is small even though it is so large. I knew no one in any of the parts that had been "attacked" and I was not personally connected. I was in my early 20s at the time when this happened and had not a lot of life experience, I wasn't worldly and while the images I saw on the television disturbed me, I didn't realize how sheltered I was living in America. The point of my post though, I picked up my son and the woman who watched him, Sayeeda, she answered the door and she was in tears. 2 other parents had withdrawn their children from daycare and her family was already beginning to receive threats. This was before the onslaught of the media, but it had already begun. I didnt withdraw my son. Her family was amazing with him, it was like having him in a home and loving environment even though I couldn't be there. But the whole thing opened my eyes. She was one of the nicest women I could have ever known and it didn't dawn on me, until then that the treatement of people was so messed up. I love how you explain on the end that extremism isn't confined to a religion or race. I have been in this debate with my mother for years. She is now passed, but it took me years of debating before she could see this as true. I always thought it was like if people used the KKK as a sample of Christians.
Hatred is easy. It takes many, standing up for what is right, to see the light. I love your message and I agree about the media. If it helps, I am sorry it is like this. Blessed be.
Thank you for your understanding
Many people see that Muslims are a danger that must be removed, but if we live with Muslims and treat them as human beings and not as Muslims we will see the difference that will happen