Be Open to the Unseen Forces and Influences Around You!

in WORLD OF XPILAR6 days ago

People "experience" many things that can neither be seen nor explained.

After all, spirituality and religion are based in these premises.


Of course, those are the straightforward and generally accepted things to say... but we experience so much more.

There was a solar eclipse recently, and a lot of people I know started talking about feeling "a little off-center" and "not themselves."

Then we get a major "solar storm" and people once again start talking about not feeling entirely right.

Of course, people have talked about strange behavior surrounding the full Moon for centuries.


Science likes to dismiss many such claims as "nonsense," primarily because they cannot be studied or monitored or reproduced or measured in a lab. Therefore they "don't exist."

Sure we know and see the Solar eclipse, but we can't ascertain that it "does anything" to people's moods.

But how do we actually know?

It is easy to say that these things are all in our imagination, and categorically state that "heavenly bodies" have no effect on us.


And yet? Just here where I live, the gravitational pull of our own Moon is responsible for the ocean on our beach down the road rising and falling more than ten feet every day.

As far as I am concerned, that's not exactly "nothing."

Have you ever had an MRI done at your local clinic or hospital? Most people can very readily feel the magnetic field generated by the imaging machine. In fact, even those present nearby — and not being scanned — report feeling vertigo, dizziness and nausea sometimes.

That is also not exactly nothing.

So who is to say that we humans are not capable of detecting slight changes in energy and magnetism, not just the large and obvious ones?


I have had many elderly relatives who claimed they could feel changing weather (due to changing barometric pressure) in their bones, and they were often more accurate than the network weather forecast!

Maybe we have a tendency to dismiss the "unseen" because it makes us uncomfortable to think there are "things" around us that can influence us, but we can't see or measure them.

I would suggest making peace with it, and not fighting it. Instead, just observe, and be open to whatever you might be able to learn, with an open mind and an open heart!

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You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)

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