범계역에서 저녁 먹고 산책 Dinner and a Walk at Beomgye Station 🌆🚶‍♂️🍽️steemCreated with Sketch.

2025.02.22 토요일, 범계역 근처 쿠우쿠우

학교 후배와 산책할 기회가 생겼다.🚶‍♂️🌳
본래는 점심을 같이 먹고 평촌역과 범계역 사이에 있는 중앙공원을 산책하기로 했는데, 학교 후배가 일정이 있어서 저녁으로 미뤄졌다.🌆
나도 저녁에는 일정이 따로 없어서 저녁에 보기로 했다. 🍽️

I had a chance to go for a walk with a junior from school. 🚶‍♂️🌳

Originally, we planned to have lunch together
and take a walk in Jungang Park,
which is located between Pyeongchon Station and Beomgye Station.

However, my junior had other plans,
so we postponed it to the evening. 🌆

Since I didn’t have any plans for the night either,
we decided to meet for dinner instead. 🍽️


저녁을 뭘 먹을지 고민하다가 결국에는 초밥뷔페인 쿠우쿠우로 가게 됐다. 정말 오랜만에 오게 된 곳이다.🍣🥢
이런저런 얘기를 하면서 저녁을 배부르게 먹고(맛도 있고 괜찮았다.😋), 중앙공원을 한바퀴 돌고 학교 후배 집쪽으로 30분 정도를 걸으면서🌳🚶‍♂️
더 얘기하고 버스를 타고 집으로 돌아왔다.🚌🏡

술도 안먹고 굉장히 건전한 느낌으로 돌아와서 좋았다.😊

After debating what to eat,
we finally decided on KuuKuu, a sushi buffet. 🍣🥢

It had been a long time since I last visited,
and the food was delicious and satisfying. 😋

We had a great conversation over dinner,
then took a walk around Jungang Park. 🌳🚶‍♂️

After that, we walked 30 more minutes
toward my junior’s home while chatting,
then I took a bus home. 🚌🏡

It felt refreshing to have such a wholesome night
no alcohol, just a relaxing and meaningful time. 😊