👑 Fortnite - My first WIN! Never thought I would enjoy this game!

Lately I kept seeing ads, blog posts, tiktok videos about the new mode Fortnite is going to release, a new mode that will be a direct competitor to CS 2 and Valorant. Did some research, found it was released on 11 of December so I went to Epic Games and downloaded the game. I don't know why I really wanted to try this mode, probably out of boredom. The thing is that since the mode was new their servers weren't ready they had bugs and I barely managed to que a match for that mode that ended without an error after a couple of rounds.


Now since I've installed the game and the mode I really wanted to play test wasn't really ready, I went and played the classic battle royale mode but without the building mechanics.

And here it is, I will share the video from my youtube channel down below and then highlight the match below.

Also forgot to mention, I haven't played Fortnite for real before, I only used the game to test PCs before, the gameplay you'll see it's like my 3rd or 4th time playing a full match, and also my first win.

Youtube video:

I don't know the good places to drop or where the good loot is, I randomly jumped out of the bus where I thought there would be a smaller number of enemies around. Not long after hitting the ground, got some weapons and some ammo and I heard a guy hitting the wall to destroy it so I had to take some measures.


And this is where I got my first kill of the game, I guess he wasn't expecting anyone to be waiting for him on the other side of the wall.

The zone I was in didn't have that much loot, or I didn't know where exactly to look, so I grabbed a car and started moving from area to area searching for loot chests to get better weapons, armor and bandages for future fights.


The time between my first and second kill was like 5 minutes, I had plenty of time to move around and search for loot, while in room opening a chest, this enemy player caught me off guard and almost got me, luckily I managed to get out and he pushed me but I had the "higher ground" here and got him.


After healing and getting my armor back up I heard shots from behind the hill next to me so I went to check, these were easy targets, both probably took damage from each other so I took my chance and took them out.

This is the first guy I took out.


And here comes the second one.


At this point I had 4 kills and there were 34 players left in the match, more than half of the players were already dead and this was in the ~7th minute. With the 5th guy I met randomly we were both moving over the map.


I guess I had the better weapon, it felt like his was shooting slower, mine with a higher fire rate was punching him fast.

6th kill was nothing special, saw the guy running in the field ahead, jumped out of the car and took him in my crosshair.


Now for the next minutes I kept roaming around, waiting for the circle to shrink and the enemy number to decrease, by the time I encountered the next enemy we were 12 players left alive. 11* after taking him out.


In my exploring journey around the zone while searching for enemies I found this sort of bunker where you could jump inside from the top of the mountain so I went in.


Usually these hideouts in games are full with good loot, this wasn't the case here because someone was already inside waiting for me to come in.


5 players left in a pretty small circle, only minutes left until we see who comes out victorious from the battle royale, my 9th kill comes luckily from a player that was paying attention to someone else.


As for my last 2 kills, I can't really describe the madness that took place, how the 2 enemies left were jumping and fighting around, I barely understood what is happening, you'd have to watch the last minutes of my gameplay to understand.

Here is the 10th kill, watch how he tried to run away, almost escaping.


And the 11th one and last:



It was a super fun match, 11 kills far exceeded my expectations, the game is probably skill based and since I am new to the game it places me in low ranks/low mmr, as I continue to play it will become harder and harder and I will be put in lobbies with higher ranks/mmr.

Wanted to say sorry if the GIFs are annoying, I wanted to showcase each kill in a GIF for people that will skip the video, hopefully the post loads ok and it doesn't break while loading the images/GIFs.

I never thought I would start playing this and actually enjoy it. In the end I'd like to ask you, have you played Fortnite? How was it for you? If not, what made you not try it yet?

Until next episode, I am wishing you a great day!

Thanks for leveling up with me! 🎮
If you enjoyed this post, drop a comment below and share your thoughts. Got any tips, tricks, or epic gaming moments of your own? Let’s talk! Until next time, keep grinding, stay sharp, and may your loot be legendary. 🚀💥

Note: All the images and GIFs used in this post were created from my Gameplay.

Stats for nerds
Recording Software: nVidia Shadowplay
Recording Resolution: 1440p 60fps
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600
GPU: RTX 4060
RAM: 32GB DDR4 3200Mhz
 3 months ago 

I've never played it. I used to like games like this but ended up on some Call of Duty server recently which didn't last long. I kept respawning and getting killed which was just shit so I turned it off and started playing Battlefield on the xBox One instead.

I've been wanting to write a post about (retro) gaming for more than a month but not made the time yet. Seeing you and @mojociocio writing makes me want to pull my finger out and do it!

That sounds fun, now that you mentioned retro games I feel like I need to try some childhood games, maybe some Bomberman or Supaplex, or go even further an old Tetris.

A post about retro gaming would be fun, who knows maybe you get some free time these holidays for it.

 3 months ago 

I don't remember Supaplex but I love (what's now called) a retro game.

I've written a few posts about gaming in the past. If you scroll down to "Gaming" in this post, there's a few you might enjoy. I particularly enjoyed writing the series of posts about my "All Time Top 20" which was extremely difficult to compile. This was the final part and you'll see the entire list at the end.

I've started "collecting" old consoles. It's not really collecting because I want to play all of the best games on them. I'm going to write about LA Noire on the xBox 360 at some point. I've taken the photos of some gameplay but just haven't made the time yet.

If you enjoy reading about gaming, @whoisjohn is always an enjoyable read. Especially when he has a few drinks and pays for something that he doesn't really want 😆

Just went through the list, saved some names that I forgot I ever played, need to look them up maybe I can find them somewhere to retry them:

  • Space Invaders
  • That top down GTA
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Street Fighter
  • Worms
  • Super Mario

I spent countless nights in net cafes when I was younger playing these. I remember when the first 3D Worms came out and we were able to play it on LAN, so much fun.

Regarding consoles, I am trying to find an old Nintento Wii, it's the only console I haven't tried it and the Wii Sports look fun to play with friends. If I won't find one in decent shape I will go for a Switch sooner or later.

Also took a peak on @whoisjohn, looks like something I'd enjoy reading. Don't know how I missed him, he doesn't post in a community and probably that's why I haven't seen a post yet.

 3 months ago 

I remember when the first 3D Worms came out and we were able to play it on LAN, so much fun.

Ah, multiplayer Worms. For me it was with school friends, sat around a single computer, waiting for our turn in the hot seat.

With Mortal Kombat, I remember getting a magazine which told me how to turn the blood on and then all of the finishing moves.

They're all such classic games - In hindsight, I'm a little surprised that I included Space Invaders. It's so nice looking back at the post and reminding myself of some amazing games!

Regarding consoles, I am trying to find an old Nintento Wii, it's the only console I haven't tried it and the Wii Sports look fun to play with friends. If I won't find one in decent shape I will go for a Switch sooner or later.

I recently picked up a Wii U (already owned a Wii) and think that it's worth getting the U version if it doesn't cost much more. (Fact check this:) You can put it in "old" mode which gives you the old Wii interface and allows you to play old games.

Don't know how I missed him, he doesn't post in a community and probably that's why I haven't seen a post yet.

There used to be a "Gaming" community and he posted there. I try to pop in on him as often as I can 🙂

 3 months ago 

Hi, @ady-was-here,

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