2024: Time Is Almost Up!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

There comes a time when the inevitability of the end of the year looms so large that you must come to terms with the fact that you're just not going to reach some of the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.


As I write these words, I'm looking at several of my 2024 goals — some of which are related to writing, some to my businesses and a few other things — and I realize with just two days to go in the old year I'm at about 98% of my target but there's still no way I'm actually going to completely get there.

I'm going to have to be content with falling one percent short.

Perhaps it's just human nature that we like things to be more definitive than just missed it or just scraped by!

The more I look at 2004, the more it looks like it's going to be one of those years where I almost made it on many fronts but fell just a little bit short across a wide number of goals I had set myself.


I suppose "a little bit short" is not so terrible, as compared to way short, but it still goes to show that even though I worked quite hard this year it was not enough to make it to my projected numbers. I expect I'm not alone in that boat because it was kind of a slow year for many people.

I've spoken to several of my colleagues who work in various arts and creativity fields and they're almost all reporting pretty much the same. They were hoping to make some gains in 2024 and instead they ended up at pretty much flat or slightly down.

In some ways, it just underscores the sad reality that "the economy" and how individual people are doing in their lives has become increasingly disconnected over the past couple of decades. The fact that there are "record corporate profits" has nothing at all to do with my ability to buy things at the supermarket!


At the moment I'm trying to comfort myself with the fact that any goals I had related to crypto were somewhat crippled by the fact that most of the Alt coins actually ended up having a flat to down year.

Even as I write these words it's touch and go as to whether our Steem token is going to make it to the end of the year above or below where it ended 2023. The target there is $0.2542. Right now we're above that number, but as usual we just had a recent spike in the price, and Steem is falling like a rock now.

2024 in terms of my artwork also turned out to be "decent," but slightly down from 2023. I was a lot more active — in terms of social media and marketing and trying to get my name out there — in 2024, but it didn't seem to help bottom line sales any.


I still haven't gotten around to sitting down and making any consequential goals for 2025, whether it's for Steemit or for anything else I'm involved in. If anything, I'm feeling a little bit lackluster about everything right now, which is not really a good place to be in!

Hopefully I'll get over myself in the next couple of days!

Till then, thanks for stopping by, and have a great New Year's week ahead!

How about you? Did you set goals for 2024? How have your actual results been? Are you setting goals or making New Year's resolutions for 2025? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.12.30 00:26 PST


No. I did not set goals different from surviving and relaxing as much as possible. I became way older than expected so live in borrowed time. My goal was to live long enough the youngest would be 18 amd the children can survive on their own. I reached that point in 2024 so good enough to be satisfied.

I tried to do what I liked most and today I still do. My days are extremely short (not due winter) because I have plenty to do. I like what I do, I could do more, better but success and goals are subjective and I only make a promise if I know I will keep it no matter if I sacrifice everything.

Living by the moment is enough.


 3 months ago 

Living in the moment is a good approach... particularly when you feel uncertain about your time; I know this feeling from myself, because I have a heart condition and today might be my last.

The main thing is to be able to do the things we really like, and I am blessed to be able to do that.

I'm sorry to hear about your heart condition but hope that won't stop you from getting what fullfils you.

Indeed it is a blessing if there's no longer a need to rush. I hope you feel better by the time you read this and can let go of the disappointment/s.

All the best

@ wakeupkitty

