Fighting Abuse on Steem: PLAGIARISM and DECEPTION case: @kaafianmol

Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
Today I wanted to present you another case of ABUSE on Steemit platform. Actually that was a call from the user himself, of course he did not want to tell that he is Abuser but he asked me to view his „art“, leaving this comment under my last post. Of course, I wanted to visit the blog of the user to see if he might be someone who needs attention.
As you might know today is the day of @art-venture magazine therefore, my hubby @myskye was already checking for new posts for magazine and he went to see if the user has something extraordinary and we were SHOCKED to see how impudent the user was to claim that the works are his. They are stolen from others.
Let’s go step by step.
This is user’s blog, opened in May2021 @kaafianmol. Claims to be from India

Stolen post and I mean the whole posts text word in word with the idea of creating the Art, all the drawing steps and even the Signature of....@ezunjoshy

Here is the Original user, who is very well known to many Artists and who we, @art-venture know for couple of years, @ezunjoshy is from Nigeria and he posted this post about 2 month ago.
@ezunjoshy has his original style of drawing, I have mentioned to him already that his way is very distinct way of creating portrait and very easy recognizable. Also you can see his Signature. Please visit his blog and you will see what I mean

The post made me laugh, this user even did bother to change the text from previous when he presented a dog, look this is a HOUSE and see what the user say: DOG

Unfortunately, this house is also stolen:

But also, I am wondering if those people who were taged:
@steemchiller, @seo-boss and @mister-omortson have noticed that.
Under this post he has the links to posts that are stolen.
The case of @kaafianmol is the worst case of ABUSE without paying attention to the property of others and claiming that he did it, even within Steemit platform arrogantly taking the post of @ezunjoshy and word in word presenting as his own
- I noticed that he is posting in community “Account Booster” as he has a tag

Therefore, I would like to call for Community Admin and Moderators
But also I would like to let @steemcurator01 and @endingplagiarism, if it is possible to make a label like “Known Plagiarist” for such users. Such user should be blacklisted not only in this community, because they will start to do so in other communities. That is why if there would be such label for abusers that would make it easy for others to recognize abuser on early stage.
Please do not pass by, you post could be the next that is stolen and used by abusers.
If you like what we do, please support our Initiative, it takes a lot of time and research to collect the evidence and we are working hard on keeping Steem blockchain free of Plagiarism and Abuse. But also to protect Visual Art on Steemit.

Благодарю Стеф за упоминание!
Я ни разу не давал этому участнику upvote. И похоже я был прав.
Звание Staff sergeant имеет условный характер, что-товроде шутки. Но я обращу внимание @seo-boss, это он распределяет ранги.
Может быть он посадит нарушителя на гаупт вахту)
Да, действительно, наверное у тебя было предчувствие. А насчет звания, я понимаю, но для других будет казаться что он на белом листе. Дайте ему звание плагиариста :)
@seo-boss was du denkst uber diese Probleme?
Vielleicht geben wir diesem Soldat den Titel eines Strafraum?
👍 I've visited a few more of his posts to help get the message across.
I don't think it's possible to have a tag across multiple communities and I think that's down to each community to assign their own tags.
This is so embarassing doing this kind of plagiarism. Stealing from steemit itself and posting there is - like here said is the worst kind of it all. It would affect the credibility of the real creator.
It should brought into attention of newcomers in all cost. A strong mentality against plagiarism should grow with every new comer into steemit. I think awareness programmes with rewards for helping to find malpractices like these would be helpful too.
Thank you for that, we all have to work as a team. Hope the curators will look at the blogs of users before giving them upvotes and not only at the posts that are in their community.
I am amazed by our post, how can many people like this post, sometimes the picture is only one, I ask for guidance so that I can be like you
Menjadi pelajaran buat kita, bahwa seorang plagiat lambat laun akan ketauan juga
Tq @stef1
Congratulations dear friends @ stef1 @myskye for the great job you do.
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week
Thank you @jlufer for stopping by and glad you have read the post, it is good when more people know about such cases. Wishing you nice Sunday :)
Вот доказательство
спасибо за screenshot, сразу можно узнать подчерк художника
Hola amiga @stef1.
Muchas gracias a ti y a tu esposo por estar siempre atentos y guardianes del arte y que no ocurran o mejor dicho frenar el plagio.
Saludos y bendiciones.
Good investigation my friend! Great job!
Thank you for stopping by :)
Thanks for this, really.
This guy deserves what's coming to him.
It is a pleasure to be able to find this abuse. I can imagine your reaction, we had the same situation couple of years ago and I was furious.
Hola stef1. Bueno de acuerdo con comentarios anteriores, creo debe haber mas de un plagiario en la comunidad; sin saber si tenemos mas en otras comunidades. De acuerdo contigo en etiquetarlos para sí saber quienes son. Es lamentable este tipo de situaciones; pero siempre hay vivos a costilla de los demás. Saludos.
#onepercent #venezuela #affable