Story "Supernova"

It was 23d century and the world was going its usual routine. The rich countries live and were busy with their stuff and arm countries also lived supporting each other and enjoying their achievements, they had their dreams and that was a driving force for them.
As always we human are we were busy with our own little problems and were trying to do everything to reach our little goals.
Despite of that little happy live one day there was an announcement in Television that there is a star that is in the reach of our solar system that is starting to turn into Supernova. Since that news was announced the people stopped thinking about their little lives but about the live for our Earth and worries about the future generation. Many people became crazy and some of them took their lives and lives of their children and family. That was very sad. Still there were some strong people, scientists who worked hard and it was even looking like something is close to solution.
But every time we thought that it is the right thing, the next time it was clearly totally rubbish and it did not work. Slowly people and scientists were tired and decided just accept their fate.
One of them went towards the best place where he could observe it and while seeing the growth of Supernova he was just fascinated and after couple of minutes he then decided to have a sit and observe everything from the first row. The only thought he had was: “How this lethal natural disaster is beautiful!”

Very beautiful. First of all, the picture itself attracts all the attention. It is a very beautiful but very scary scene. Your writing, along with this picture, has created a very beautiful but scary scene.
Who knows what is going to happen in the near future, but I pray that nothing like this scene will happen.
This picture shocked me because I had seen a similar scene in a dream many years ago and the state of everyone in the dream is indescribable.
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