Abusing SteemcuratorXX accounts: are you doing good for users?

Hello dear Steemians,
Today I wanted to highlight this issue that is happening first time since the Initiative of the Steemit Team and the Steemcurators of the Communities are working.
To give a bit of idea what I am taling about, the Steemit Team started the Initiative of Curating Teams on Steemit Platform so that users who applied to be Curators do support the users because we know our community members and it is easy for us to reward the people who hard working and probably are not seen.
Here is the list of teams for December:
The whole idea is great and I am grateful for this gesture, that actually the Steemit Team is not really have to do but they just do it as a sign of a good will and also to keep the users active and reward them.
- During last few months on monthly basis there were 7 teams of various number of people selected and they were working together, they were given the posting keys of accounts*: Steemcurator03-08. Then after a month the users apply again and the names are mixed and matched into another 7 teams.
I do not know if in the past the keys were changed every time but obviously this time the keys were not changed and what is happening. Since today the 1st of December the other people using the curation keys but old team members still have the old keys and they are also working.
It is very tempting when it comes to rewards, isn’t it. That is very human, that we want to have something and if there is a chance to get it and still not to be fetched some people will do it.
This time the account Steemcurator07 was abused. |
Starting from 06:35 according my Steemworld program time the account started to give multiple Upvote to many users on Steemit with 100% but also that varied from 60 to 100% it seems voted very random and that makes it difficult to isolate who did it.
Obviously the suspicion will fall on the users who were using @steemcurator07 last month. Obviously the Steemit Team will investigate it and I really hope that the user who is abusing the account will be found and his name will be revealed to all the Steemit Community, because at the moment all 7 members will be under suspicion.

Now the key has been changed and the Upvotes that are given will be withdrawn that understandably will drain the Upvote Power of the account that means many other users will not be voted for the next few days because to recharge it will take now several days.
What harm been cause by this action? |
Doing that the anonymous user only made it worse for user on Steemit, it is like "Shooting yourself in the foot" it made worse for all the Curators who will be working, I only hope that the Steemit Team will continue his Initiative with the Curator teams and not decide to stop it.
When selecting the users, I know that there are conditions like:
- Reputation above 69
- SP 4500 and above
@steemcurator01, it does not automatically makes the user responsible if those two conditions are fulfilled. You know yourself, after getting few Upvote for couple of months from your account or SC02, the reputation is going up very quickly. The users collecting their Steem Power quickly too. But that does not mean that they are automatically good.
I know many responsible users who are on Steemit for a long time like started like me in 2017 but they post and do not have your visit that is why their accounts are still having less reputation.
I remember myself for me during old time to reach Reputation of 65 was few years.
I think you should reconsider that condition when choosing the Curators.
Also, it is important that we involve more users from Western countries because the financial stability and their income does not make them tempted. Many of them on Steemit for a long time too. They are on Steemit really for blogging and many happy to support users.
The other safety rule must be done regular:
- every month the posting keys should be changed
The other account @steemcurator04 was misused last night too, due to human error when the user forgot to log out with SC account and used it thinking that it is own account. That again make it difficult now for new curating teams.
Call for all Community Curators |
Dear Curators, please be careful when curating and pay attention to following important aspects:
Save SCXX account posting key somewhere save, so that if you share your computer with anyone else you do not give a reason to be tempted and using the account
Posting Key should be deleted from Discord channel
when Curating with SCXX accounts do not do any actions with your own or your community accounts. Close down everything else, that will eliminate errors
Log out with SCXX immediately after you finished curating
if you suspect that someone in your team is abusing account, you have to report to the Steemit Team. Because we do that in our real life then be responsible Curators
We all have to understand that we are harming ourselves with that and we may loose the privilege of supporting our community members. Please re-steem this post to give more visibility to help to raise the awareness of users
Message from @the-gorilla |

Are you serious?
Because of an isolated incident, after practically 8 months of this dynamic, now you mean that users who do not live in western countries are more prone to do this kind of things?
The United States is a "developed" country and the worst criminals, the most heinous serial criminals are from that country. Please.
Don't tell me that one person having a better economic income is better than another? I can't accept that.
Let it be investigated, let the precautions be taken for the next months but this kind of generalizations that you make with this "suggestion" I particularly cannot accept.
This statement was uncalled for. Does it mean that those from “non-werstern” countries are jobless and depend solely on Steemit? . This was a hasty generalised statement which was not necessary.
Too bad this happened, it took five days for the VP to recover, this is the most heinous behavior that should not be done.
That's why Attitude is the most important thing for every aspiring curator.
Thank you @sofian88 for your feedback. Yes, it will definitely take time and this is precious time that could be used to help our Steemians, who do their best and create their works according all necessary rules.
Yes, attitude and honesty as always very important in such work.
Yeah, probably not a good idea to share a posting key on a publicly accessible website :)
I'm glad you keep up with this stuff @stef1. I'm more informed because of it.
It is something like any passwords that we write on somewhere and stick next to computer. That is typical human behaviour.
please visit this link Don't blame the old curators, this is how it happened. I made a comment and I will say one thing, curators don't vote for new people's accounts, some vote only for people from their own country.
Of course, it would be good if you give a vote and give a motivation even to the newly joined people with less than 52 reputations. Being a curator you need to know change the old password I'm not telling them wrong Total mistake @arjuna1996. I told him about this. He admitted that he made a mistake
We were well beyond blaming the old curators and had already established that this account (@harithachamod) was linked to @arjuna1996 and your other "friend" @dilums.
Knowing that it was "@arjuna1996" who was fraudulently using the keys and you allegedly watched him as you received the upvotes, can you explain why you replied to your own posts with comments of:
Or once the votes had been removed and you saw the discussions happening across the platform did you realise that it was only a matter of time before somebody like me would link YOU to this activity so it would be easier to throw this other account under the bus.
Thank you for providing your support to clarify this problem, which unfortunately originated from an inexperienced action. Beyond seeking prominence like others, you were kind enough to seek solutions and that is appreciated, my friend.
You're welcome. I very nearly jumped to the wrong conclusion but held back whilst people like @petface shared what they could with me 🙂
So glad you were available @the-gorilla #dreamteam
Fortunately, the blockchain stores everything and anyone who knows how to figure it out will always catch a fraudster by the hand.
Great job, Gorilla 🖐 😊 👍
Many people do not know about this and that's where they get caught up and lose their reputation
You have to work hard to improve your reputation...you can lose your reputation in one moment.
Yes they are my friends I joined them to steem you missed sumanga he also one of my friend
I thank to curator because i dont know my friend vote as a curator. I also ask about steem srilanka about this why curator vote to my posts .
If I want do that i dont do it like this way my friend because I know curators are not idiots .
Can you save me some time please - What was your username before you started using this one?
what user name
The one that you used before setting up this account. You know, the one that you used your mobile phone number for so that you couldn't reuse it again.
i have only one mobile number since 2010
So when you used it to register on steemit.com, which username did you choose?
i dont want vote like this way I realy want votes as my daily income i do only one thing. Buy steem from cryptoexchange nad make a group and deligate it to that account and vote daily by using that account it is easy
No need for debate, I admit that this was my fault.And I apologize to everyone including my friend @harthachamod.I always wanted to verify my first achievement.My friend @harithachamod told me the seriousness of my misuse of this key. But I was already too late.Using this key was my mistake because my first achievement was not yet verified.Therefore, I kindly request you to support me to verify my first achievement without blaming me. I would also like to continue writing on steemit.@harithachamod sorry for the trouble I caused you my friend.
@the-gorilla You expected an answer from me, this is the answer..Only @harithachamod helped when I couldn't post. Don't blame him for giving me sp
I thaks because i thought it is real steemcurator07. So i gave thanks to him. I thank every curators who vote for my post is it illegal
When you start lieing, it's sometimes hard to keep track of what you've said. As a remined, you said "then he told me to watch my account". So you watched your account as you received the sc07 votes.
So this, is a clear and obvious lie.
I don't need to apologize to anyone. I know I didn't do that. I do this as a hobby, I don't care if I want to get money, I gave my money to those who didn't buy it
If I want to vote, I will get 10000 Steem, delegate one from Binance and vote. And I'm posting in my language,
Time for me to move on...
A real Steemian - nice find.
Thank you for your comment and the link. I can't blame anyone because I do not know whose fault it is but I think it is a responsibility of hte whole team to keep such important information like posting key away in safe place. But also it is team who should be first starting the investigation and finding the cause of problem.
We should not put the responsibility from one shoulder to another. We all remember like in real life it is a team work no matter if good or bad things happen.
yes of course. Also my apologize
Thank you, friend!

I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)
The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.
Please stop sending this automatic comment!
We didn't have enough simple scammers, now more...difficult ones. A very primitive scheme in my opinion... after receiving the keys, show them to an outsider so that he votes for you, among others. It's silly, but it worked. It's good to be caught by the hand.
I think that for such cases, punishment measures are needed for the guilty.
In general, it is strange that the keys are not replaced with new ones after the season, the need for this is obvious.
Мало нам было простых мошенников, теперь ещё ...непростые. Очень примитивная схема на мой взгляд... получив ключи, показать их стороннему человеку, чтобы он голосовал в числе прочих и за тебя. Это глупо, но это сработало. Хорошо, что пойманы за руку.
Думаю, что для таких случаем нужны меры наказания виновным.
А вообще, странно, что ключи после сезона не заменяют новыми, необходимость этого очевидна.
Once, I tried to explain to some guys that you can’t spam, you can’t write dozens of tags and the like, after the dislikes they apologized, but a day later, everything happened again and again, the war of mentalities, it’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t need your explanations .
These are rather emotions and the author will not even see them. Such a mailing list is made by stupid robots...
Yes, we learn from such situation at least that was timely noticed and stopped but also that this time a person was revealed. I am also glad that the users themselves left the comments here and explained what happened.
Любые объяснения - это только слова. Слова могут быть и правдой и ложью. Действия - это факты. И важно сделать так, чтобы подобные действия не могли произойти впредь.
Надеюсь, что так и будет :)
Any explanations are just words. Words can be both true and false. Actions are facts. And it is important to make sure that such actions cannot happen in the future.
I hope that it will be so :)
Bad news, a serious issue, the human being does not change, no matter where he is.
At least now it is fixed, hope that we all learnt from this lesson.
This incident is really very sad. I don't believe that so wicked people are present on the platform. Yes, there was mistake that let the scammers to do all this shit. But it is a guide and lesson for everyone in the future. Stay blessed.
It is a guide and lesson for everyone to be keep the important information save. Hope that was first and last time.
М-да, выглядит всё это как-то не очень...
Сами же себе вредим...
Это точно