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RE: ๐ Fortnite - My first WIN! Never thought I would enjoy this game!
I've never played it. I used to like games like this but ended up on some Call of Duty server recently which didn't last long. I kept respawning and getting killed which was just shit so I turned it off and started playing Battlefield on the xBox One instead.
I've been wanting to write a post about (retro) gaming for more than a month but not made the time yet. Seeing you and @mojociocio writing makes me want to pull my finger out and do it!
That sounds fun, now that you mentioned retro games I feel like I need to try some childhood games, maybe some Bomberman or Supaplex, or go even further an old Tetris.
A post about retro gaming would be fun, who knows maybe you get some free time these holidays for it.
I don't remember Supaplex but I love (what's now called) a retro game.
I've written a few posts about gaming in the past. If you scroll down to "Gaming" in this post, there's a few you might enjoy. I particularly enjoyed writing the series of posts about my "All Time Top 20" which was extremely difficult to compile. This was the final part and you'll see the entire list at the end.
I've started "collecting" old consoles. It's not really collecting because I want to play all of the best games on them. I'm going to write about LA Noire on the xBox 360 at some point. I've taken the photos of some gameplay but just haven't made the time yet.
If you enjoy reading about gaming, @whoisjohn is always an enjoyable read. Especially when he has a few drinks and pays for something that he doesn't really want ๐
Just went through the list, saved some names that I forgot I ever played, need to look them up maybe I can find them somewhere to retry them:
I spent countless nights in net cafes when I was younger playing these. I remember when the first 3D Worms came out and we were able to play it on LAN, so much fun.
Regarding consoles, I am trying to find an old Nintento Wii, it's the only console I haven't tried it and the Wii Sports look fun to play with friends. If I won't find one in decent shape I will go for a Switch sooner or later.
Also took a peak on @whoisjohn, looks like something I'd enjoy reading. Don't know how I missed him, he doesn't post in a community and probably that's why I haven't seen a post yet.
Ah, multiplayer Worms. For me it was with school friends, sat around a single computer, waiting for our turn in the hot seat.
With Mortal Kombat, I remember getting a magazine which told me how to turn the blood on and then all of the finishing moves.
They're all such classic games - In hindsight, I'm a little surprised that I included Space Invaders. It's so nice looking back at the post and reminding myself of some amazing games!
I recently picked up a Wii U (already owned a Wii) and think that it's worth getting the U version if it doesn't cost much more. (Fact check this:) You can put it in "old" mode which gives you the old Wii interface and allows you to play old games.
There used to be a "Gaming" community and he posted there. I try to pop in on him as often as I can ๐