Sunday: working day

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month




Hello my dear Steemians,


Instead of enjoying my free Sunday I had to work today, that is why my day was very ordinary wake up at 7AM and up to work till 5PM, unfortunately |i di not have any chance to go to fresh air and hope to catch up on some during the week.

To tell the truth during last few days I had sore throat and from Thursday on I lost my voice almost completely, I was able to whisper but once I tried to speak a bit louder my voice just break and it was very strange feeling because I felt normal, no temperature and did not feel ill but just problem with voice.

On Friday my voice was better I was able to speak but with quite horse voice that time to time was broken. I actually supposed to hold a presentation, I warned my colleagues that I have problem when I tried to speak louder. My colleagues did not even comment and everything went well.

Yesterday I was off and thought that one day is enough for my voice to recover but it as not really. Today when I went to work, my colleagues immediately noticed that I still have problemw ith voice, but it was much better.

My hope is that tomorrow I am back to normal as it will be very busy day with a outpatient clinic where I have about 9 patient and need to speak to them. Will see, wishing you ncie Sunday night.




  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




Good luck for tomorrow :)

 last month 

Ojalá mañana tu voz mejore y puedas atender a tus pacientes. Que broma con esa afonía, pero aún te quedan recursos tecnológicos para comunicarte con tus pacientes, tal vez WhatsApp o Alexa pueda ayudarte a comunicarte sin forzar tanto la voz.

Te deseo una mejor salud..!

¡Un fuerte abrazo..!