A little story about how I was forged, I hope you enjoy them!

Let me introduce myself by telling you that I am 23 years old and I am married, although there were many struggles before I achieved this, it has taken a 360 degree turn in my life, it was something that marked a before and after at my young age, I begin by telling you this first to call your attention, i dont speack too much english but i am traying to learn, so i really hope you can understand my gramaticals errors and any correction will be higly appreciate! humbly without wanting to sound presumptuous, and second because you will see how this woman was the positive epicenter of great changes in my history, now going a little further back I can tell you that without a doubt I was an extremely shy young man, the typical one who they bully at school and that hardly get friends, but with an advantage of nature, strong hands without fear of defending myself and eventually all the attempts of those abusers who wanted to humiliate to stand out, gave me something more, a very deep sense of justice , what took me over time to want to do more than just defend myself from those fools, I realized that I could defend other people who were timid or insecure, maybe not as a super hero, but as an ordinary person, that prevents them from advancing in the line to someone smaller or that they take their turn to play on the court or to speak, although they seemed small Things, and a big problem I had no idea at that time of how much these facts would mark my personality, my dreams and goals.

lessons of the school.

Over time it became easier to make friends (mostly for fights) and although it sounds bad the truth is that this taught me the brotherhood you can feel towards those who do not share your blood and also helped me in part to overcome my shyness, After 8 years in the same school I was expelled in 2nd year, first because i respond to a teacher who thought that a title or authority allowed her to verbally attack her students, then for foolishly believing in a girl that do not doubt a second in selling me to help to her friend (if you want details of something just ask in the comments) so i move to a diferent school, my old friends kept calling me every time a fight was presented, which undoubtedly I went, either by destination or casuality After a move, all these skills, both for the good part and for the bad part, stopped, and the trip from the big capital Caracas began, to a much quieter and smaller city, Anzoátegui, for everyone who has lived in a capital will know how difficult it is to get used to such an abrupt change, to be used to see lights on until three o'clock in the morning to not hear anything at 9 o'clock at night, everything seemed so static and calm that sometimes i felt like screaming! I ran and walked at 2 in the morning to see if something interesting happened at some point, but little by little I began to appreciate the calm, the slow way of walking, driving and even working. Although all my life I felt an appreciation for animal life, for the elderly and for those who felt lonely, this feeling was forged and matured, in a need to act, to try to change things, and here that was born for the first time A truly firm goal in my life, to help improve the lives of people and animals, I found that the best way to achieve this would be through politics (if typical, dreaming of being president and saving the world) but after all without dreams we are not true at all? I set a series of goals to achieve it, first study political science, not being able to access that career because there were no universities where I existed, I went for a similar branch, the right, after that I could study political science with a prior preparation and in only half the time, the second goal was to start a foundation that would provide help on a small scale to those who needed it, people and animals, in this way the dream began, but life had kept hard surprises that would change my life. childish view on life, and that would teach me that harder than any man hits reality.

Starting a career and maturing.

Everything started in an excellent way in the university, although it was a little lonely there were some with whom I understood, we spoke from time to time and it was still a challenge to find colleagues in the group workshops, but at least it was not impossible and the option of doing it alone was never presented again. Although this part of life painted well and we were constantly between ideals and dreams, around us a raw and harsh reality was present and closer day by day, the progressive deterioration of the country reached us all, we went from not knowing that it was a national assembly, to wait for their meetings every day, in my 3rd semester for the first time we joined a strike, against hunger, corruption and inequality, and in that semester we learned that everything that our books said about how the power prevails in the people and is not their rulers, was very far from reality, or at least for us it was ... We were victims of police and military abuse, physical and verbal insults, as well as witnesses of vandalism in our beloved house of study, before our eyes without us being able to do anything before those men that with hoods and weapons in hands, turned out to be the secret arm of the government, in the end the fear and the uncertainty took effect, the strikes ceased, and our dreams began to change, not to say to die

In the corridors of the university little by little the topics of conversation were changed, those who wanted to be lawyers now saw judges and magistrates who did not allow themselves to be hunted and exiled, if not worse, the words were filled with resentment while we remembered our comrades killed in marches or illegal raids, every time they mentioned a political prisoner our hearts accelerated, but in the end they had weapons, and our clamor for justice did not change, that concept was the first we learned , about the justice that is "giving everyone what he deserves" was gone more and more ephemeral and unreal, we started living in one of the richest countries in the world but ironically with one of the highest rates of poverty that existed , earning only $ 10 to $ 13 a month, the priorities were changing, without realizing I no longer thought about my dreams, I no longer investigated spoke or looked for ways to start r a foundation, it was no longer my priority to help others because in such a precarious situation your priority became money, and your dream was a full fridge. However, among all the bad things that happened, there was something wonderful in my life, I met that woman who illuminated my days and with just a smile I was filled with joy, it was a difficult courtship since I am 5 years older than her and her parents They were forged with prejudices of many types, but after two years of a hidden engagement they accepted us, but just when everything looked good in that part, I had to make that hard decision, how could I move my family and my girlfriend forward? how to become independent and feed myself, earning only 13 dollars a month? there was no choice as many others I was forced to leave my country, just 2 weeks after our relationship was accepted and with very little time to be enjoying it, we had to say goodbye, as many others had done, i pause my career, and I started a trip to work taking advantage of an opportunity that rarely occurs in life, an old friend who had left Venezuela some time ago decided to help me with the passage, this was and is extremely expensive, they can get their accounts a ticket of plane costs between 700 and 1000 dollars, by land are 500 dollars and 8 days of travel, earning 13 dollars a month would never have managed to leave, not counting the clothes "that 4 years ago did not buy" the food and the passages that are spent daily. And so without many more options, between joys and sadness came the day of farewell, after a night we woke up talking, woke up early, take my bags which we had prepared before between laughs and jokes, and at that precise moment, just at that moment, we understood how real was happening, and all the laughter turned into tears and uncertainty, knowing that for a year we could not see each other, I would reserve to tell you how hard the farewell was at the airport and how many times I thought about going back to the migration door to hug my mother and my girlfriend, because it makes my heart shudder to just remember it, instead I'll tell you that it was the first time I got on a plane (before that I was in a plane for a family emergency), I did not enjoy that flight and I also saw a movie called deep horizon which in my emotional state of that moment seemed incredible and only made me think how much I missed those people I left behind

My arrival in Chile.

Finally after 2 days at the airports I managed to get to Chile, I must say that I enjoyed my stay at the airport in Colombia, sleeping a bit uncomfortable and without talking to many people, but it is huge! Full of stores and there are even capsules in which you could play PlayStation 2, unfortunately because of the size of the airport I did not see them until the moment of boarding = (, added to this that airport is very famous due to its appearance in a program called alert airport, which also made me long to see it up close, the education with which I was treated at the airport was something new and really charming, although I was interrogated at each of the scales and I was a little nervous always did very educated and kindly, and in Chile I missed quite a familiar face and those who would pick me up were delayed a bit, I felt like in a movie wondering what the hell to do if nobody showed up, because my phone was without signal and I had no idea how get to the address they gave me, 30 minutes after the agreed time finally appeared, my old childhood friend and his mom, I felt my heart speed up in a little mom I was happy, nevertheless the nostalgia was still present and although happy I could not express much emotion, leaving the airport, stepping on another land, seeing people with so different characteristics and with a strange way of speaking for me was great, the city in we were Santiago, the capital, huge, very nice, three buses and a little walk after that we got home, and my anxieties calmed down after being able to connect to Wi-Fi and talk to my mother, my sister and my girlfriend, I had many expectations at that time, I had achieved that goal that so many Venezuelans are looking for, to reach another country to help my family to get ahead.

Being in Chile it did not take me long to find work, after a week of my arrival I managed to find a company that was dedicated to hiring Venezuelans without papers in order and that in fact helped them to put them in order, of course not everything that Shining is gold and after a while working their abuses were notorious and how they took advantage of us, but even so I feel grateful for the opportunity because being out of work would have been much worse, I had 13 hours shifts at work and I had to take a 2 hours bus, I would not have complained if it was not because I arrived at the house at 10 pm and in Venezuela it was already 11, so I had very little communication with my family, we worked every day of the week and that when you get to a country that is not yours every penny is important, maybe it was because of my excessive anxiety or a simple mistake of novice but so much work caused in me a greater emotional wear than expected, taking days and n what I woke up just wanting to cry and hit someone for no reason, I began to wonder, if the money I earned (which was not much) was worth the sacrifice I made, however knowing that I could help my family and keeping my girlfriend gave me strength to continue. I will not go into much depth about my experiences in Chile since I think I will write about this more in depth in another article!

My return to Venezuela, defeat or victory?

During my third month in Chile, after reading information on the internet and looking for advice, I finally arrived at a place where they helped foreigners to get work and legalize, everything was so perfect that it seemed like a lie, I was offered a job of only 8 hours in which earned even more than in the previous 500 dollars a month, besides that would help me to opt for a one-year temporary visa, however this joy did not last long, I had my interview for that job the next day, but that same day I received a call from my mother in Venezuela, telling me that my father was sick, my sister had the opportunity to go to Argentina for work leaving her two daughters of 2 and 3 years in Venezuela, therefore my mother was in a situation quite difficult, my father needed an emergency operation, and she did not have the tools to take care of the two girls and my father, so that same day she used the money she had saved in those 3 months (discounting food, rent and what I sent) and change my ticket back to Venezuela, which cost me 120 dollars, leaving me with only 10 dollars for my trip, once I was the plane back to Venezuela, I felt like a failure, I had the opportunity to go out and work, and I returned home with a quantity of money that could barely reach me for transportation, I thought about every penny I had spent, every extra hour I did not take, Why did not I try harder? During my two days of travel my father had an emergency operation, and I did not have the means to communicate with them so I did not know about this until I was in Venezuela and with a borrowed phone I managed to call, he had come out well his operation and although sore and motionless for the moment he would recover, I felt still defeated, but when I got home and the first person who received me was my girlfriend everything changed, although I felt defeated I was received with hugs, With immeasurable affection and words of encouragement that reminded me that there are more important things than money, from that moment my appreciation of sharing time with your family and loved ones was different, thank God I did not need to lose what I loved to know what I had, it was enough for me to get away from it for a little while, the following nights were my time to constantly appreciate and think, with the support of my family I could see that it had brought invaluable profits, beyond money, a new way of seeing things, experiences, stories, culture and a new appreciation for everything, without any doubt even with incomplete objectives the truth is that my trip was a victory.

The rebirth of my dreams.

After a couple of weeks of turning around my life was gradually returning to normal, however with the passage of time was feeling dissatisfied with my day to day, our country entered a state of hyperinflation that is currently the largest in the history of the entire planet, from a minimum wage that was around $ 5 per month, we earned $ 2 a month, which with the food benefits provided by the government would reach about $ 3.5 or $ 4, which resulted in a collapse On a large scale that severely affected the nutrition of people and even more so the medicinal sector, not only were humans affected, but also the most defenseless, animals began to be threatened quickly, those on the streets began to starve and of house were thrown by their owners with the hope that they had more chances to survive looking for food in the garbage, although I am not a person of great income or a privileged social position, I gave myself I knew there were ways to help, so at the moment of greatest difficulty, when I thought that my courage had long since left, the longing for a foundation came again. In those days that we were looking for ways to give help to others, excellent things happened! my relationship with my girlfriend progressed at gigantic steps, and after three months here we made the decision to get married, which was not easy since I was 22 years old and she was 18, we were very questioned and advised, but even so the idea is to go what makes us happy, right? and so 2 months later we became spouses.
with the feeling of a new level of support at my side and a family that every day looked for ways to collaborate, whether it was my father feeding the dogs of the park or my mother preparing some sandwich for the needy, we went into harmony On that idea of helping, we started with small garage sales to raise funds, although it was not the best outlook or huge profits were enough to keep our willingness to help during that moment, no longer as an individual but as part of a family, a group with the same objective, but of course, the difficulties are always around the corner, and after a hard legal and personal struggle, my sister managed to convince her ex-husband to allow her to take her daughters to Argentina, the place where she lives now, and because of the situation in our country we all thought it was the best, as I write this word and I give you this short summary of some of the most important things in my life, I am only 2 days away from saying goodbye to my mother and my nieces, who will board the plane for Argentina on 20/3/2018, a week ago a friend came to my house, telling me of his story and he want, like me, to help people in need, he was born because his mother had been benefited by a similar help before, and mine as well as my grandfather had been, he told me about steemit, about the specialness of this community and its immense desire to help, he explain how we could expose everything before you and achieve a greater and faster reach to our common goal. Today, as you know, I am married, I have 5 dogs, 3 rescued and 2 that were ours, I had very hard stories like anyone, with a small cat that we also rescued and could not walk, my father is a kind and hardworking man, does not talk much and the truth is a bit strange the idea of staying alone with him now that my mom will not be with us, since she was the one who always with her joy enthusiasm and commitment broke the ice and helped us to talk and share, I hope soon to have an animal shelter, and a humanitarian aid association for people in need, girls, adults, the elderly, I do not have much more to tell them since they already know a little about my childhood, my growth, my experiences and even today in the one who wrote, I can only thank you for your time, hoping that soon we can see each other again and do not lose touch, I'm glad to be part of this beautiful community of steemit and know that it is valued Any opinion, advice or information, I wish you an excellent week and that we continue to share much more!


Hello rendicion123, welcome to steemit. There are a lot of nice and friendly people on steemit as you will learn in time, there are also some that are not so nice as you will learn that in time also. This is likely to be a little on the long side.

I work with a few different groups on steemit. The first one is @newbieresteemday. It was a group formed to help new users get a leg up on steemit. They/we use the tag #newbieresteemday. If you see that tag, or a post from @newbieresteemday, then you need not worry about asking any member for help in understanding something, we as a group or individual will not be offended, even if the question is off topic of the post. If/when you become familiar with discord chat groups we also have one of those. We have a promote yourself dropbox, and I and a few others use that to go around and leave a vote and comment on post that meet our standards.

One of the other groups I work with is @greetersguild, they are a group similar to newbieresteemday, recently formed also to provide help, understanding and education on how steemit works. In fact it was through the guild that I found your post, courtesy of a the link to your post that @smylie2005 left.

You indicated you would like help on your post and advise. You need to make some paragraph separations. This is pretty simple to do, all you need to do when formatting your post is to use the enter key a couple of times to make a blank line, as I have done.

This makes reading the longer parts a bit easier. You made some very nice choices in the photos you chose to use, and they seemed to fit the parts you were talking about, that is good. So often I will see a completely unrelated photo, because someone once told the poster that they need pictures in their post. You did it right.

There is a very large group of spanish speaking people on steemit, so dual posting in both languages may get you a lot more followers, and votes. With that being said, and to avoid issues with @cheetah bot, and @steamcleaners, you should put a link in the second one to the translated post. an example would be at the end of this post add the line:
Original Language Post- - https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@redencion123/una-pequena-historia-de-como-fui-forjado-espero-sea-de-su-agrado - - -
or something similar. You could even go back and edit the original post to a link to the english version, that way if a photograph caught a persons eye they may see the link to the english version.

I think I will end it there, let me know if you would like more information, And also the number of people that speak spanish in our discord chat room is growing, I am not sure which ones all speak it, but we do have a few.

Wow sorry for the late on answer! its been a crazy week but thanks for all this information that you gave me and all this help, i will like be part of your groups to learn and help as much as i can, this advices are like gold for me and seriusly apreciate the time that you take to give me them, i want to know more information about then! hope you have a great day and week, will be weiting your answerd and information my friend.

Welcome to steemit @redencion123. Join @minnowsupport project for more help. Checkout @helpie and @qurator projects.
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Welcome to steemit. :-)

thanks you my friend for your time and amiability!

Welcome redencion123! Amazing story for such a young man. Looking forward to your posts. I'll be following you my friend! Cheers!

thanks my friend! i hope to see your posts also and know you through them, have a great week =D!

People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It’s not about giving shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.
Great Post!

great words my friend thanks for dedicade your time on this and also let me see this words, hope you have a great day and we can see us again!

Your #introduceyourself blog In english Well done more people can read it!
Thats what its All about on this platform and this blockchain. Blogging is it, blog on and you Will be succesfull! 🤛 and You Will earn money. 💴💸💰be carefull with all your passwords !! Never give that up!
For very good safety tips visit https://steemit.com/steem/@verhp11/safety-first-first-aid-kit-for-steemians-who-are-just-beginning-this-great-journey from Our fellow steemy @verhp11
I blog every day and love it!❤️
Helpfull is the Steemify App , its Free in the Appstore go cheque it out. And good luck steeming and I Will See you around🍀
Greetings from Brittandjosie - Holland

thanks for your coment!! its great to see this comunity attitude =)

Greetings From Mr. Crypto!
I enjoyed your post and I'm pleased to meet you!

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Original Content.

=D jaja thanks my friend its really nice to meet you too, hope to see you soon and be in contact !

Welcome to Steemit @redencion123! What a beautiful, sad, scary, exciting and crazy life story! I look forward to learning more about you. Congratulations on your union with your beautiful wife. You have a heart of gold and I pray you all the happiness and wealth you can handle! Im going to share your story with hopes that itll spread like a wildfire! Upvoted and followed... you had me at this line....

With immeasurable affection and words of encouragement that reminded me that there are more important things than money, from that moment my appreciation of sharing time with your family and loved ones was different, thank God I did not need to lose what I loved to know what I had

thanks for your words, its really amazing heard this, i hope the chance to know more about you also and be your followed! and if you will like to know my mom is already on argentina, she arrive 15 mins ago, this was from yesterday when we were weiting the plane !20180319_145219.jpg

Hello, I am the admin of the facebook group ''Steemit for Resteem'', please read our rules to post in the group : Steemit for Resteem Rules↕.

yes sr! i will do it

Nice post ,dear here is my link , follow me @hashmieali77

thanks! folling you now hope to hear more about your posts soon!