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RE: 2024: Time Is Almost Up!

No. I did not set goals different from surviving and relaxing as much as possible. I became way older than expected so live in borrowed time. My goal was to live long enough the youngest would be 18 amd the children can survive on their own. I reached that point in 2024 so good enough to be satisfied.

I tried to do what I liked most and today I still do. My days are extremely short (not due winter) because I have plenty to do. I like what I do, I could do more, better but success and goals are subjective and I only make a promise if I know I will keep it no matter if I sacrifice everything.

Living by the moment is enough.


 3 months ago 

Living in the moment is a good approach... particularly when you feel uncertain about your time; I know this feeling from myself, because I have a heart condition and today might be my last.

The main thing is to be able to do the things we really like, and I am blessed to be able to do that.

I'm sorry to hear about your heart condition but hope that won't stop you from getting what fullfils you.

Indeed it is a blessing if there's no longer a need to rush. I hope you feel better by the time you read this and can let go of the disappointment/s.

All the best

@ wakeupkitty

