When You Help Others, Help Often Returns to YOU!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

This past weekend, @denmarkguy and I finished our last arts and crafts show of the 2024 holiday season.


Every year, we like to go sell our respective creative wares at these events, both for the fun of it, as well as to earn a little extra money for the holiday season. In addition, since we are both self-employed and work from home, it's good to get out in the world and interact with people!

Anyway, one of the messages I always like to impart to people is that one of the ways we often end up receiving when we are in need is by giving to others.

Maybe that sounds counterintuitive, but it tends to work on the principle that someone has to start the trend of generosity and lovingkindness. You can't just sit around and wait for good things to happen, you have to create good things, and then they will happen back to you.


As an object lesson in precisely this principle, we did not have the best of shows, financially speaking. We had a lot of fun but people were not spending much money this year. In spite of this, I decided to patronize a number of the other sellers who had worked equally hard to put on a good presentation of their creativity.

Some might say "but you only made a LITTLE, why would you use it up, rather than save it, or use it for your own essentials?"

But here's where the Universe sometimes works in invisible ways we cannot immediately pinpoint: When we got home on Sunday night — tired and ready to just sit and relax — I found that I had no less than six new bookings for counseling sessions that had come in, over the weekend! Normally, I would feel grateful to have just one or two.


So while we might not have sold as much as we could have wished at the event, and a good bit of it was spent on-site, the Universe stepped in and "provided" more than enough to make up for having helped those other merchants — in a small way — who also felt disappointed at the holiday fair.

Sometimes we might look at our last $5 bill and think "this is all I have," and then find someone who needs it more than we do.

This is the true principle of paying it forward. And it's how we can help spread goodwill in the world, and make everyone's life a little more cheerful.

Thanks for coming to visit, and Bright Blessings to all!

You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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