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RE: Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Whores of War... DynCorp- Organ Harvesting & Human Trafficking

Truly disturbing. Honestly, what disturbs me most about Dyncorp and it's intimate relationships to US government and various officials and persons notable throughout the world is that most people confronted with the first hint of such horror simply block it out, as if they were traumatized as young children and their only means of dealing with it was to act as if it had never happened.

To me this reveals the deep harm propaganda and cultural marxism has effected in America particularly, although the phenomenon appears to be global. It is certain that such weakening of our society and peoples will have dire consequences in the future, and when such people can no longer just turn their heads away - because their loved ones or lives have been chosen as targets, for example - a backlash of unpredictable extent will ensue.

Not only is it necessary for all of us to act as life preservers for the innocents drowning in their own blood, drawn by the blades funded with our taxes, just because we're good people, but should we fail it is our own posterity that will feel their flesh, blood, and bones stripped from them and consumed in the gory maw of our health and pharmaceutical industry.

It is difficult not to become hardened against such people, who surely deserve what they will reap.

We reap what we sow. No good intentions can affect that. Unwillingness to act to defend what is good is tantamount to personally effecting the evil that destroys it, and each person bears responsibility personally for how they effect their sovereign authority.

We can proclaim the truth, but only they who have ears can hear.

Stones cannot hear, and are crushed into the gravel that will pave the way into our future felicity by those that overcome the darkness to light the day dawning. Our posterity will inherit what we create.



The whole purpose of Hollywood is to run cover for these people and glorify their deeds. The "White Helmets" is one of the in the ground forces trafficking children and stealing their organs and there's about 4-5 movies out saying what heroes they are.

One point I'm trying to make (poorly I think) is that these aren't isolated companies, or entities but a part of a huge network that involves governments, NGO's, the military, foundations, the UN. This monstrosity is gigantic!!!