RE: Hi Everyone, i am George and invest in crypto
Hi there welcome to Steemit! Amazing you actually saw Bitcoin in its infancy at $.05 Cents I didn't see it until 2013 after it was already at $90 and even then I didn't understand it and thought it was a scam boy was I wrong. I just barley started putting away money every month into Bitcoin this year at $450 a coin and it has gone up to almost $800 a coin and right now around $640 today. I am putting money into it every month even though it is expensive because eventually one day it could be gigantic and I will regret not buying coins at $400-$800 a coin. I read an article about the Winklevoss twins who invented Facebook invested $10 Million into Bitcoin saying that they see the price going up to $20,000-$30,000 per coin so I am now a firm believer in it. It is like the Gold rush the first arriver's got rich but late arriver's still made a decent profit off the gold. We are just the late arriver's we will still make a decent profit if we hold for a long time I believe. But smart of you to get into Steem now! I see Steem going easily to a market cap over $500 Million to $1 Billion possibly. This looks like the future of crypto.
Keep holding:) But also try and diversify your portfolio...don't be afraid to take profits. If you believe in a project, sell high, buy low again...go with the will not regret. Right now my portofolio includes
Hi @georgecnx, Welcome aboard! Hope you like the Steem Machine! Great list of diversification you got here!
PS I've also written my #introduction, would you like to read it?
#humor #funny #RememberYesterday #TaraBanks
thanx a lot:)