Indonesia Recently Ranked The Most Generous Country In The World

Indonesia has recently been named the most generous country in the world according to the 2018 World Giving Index that comes from the Charities Aid Foundation.
The index is a survey that looks at giving trends worldwide, it analyzes 3 different behaviors to try and measure the generosity of those in the country and this includes asking those who participate in the survey about money that gets donated,helping a stranger, and volunteering within the past month.
The 2018 Giving Index includes data that was collected from over 140 countries throughout 2017.
The surveys were conducted by telephone or face-to-face depending on the country’s telephone coverage, in most countries roughly 1000 surveys had been completed.

Last year, Indonesia was seen to come in second place, behind Myanmar, but now they have taken the first spot on the list with Myanmar falling several spots to 9th place.
As for volunteering participation, Indonesia ranks the highest with 53 percent, but as far as participating in donating money they rank even higher; seen to be around 78 percent. Helping a stranger; participation stands at about 46 percent. The overall score for Indonesia was 59 percent on the generosity index.
A growing giving trend...
The same wasn't seen for the money-giving though, as the prevalence of donations has continually declined..
For those in developed nations however, money donations have increased about 40 percent, while donations from those who are living in developing countries have fallen.
Following Indonesia, Australia came in 2nd place, then New Zealand, United States, Ireland, the U.K., Singapore, Kenya, Myanmar, and Bahrain in 10th place.

generosity is more than a culture, that if it is included more in education I think the world would be different. congratulations for the inhabitants of indonesia
how beautiful Indonesia looks and more beautiful how generous they are
happy nights friend greetings
Thanks to countries like Indonesia, other countries have received support God bless that work always, they are an example to follow for the rest of the world
That's very interesting and i salute everyone who helps others and charities foundation, indonesia is an exemple for other countries . But i have a little question: what makes them the most generous in the world and what makes a country more generous than another? Is it traditions, culture or religion that plays roles in that ?? It will be very interesting if research will be done to understand how it works. However thanks for your article :)
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Beautiful country Indonesia more beautiful ...
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