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RE: Arsitektur dan Fungsi lain "Meunasah" Dakuta, Aceh Utara.

in #indonesia8 days ago

I created both images to help you find the actual location of the PIN, I'm not quite sure the location PIN is accurate.

If you look at the two images I shared are you quite sure of the location PIN you marked? If you are guided by Google map then I am very sure that the actual location PIN is in the location that I have marked with the image 🚩.

If you agree with me, please edit your post and replace it with a new location PIN.


Saya tidak begitu yakin lokasi PIN tersebut akurat.

Ya.. Saya pikir untuk meninjau kembali PIN lokasi tersebut,

Terimakasih telah memberikan saran.

Jika Anda setuju dengan saya, silakan edit postingan Anda dan ganti dengan PIN lokasi baru.

Sudah diperbaiki, terima kasih...