Better Living: What We Want… and What We GET

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

We all want what we want, right?

That is, we sit down and make some sort of plan and visualize a goal or a life or a future that we have a pretty good idea of what we want to look like.


For some people, that actually ends up coming true.

For most of us, we end up with some place where reality intersects with our wants and dreams and desires. More often than not there can be a considerable gap between point A and point B!

Typically, we're given to complain and moan and groan when things haven't turned out the way we want it. Whereas that is natural, when we focus so much on the downside of our experience, we tend to overlook the fact that sometimes what we get is actually a better outcome than what we thought we wanted.


The lesson here is that we human beings are a funny bunch!

We're actually not very good at choosing the things and actions that make us happy, and the motivations behind our choices are often not the best.

That's why I always recommend to clients — and this is also in evidence in the vast body of workshops and books and seminars out there — the importance of knowing yourself. Not just knowing yourself on a superficial level, but really knowing yourself in depth.

And that can be a surprisingly sneaky thing!


You see, even when we studied something and determined that we think we know what we want we often forget to ask the question of whether we're wanting this to make a public impression that we think will make us happy, or whether we are choosing the thing that truly will make us happy and perhaps doesn't actually come from a place of focusing as much on other people's opinions of what we're doing.

Part of truly knowing yourself is contemplating the question not so much of what motivates you but who motivates you? Are you truly motivated by yourself? Are you truly motivated by your own desires? Or are you choosing to do things for other people?


Doing things for other people seldom works out very well, at least not as an actual life path. It's find and noble as a momentary favor you do for someone, but not as the centerpiece of your bigger picture.

Think of all the times when people do things like try to lose weight or give up smoking for somebody else. It doesn't really work because we're trying to please the other person rather than actually fill their own souls. Maybe we actually like — on a deep level — the things we're trying to change or give up.

That'll soon enough lead to a feeling of bitterness and resentment, and that's not what we want.


Of course, sometimes the choice is made for us by circumstances, and it's not uncommon that we end up with outcomes we actually end up being grateful for, even though we initially rejected them as "wrong for us."

It's important to stay open to what we get, not just the pursuit of what we thing we want.

We could be wrong!

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