Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Whores of War... DynCorp- Organ Harvesting & Human Trafficking

in #informationwar6 years ago

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 Gen Smedley Butler wrote that war is a racket- a truism throughout the ages. Wherever there is war there are profiteers looking to make a buck off of the misery. In Vietnam the Golden Triangle opened it's huge cache of heroin and the whores of war were there to reap the enormous profits... in this case the CIA. During Iran Contra it was the Bush/Clinton crime cartel along with their cohorts in the CIA- Bush Sr. had been the director after all amd Bill Clinton an up-and-comer in the political world was an eager accomplice. In the Arkansas of the 1980's everything was for sale including Bill & Hill. An intrepid journalist named Gary Webb made the connection between the influx of cocaine and the rising crack epidemic in the inner cities and put two and two together. He wrote Dark Alliance in 1996, an expose' that eventually cost him his life. 

  ‘Culled from the agency’s in-house journal, Studies in Intelligence, the materials include a previously unreleased six-page article titled “Managing a Nightmare: CIA Public Affairs and the Drug Conspiracy Story.” Looking back on the weeks immediately following the publication of “Dark Alliance,” the document offers a unique window into the CIA’s internal reaction to what it called “a genuine public relations crisis” while revealing just how little the agency ultimately had to do to swiftly extinguish the public outcry. Thanks in part to what author Nicholas Dujmovic, a CIA Directorate of Intelligence staffer at the time of publication, describes as “a ground base of already productive relations with journalists,” the CIA’s Public Affairs officers watched with relief as the largest newspapers in the country rescued the agency from disaster, and, in the process, destroyed the reputation of an aggressive, award-winning reporter.’  

 A year later, Gary Webb resigned from the paper, his career derailed and reputation completely shattered. After eight years of systematic smearing by the U.S.’s most powerful news media, Gary Webb was found in his apartment with two bullets to the head. Incredibly, his death was ruled a suicide. His untimely professional and personal demise is one in a string of modern examples where those who dare speak out against corruption are viciously attacked and, ultimately, silenced.  

 More recently, George Webb, while investigating Andrew McCabe and his complicity in the Comey/Clinton email cover-up uncovered links to DynCorp, an international company that specializes in war... and also a CIA cutout company. 

 So what, exactly, is McCabe covering up in Clinton’s email investigation? Well, according to Webb, a generation ago U.S. mega-contractor DynCorp’s primary focus was gold, oil, and drugs but has since expanded to include trafficking weapons, humans, and organs. Using a standardized process, the U.S. and its allies target countries with abundant natural resources, cut weapons deals financed by the large banks, set off hot war with a False Flag event, then harvest every ‘asset’ left vulnerable by the ensuing chaos. Former NATO Commander and Retired U.S. General Wesley Clark disclosed that weeks after 9/11, the Pentagon established a plan to invade seven countries in five years. And the reasons had nothing to do with fighting terrorism. 

 Established in 1946 as an air cargo company, Dyncorp has blossomed into one of the biggest service companies in the world as far as war is concerned. They are involved in shipping personnel, munitions and logistical supplies to theaters of war around the world- a perfect front for smuggling drugs, organs and human beings. 

 It just so happens that the really easy money under these circumstances is in child sex trafficking, and harvesting organs and body parts. In November 2016, it was reported by the Director-General of the Syria Coroner’s Office Hossein Noufel that an estimated 15K organs of Syrians have been illegally harvested mostly from children trapped in terrorist-controlled areas. According to local sources, abductions have escalated with the violence. Victims are brought to refugee camps where their organs are then harvested for sale on the black market.  

 Meanwhile, long-time U.S. mega-contractor DynCorp was investigated and found to have engaged in human and child sex trafficking going back more than a decade. U.N. Peacekeeper Kathryn Bolkovac, assigned to investigate the issue in Bosnia, was subsequently demoted after exposing the practice among military officers, the U.N., and the U.S. State Department. And former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney boldly questioned former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the government’s continuing willingness to award billion dollar contracts to DynCorp despite the fact that it was found to have been trafficking women and children for sex. However, no responsive answers were given to her questions and DynCorp continues to receive billions of taxpayer dollars to this day.  

 Not only is DynCorp receiving billions of dollars from American taxpayers, human/organ trafficking is one of the most profitable black market enterprises in existence. The relationships between governments, NGO's, corporations, banks and others involved in trafficking are as complex as they are vast. One advantage they have is that this has become so widespread that it's difficult to pinpoint single incidents without them becoming buried in a landslide of bureaucratic complexity. 

  If you think of DynCorp as the production side of the child sex and organ trafficking equation, Elites are the money side of it. Sometimes dismissed as a ‘conspiracy theory’ (a term the coined by CIA to discredit anyone who dares to expose the agency for corruption), mainstream television personality ‘Dr. Phil’ lent further credibility the existence of such an Elite child sex trafficking ring when, in March of this year, one of his guests attested to being sold as a newborn to a powerful international sex trafficker. She graphically described a childhood of sadistic emotional and physical abuse involving dozens of victims who served the demands of their extremely wealthy and powerful ‘owners’ — claims that were further corroborated by the FBI agent who was also a guest on the show that day.  

 These same elites are often the "customers" as well. To get a feel for just how vast this network is, I suggest visiting this website that uncovers just DynCorp's involvement. This is a huge problem that is only getting bigger with the demand for organs, adrenochrome and children to satisfy pedophiles the world round. While Bill Clinton was president, DynCorp was trafficking young girls (often 12 or younger) out of Bosnia. 

  From the Huffington Post about the Bosnia incident:

“its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12.”

 Some may the Rachel Weisz movie from 2010, The Whistleblower an accurate but fictionalized account of a UN "peacekeeper" who uncovered a sex trafficking ring run by other peacekeepers and local law enforcement. Wherever there's a demand, someone will jump up to fill the void. This was during the 1990's- more recently, I'm sure many will also remember the incident involving a 15 year old "male stripper" in Afghanistan: 

 The week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party on the training site. Some 15 or so DynCorp employees in attendance pulled out a single chair and had the boy do mock lap dances. This was captured on video. The video shows DynCorp employees putting dollar bills in the boy’s waistband, just as they would a stripper’s garter. The revelry lasted about 45 minutes.  

 This too was covered up by Hillary Clinton's State Department for the most part, characterizing it as some guys having fun... nothing to see here. But then there was Colombia... 

  “In October 2004 it was revealed that DynCorp contract workers operating at Tolemaida Air Base in Colombia distributed a video in which they could be observed sexually violating underage girls from the town of Melgar. This video was even sold on the main streets of Bogotá. Nonetheless, the Lawyers’ Collective of Colombia has not learned of any criminal investigation undertaken in relation to these acts involving minors. According to follow-up work carried out by the Lawyers’ Collective it was discovered that one of the minors involved in the videos committed suicide some time after the publication of them.”  

Colombia is also the location of one of the Clinton Foundations Acceso shell companies... a joint venture with Frank Giustra's Radcliffe Foundation and billionaire Carlos Slim's "philanthropy." While Sec. of State, Hillary arranged for one of Giustra's companies to clear-cut a large tract of Colombian rainforest. These tentacles are long and complex- to unravel them would take a lifetime.

 In Iraq in 2008, an incident involving prostitutes, a worker lost his life: 

 “DynCorp’s site manager was involved in bringing prostitutes into hotels operated by DynCorp. A co-worker unrelated to the ring was killed when he was traveling in an unsecure car and shot performing a high-risk mission. ‘I believe that my co-worker could have survived if he had been riding in an armored car. At the time, the armored car that he would otherwise have been riding in was being used by the contractor’s manager to transport prostitutes from Kuwait to Baghdad.’”  

 All of this is bad enough alone, but doesn't come close to the real problem- DynCorp and organ harvesting and sex trafficking. In an article from Feb. 2017, The Burning Blogger of Bedlam writes: 

 Dyncorp appears, from all accounts, to be the absolute worst of the worst – a criminal, inhumane enterprise engaged in every kind of international crime you could think of: people trafficking, prostitution, organised child abuse, ‘rape tapes’, drug trafficking, covert ops, mercenary warfare, false-flag terrorism, the illegal/covert arms trade, and with its decrepit activities having taken place everywhere from Bosnia, Libya and Iraq and Yemen and right through to Pizza-Gate and Jeffrey Epstein 

 The writer makes an excellent point... given all the information about DynCorp's misdeeds, why are they still getting lucrative government contracts- or why, for that matter, are they still in business? This was a question asked of Donald Rumsfeld by Rep. Cynthia McKinney during Congressional hearings- she didn't get re-elected.

 DynCorp was connected with Hillary Clinton on account of being deeply embedded with the State Department, with both Clinton and the corporate-owned media maintaining cover ups to protect the corporation from exposure: for, among other things, the alleged child-trafficking. But it goes further back than Hillary, connecting with 9/11 and the Rumsfeld Pentagon, the Iran/Contra scandal and more. 

In a lengthy article entitled Dirty Tricks, Inc.: The DynCorp Government Connection, Uri Dowbenko provides a great overview of how this entire operation works: “Using private companies for government work has been long exploited by the CIA and Pentagon, who like to use proxies, such as contractors or mercenaries to fight their covert wars. The benefits for federal agencies include ‘plausible deniability’ with respect to assassinations and drug trafficking, as well as the ability to bypass the Military Code of Honor and accords of the Geneva Convention. In other words, by privatizing ‘dirty tricks,’ a federal agency cannot be held liable…’  

 Once again, going back to the Bosnian Conflict (where Hillary landed under heavy sniper fire): 

  In 2002, Kelly Patricia O’Meara wrote a stunning article about DynCorp for Insight Magazine, providing some sense of what goes on in the organisation. ‘Dyncorp forged documents, trafficked women, aided illegal cross-border transports and tipped off sex club owners about imminent raids.’ She covered the brave work of Kathryn Bolkovac, who had uncovered evidence “of girls being beaten and raped in bars by their pimps while peacekeepers stood and watched.” Even one UN policeman who was meant to be investigating the sex trade: “paid £700 to a bar owner for an underage girl who he kept captive in his apartment to use in his own prostitution racket.” Ultimately, the company fired the eight employees for their alleged involvement in sex trafficking and illegal arms deals.’  

 In the same article, O’Meara explained how “employees and supervisors from DynCorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports…’ and how a key whisteblower from Texas ‘witnessed co-workers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased.”  

 This is far more than an endemic problem within Dyncorp, but appears to be a major part of the raison d'etre for the employees. But sex trafficking is just the tip of the iceberg... there's also the organ harvesting. 

 In late 2016 the harvested bodies of 700 children were discovered in Malaysia. "According to cut marks were evident on the children's bodies."

Some of them are tied. Some are even packed into card board boxes. The pictures suggest that the crime has been carried out by a large gang.
The children must have been kidnapped first. Then, their organs were harvested. These stolen organs must have been sold in the black market.

  [George] Webb has linked the organ harvesting activities to regions where the US government contractor DynCorp has been operating. These countries include Haiti, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan among others. DynCorp's involvement in human trafficking in the Balkans has been well documented and the origins of organ harvesting also have roots in the region.  

  The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) has been accused of organ harvesting during the period of 1998-1999. Dick Marty published a 2010 report for the European Council on organ harvesting and trafficking in Kosovo and Albania. The report specifically names Kosovo president Hashim Thaci, then leader of the KLA, as being involved in organ harvesting.  

  This 2010 Wikileaks document describes the reports findings:  


In the wake of the armed conflict, before international forces had time to
re-establish law and order there, "organs were removed from some prisoners
at a clinic in Albanian territory, near Fushe-Kruje..." he added.
Those organs were then "shipped out of Albania and sold to private
overseas clinics as part of the international 'black market' of
organ-trafficking for transplantation."
This was carried out by KLA leaders linked to organised crime, and "has continued, albeit in other forms, until today..." he wrote.

 (Many thanks to @v4vapid one of Steemit's best researchers for this information) 

 And then there's Haiti... In the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake, DynCorp was hired (ostensibly by the UN- and/or their Special Envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton) to train police officers, a security force to ensure "stability," an achievement the DynCorp webpage brags about as one of their best accomplishments.  

 In principle, there is a distinction between the personnel from the United Nations Mission for the (de)Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH) and the men and women of Haitian law enforcement, because the latter presumably all reside in Haiti and are Haitian nationals who have never renounced their citizenship. In practice, however, the UN force and the increasingly foreign-trained “Haitian police” force have become quite indistinguishable. The Director General of the Haitian National Police (PNH), Godson Orélus, formally commands this domestic force and is called to answer for its actions; nevertheless it is trained by advisors from the Virginia-based United States private military and security contractor (PMSC) DynCorp, who are inserted in the UN, probably as part of its supposed “international civilian personnel” (343) or “Volunteers” (130). In April 2013, DynCorp received a $48.6 million contract from the US State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, for a one-year base period with three one-year options, for the insertion of its trainees into the UN police force in Haiti. On the occasion, DynCorp boasted of having already trained over 400 “Haitian police.”  

 It's also important to remember that, as I wrote in the article about the Clinton Foundation and their joint ventures with Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, that Slim sent members of the Mexican Army to Haiti as well. In reality, instead of being a crowning achievement for DynCorp... 

  In keeping with their training by MINUSTAH, or rather DynCorp via MINUSTAH, more than 600 members of the PNH (variously called BIM, CIMO, UDMO, BLT, DCPR, Politour, etc. for their specializations) have been dismissed from the force for crimes that include rape, drug trafficking, and murder, the most recent purge being in June 2014. On August 10, 2014, five PNH members organized a prison break involving 329 prisoners as a cover for an escape by the rich scion Clifford Brandt. MINUSTAH admitted that it had trained all five individuals who had taken bribes to organize Brandt’s escape.  

 Once again George Webb brings our attention to DynCorp's involvement in Haiti along with that of the Clintons, this time in the personage of their foundation... which should come no surprise. Going back to all of that cocaine being smuggled into Mena Arkansas when Bill was governor- that stuff didn't walk all the way from Colombia, it flew, likely on planes owned by DynCorp. After the earthquake, journalist Monica Peterson was investigating links between the Clinton Foundation and child trafficking. 

 And then she committed suicide after finding the biggest story of her career... nothing to see here! What really happened in Haiti and what she likely uncovered was a masterpiece of corruption, collusion and criminality as a consortium of government agencies such as the State Dept. and USAID collaborated with NGO's such as the Clinton Foundation, the Red Cross, Friends of the Orphans and others, DynCorp and the UN in the biggest human trafficking (mostly children) and organ harvesting (there were hospital ships just offshore) operation in history.

 Webb's open source findings have revealed a pattern of agitation and disruption, military and economic subjugation and human exploitation, repeated across Africa and many other nations in the Balkans and Middle East.  It is now unfolding at our doorstep in Haiti and evidence points to the same type of ratline operations right here in the USA.  At the heart of day to day operations is DynCorp. 

 The new Moniker is "DynCorp, Haiti and Me: Who Killed Monica Petersen?" 

 2-2-2017 Addendum:  The moniker has been changed again to "The DynCorp Harvest." 

 The problem here is war, and refugees are a profit center for a class of people who view humanity as livestock to be harvested, consumed, and tossed aside like garbage.  This is about Psychopathic behavior; the behavior of a few, so far outside social norms it threatens to destroy the most powerful empire the world has ever known. 

I suppose, all things considered, Haiti was a triumph for DynCorp... just not the one they advertised.

 DynCorp is truly one of the most evil corporations on earth. A point I've tried to stress over and over when writing posts about wars is that nothing goes to waste,if there is a dollar to be made from human misery, be it in the form of body parts, child sex slaves, drugs, or any other commodity, DynCorp is there and with them corrupt governments, NGO's and the other whores of war. 


Truly disturbing. Honestly, what disturbs me most about Dyncorp and it's intimate relationships to US government and various officials and persons notable throughout the world is that most people confronted with the first hint of such horror simply block it out, as if they were traumatized as young children and their only means of dealing with it was to act as if it had never happened.

To me this reveals the deep harm propaganda and cultural marxism has effected in America particularly, although the phenomenon appears to be global. It is certain that such weakening of our society and peoples will have dire consequences in the future, and when such people can no longer just turn their heads away - because their loved ones or lives have been chosen as targets, for example - a backlash of unpredictable extent will ensue.

Not only is it necessary for all of us to act as life preservers for the innocents drowning in their own blood, drawn by the blades funded with our taxes, just because we're good people, but should we fail it is our own posterity that will feel their flesh, blood, and bones stripped from them and consumed in the gory maw of our health and pharmaceutical industry.

It is difficult not to become hardened against such people, who surely deserve what they will reap.

We reap what we sow. No good intentions can affect that. Unwillingness to act to defend what is good is tantamount to personally effecting the evil that destroys it, and each person bears responsibility personally for how they effect their sovereign authority.

We can proclaim the truth, but only they who have ears can hear.

Stones cannot hear, and are crushed into the gravel that will pave the way into our future felicity by those that overcome the darkness to light the day dawning. Our posterity will inherit what we create.


The whole purpose of Hollywood is to run cover for these people and glorify their deeds. The "White Helmets" is one of the in the ground forces trafficking children and stealing their organs and there's about 4-5 movies out saying what heroes they are.

One point I'm trying to make (poorly I think) is that these aren't isolated companies, or entities but a part of a huge network that involves governments, NGO's, the military, foundations, the UN. This monstrosity is gigantic!!!

Makes me so angry that these Godless demented people are still walking free...

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They're the ones running the show!

Down here they are, they will have to answer for their depravity one day...

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Surrounded by ever grimmer darkness, the world has become lawless.

Their crimes always involve innocent blood - children. An interdimensional war of good vs. evil!

These creatures that pose as humans on earth have not understood what is coming to them:

Ezekiel 35:6

Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee.

I'm prepared to keep fighting- in this life and the next... and the next...

Oh Rich, there are no tears in heaven. Only one more life and it is for eternity, according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Evil is not allowed in and will have been brought to justice.

"Heaven has a strict immigration policy.
Hell has open borders."
Sign in front of a church somewhere in Arkansas

Now you know why I live in Arkansas! I figure if God needs a warrior somewhere he'll send me... If I'm worthy!

God uses the most unexpected among us to do great things.
You are blessed!

As I call them- the least likely suspects! I truly am blessed, especially to have friends such as you!!!

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this is a great eye opener and good infromation to know for every human on earth! great @richq11

upvote and restreemed!

Thank you!

Highly rEsteemed.

A Deep DARK Dive...


Thanks my friend! I've been wanting to write this for a long time but only had enough data to keep alluding to DynCorp's evil. I finally got enough material to devote an entire post to them (and some of their friends.)

Thank you for this well researched piece. I did one a couple days ago on the trafficking of organs taking place right here in the U.S. and pointed out that it is a no brainer that many being trafficked across the border here are not just sex trafficking, but organ harvesting as well.

Some of our hospitals (maybe all...shrugs) are proven to be involved as they use the term brain dead which in many cases is a fabrication based on flimsy criteria.

It took me weeks to research, as I had to put it aside as it was making me sick. I think what is coming out is just the beginning of something much larger.

I consider this article to be a companion piece to the one I did, and resteemed it. Blessings to you and yours, and hope you are feeling better than you were some months ago.

Thank you! I read your article and upvoted it. I wrote a similar article about a year ago. Chicago has the highest murder rate in the country and nobody seems anxious to stop it... I found out that the university hospitals (that's where the preponderance seems to take place) in the area are involved including several in Indiana.