Hi Everyone, i am George and invest in crypto
Let me tell you a bit about myself and some of my lifestory. I first heard of Bitcoin around 2008 - 2009. A student colleague of mine said...hey check out this new coin...Bitcoin...I didn't think much of it...I opened the website...thought to myself...hey what is this bullshit...and left...I could have bought it at cents...how stupid I was.
A few years later I heard of Bitcoin again in the mainstream news...it had risen to 20$....I thought to myself "Should i buy or mine them" Me and a friend got together and decided to buy the mining gear of butterfly labs...Probably the worst investment I ever made...I should have just bought bitcoins back then. Most of you will know the story of what happened to BFL. I was there when Bitcoin went up to US$1216.73...and yet i didn't have many of them...maybe half a bitcoin...what a pity.
After that I moved into GPU mining to cut losses and mined all sorts of script coins...mostly DOGE and Solarcoins....after that...silence for a year...no crypto...I was fed up....I thought this is a gamble..stay away from it...until I heard about Ethereum by a friend....I had a look it and thought it might be a good project to invest in. I had a look at my online portfolios to see what have been left from my mining journey...I had a good bunch of Solar which I used to buy Ether on Kraken Exchange...Probably a good decision...At some point i saw that Ether price on Cryptsy was quite high, much higher compared to other exchanges...I thought that this might be a good arbitrage opportunity...Where was the catch???...well I only found out days later when I sold off my eth to btc and tried to withdraw my BTC...of course there were delays...At some point...the Cryptsy website shut down...I lost a good amount of ether back then..Furious about my loss I bought Ether again when I saw it rising...probably the best decision ever made to rebuy....and here i am almost 12 months later...with a good portfolio...I made good gains and have grown more mature in making investing decisions....I have made a lot of mistakes and lost a lot because I wanted a quick buck....I don't regret...you lose and win...you live and learn:) I might invest in Steem now..looks like a good investment. Ask me anything you want !!!! Maybe some of you can relate to my story.
Great to have you with us!
thanx a lot:) I am happy to be part of this great community
Hi there welcome to Steemit! Amazing you actually saw Bitcoin in its infancy at $.05 Cents I didn't see it until 2013 after it was already at $90 and even then I didn't understand it and thought it was a scam boy was I wrong. I just barley started putting away money every month into Bitcoin this year at $450 a coin and it has gone up to almost $800 a coin and right now around $640 today. I am putting money into it every month even though it is expensive because eventually one day it could be gigantic and I will regret not buying coins at $400-$800 a coin. I read an article about the Winklevoss twins who invented Facebook invested $10 Million into Bitcoin saying that they see the price going up to $20,000-$30,000 per coin so I am now a firm believer in it. It is like the Gold rush the first arriver's got rich but late arriver's still made a decent profit off the gold. We are just the late arriver's we will still make a decent profit if we hold for a long time I believe. But smart of you to get into Steem now! I see Steem going easily to a market cap over $500 Million to $1 Billion possibly. This looks like the future of crypto.
Keep holding:) But also try and diversify your portfolio...don't be afraid to take profits. If you believe in a project, sell high, buy low again...go with the flow...you will not regret. Right now my portofolio includes
Hi @georgecnx, Welcome aboard! Hope you like the Steem Machine! Great list of diversification you got here!
PS I've also written my #introduction, would you like to read it?

#humor #funny #RememberYesterday #TaraBanks
thanx a lot:)
Great to have you in the community!
thanx a lot
who can explain how remuneration are accrued for posts and comments?
i am wondering also but I already received my first payout
$ 37 for 31 reviews, is not bad.
I see meaningless posts that are gaining hundreds of dollars. But why?)
There's a lot to do in this btc world apparently. I kinda feel like i've missed out on much! But welcome to Steemit George! I hope to learn about this world of btc etc as I share some from my own.
Thanx for the feedback