퇴근 후 회사 동료들과 저녁 먹고 당구 🍽️🎱

2025.02.27 목요일, 판교 근처 중국집 동청담
우리팀 사람들과 예전 우리팀이었던 수석님까지 나포함해서 4명이서 저녁을 먹고 당구를 쳤다.
중국집에서 탕수육과 깐풍기, 볶음밥을 시켜서 소주와 함께 배부르게 먹고 당구를 쳤다.🍛🥢🍶
Four of us, including our team members
and a former senior colleague,
had dinner together and then played billiards.
At a Chinese restaurant,
we ordered tangsuyuk, ganpoongi, and fried rice,
paired with soju for a satisfying meal. 🍛🥢🍶
당구를 치는데 옆 당구대에서 예전에 같은 팀인데 지금은 퇴사한 동료도 만났다.👀
넷이서 4구를 쳤는데, 내가 젤 실력이 좋지 않아서 50점을 놓고, 나머지는 120, 170, 240을 두고 치게 됐다.🎱
내가 2등으로 클리어(?)하게 되어 당구비를 물지 않게 됐다.😂🎉
당구는 재밌게 쳤지만 우리 팀의 암울한 상황에 대해 많은 얘기를 했다.🤦♂️
뭐 해결책은 없다.. 어떻게 될지는 잘 해봐야지 머..😓
While playing, we ran into a former teammate
who had left the company and was playing at the next table. 👀
We played four-ball together.
Since I was the weakest player,
I started with 50 points,
while the others played with 120, 170, and 240 points. 🎱
Surprisingly, I finished second,
which meant I didn’t have to pay for the game! 😂🎉
Although we had fun playing,
we also talked a lot about our team’s bleak situation. 🤦♂️
There’s no real solution...
We’ll just have to see how things go. 😓