What is happening with Steemit?

Hello dear Steemians,
During last weeks we see more regular that picture and get panic what happen to my Post/ Comment or has the user received my Upvote, because we do not see anything on Steemit. for some time.
Often once we post any new post it takes about 30+ min before it appears on Steemit, I rememeber one user asked me if he should post the same post once again, I would not be surprised if people will do so and we see two identical posts within an hour in a blog.
The problem is not only to see the post that you produced, but also following is affected:
- one of the very recent example, this is my very recent comment, that was done at 15:29

Still I can see this picture:

The other example with Upvote, the post was voted at 13:34
Still when I checked at 14:22 there was no Upvote visible on Steemit
What is happening with Steemit
It is very frustrating to struggle for the last few days and to see that:
- despite of time is passing we do not have any Update about the issue, there is a direct connection to "Joanna" who is a Steemit Team representative and who was informed about the issue on 31/12/23 in Steem Representative Discord:*

And today I also dropped a message asking about the problem:

While then starting to search myself I came across this only post in Steem Dev. Community:

I will not cite all the post and only at the end:

At least it seems that the error is identified, my question is why it happens now and if it will get worse, what we should expect?
The next question is if anyone will do anything to fix it and how to fix it is not clear. I see that @justyy gave "thumb up" for this post so I hope that he has a solution for this problem. There is no real comment or feedback and I do not see anything from other developers but hopefully this visit time to time this Community because this is their area of expertise.
Hope to hear something from either Steemit Team or developers if anyone is already working on this issue, until then wishing you nice evening!

Same thing that has been happening to me, it takes around 30 minutes before i can see what i just posted.
When I noticed first time I thought that this is my computer but obviously when it happens repeatedly then it means something wrong with system.
And I thought that I was the only one unlucky and forgotten by God. Maybe soon the sun will rise on my street too? 🌞
No eres el único...
estos problemas son cada vez más frecuentes últimamente
It seems better now, so hopefully it is sorted :)
I haven't had this problem before, to be honest. Could it still depend on the browser / operating system etc.? There are so many variables at play...
Hey, this time it is quicker, have no idea what influences that but it is just very frustrating not to be able to do what we did before. The question is why it happens in the first instance and if there is a problem obviously that was going on for few days then it is better to let people know. My hubby was very irritated because being on holiday it is not really nice to get stuck and not be able to review the post, edit or pin it. Anyway, seems it is better now whatever and whoever has done anything.
Gracias por exponer el tema abiertamente. Muchas veces no sabemos a quién preguntar y lamentablemente los desarrolladores deberían informar antes de que uno pregunte.
Estaré pendiente de esta publicación para ver si alguien explica qué está pasando.
Saludos @stef1
I agree, if something happening with the program that is affecting the activity it is good to let people know, even a short post with notification especially if it is going on for few days.
Thank you for stopping by, Marcy
I had been experiencing this for quite some time. The same happened today; some comments and upvotes never showed up. Sometimes, during the update of a post before finally posting, the entire post disappeared, and I had to start from the beginning.
Hopefully, it's fixed!
Yesterday was the worst day, it was like getting worse and worse despite of almost a week. Yes, when editing the posts were gone for some time so it was not clear if it will come back or not. In our case we edited the post but the changes never displayed yesterday. Hopefully everything is somewhere in memory of the program and earlier or later will come.
Yes, yesterday was the worst in this regard.
The same thing is happening to me as well. I have just noticed that the manual curation, even from whale curators like sc01 or sc02, is also not added in the posts' upvote worth.
We can only hope for a quick solution from the Steemit Team and devs.
Yes, the whole system was not working the Upvotes were not displayed for hours, only in Steemworld and in interface of UPVU it was visible and those two programs were working fine.
As curators that must be hard because you can not see if post had already an upvote and giving an upvote some people may got twice and others none.
It seems better this morning but we will see it that is fixed completely or not.
It looks much better this morning. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Yes, at least they posts and comments displayed as they should be hope that will remain like that :)
Ya hace una semana que se viene presentando el problema, al menos en mi caso, debiese haber respuesta. Saludos
I believe the steemit team is aware of this @ety001 !thumbup
Thank you Justyy, it was fixed shortly after the post :)
This seems to have intermittently been a problem since right around Christmas. As best I can tell, it's not the blockchain itself, but the Steemit condenser that has the issue.
I have done the same as you with SteemWorld.org, and whatever actions we do get logged immediately. You can also use the upvu.org front end to double check... it's built on the ecency codebase and seems more stable when Steemit is "behaving badly."
But it's annoying, all the same!