Happy Life: Gratitude and Appreciation of What We Already Have!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

Not so long ago, I was considering the way we sometimes forget to ”enjoy the moment” because we are always looking forward to something that is going to happen in the future as the determinant for our happiness, or satisfaction, or inner peace or whatever we are striving to achieve.


Recently, a client was lamenting how she ”wished she had told her sister she loved and appreciated her, and spent time with her, more often,” following that sister’s sudden and unexpected passing away due to cancer.

Maybe you have heard variations of this, yourself, or even felt it: A sense of regret that we didn't do or say something, while we had the opportunity and now the opportunity is gone.

Perhaps we blame ”our busy lives” or maybe we simply feel like — and rationalize extensively — we will ”have plenty of time and opportunity, later.”

The problem there is that we are putting our faith in some kind of certainty, in an existence that is far from certain.


The world of 2025 has changed considerably from the world of our parents; the world of our grandparents. We now live in a world where young people suddenly keel over and die, for mysterious reasons, with no warning. We live in a world in which people have traded in once safe life-long careers for ”job hopping” every 12-18 months. We live in a world where seeming life security can turn into homelessness in the blink of an eye. We live in a world where ever more children get cancer.

As I have written many times before — and often tell my counseling clients — gratitude is very important. Practice gratitude!

Expressing and sharing our gratitude for what already is can be a powerful tool in helping us not end up feeling regrets.


And sometimes it’s the little things that end up poking at the corners of our minds and memories for a long time, after they are gone.

For example, many years ago, our sweet orange cat suddenly suffered acute kidney failure and passed away at just four years of age. I still think about him, and sometimes wish I had spent more time playing with him than I did, because I thought he would be around for many years.

I’m not suggesting that we spend our lives going through life like there’s a horrible disaster lurking around every corner! I’m only suggesting that we find moments to remember that we likely already have something good and worthwhile in our lives.


We may believe that we will be ”happy” and our lives will be ”perfect” when we move to that big shiny house, but let us also be grateful that we currently have a house, and it has a warm bed and it keeps us dry… even if there’s not enough room, and the basement smells of mold!

You’re not too busy to take a moment for gratitude, every now and then!

I appreciate you coming to visit, and Bright Blessings to everyone!

You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)

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Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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