Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #112
Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

p r e s e n t s
Weekly food photo #112
This week is gone. The next began. That mean It is the time to start our weekly challenge. Let's see what the participants presented this week. Whose photo looks the most delicious? Leee-tttt-sss-go!
At first we would like to congratulate @dianadee, who got most number of upvotes.
Prize 1 Steem+WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the collage in the top of the post. The first one is... is... is... a participant @leylar
Prize is 1.5 Steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote
Our congratulations!

Silver goes to... @bambuka
1.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

Bronze goes to.... to @adamferrari
1 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

0.5 + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

0.25 steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote

HM steem + WORLD OF XPILAR trail upvote
The participant will get upvote on posts created in the WORLD OF XPILAR community
That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(
Competition start on 5 of January and ends on 12 of January (payout time)
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
- Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
- Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
- A participant cannot upvote his own photo
It's very easy! Grab your smartphones and take photos of everything edible around you! I am waiting for your photos!

We need sponsors!
And... we need some steem for prizes
That,s all for today!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
Felicitaciones @dianadee, @leylar, @bambuka, @adamferrari, @barski, @xaske, @nevlu123, @k-karim, @sumon247, @bonp, @raah.
Una semana de éxitos y un gran abrazo @mister-omortson.
Congratulations @dianadee, @leylar, @bambuka, @adamferrari, @barski, @xaske, @nevlu123, @k-karim, @sumon247, @bonp, @raah.
A week of success and a big hug @mister-omortson.
Muchas gracias y a todos los que participaron.
Cheers! & Thanks!
The last swim before the festive table...
Последний заплыв перед праздничным столом...
Para realizar delicioso platillo con esos pescados.
Indudablemente :)
Un abrazo amigo.
I'm sure some people look at frozen trout already as a cooked meal! I hope there was caviar in the fish :)
и каждая словно просит: меня! выбери меня! я так устала тут лежать, забери меня с собой!
Жёлтая лента финиша, кто добегает/доплывает, того за неё забирают ))
Круговорот пищевой цепочки, однако... :)
Frescos esperando para ser llevados a los hogares.
Última ruta... )
Claro amigo. Es indudable.
Бедные рыбки
...а что делать... :))
А если бы их не ели, то они бы и не рождались... это ж пробирочники :)
Результат межвидового договора :)
Fresh fish, great photo my friend 👍🏻
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
Saludos y felicidades a todos los seleccionados.
Aquí mi participación en esta semana:
Un delicioso almuerzo, pollo al ajillo con tajadas y una copa de sangría.
Feliz año para todos🎉
Delicado almuerzo y apetitoso.
Totalmente amiga.
I don't know how sweet, fruity wine pairs with garlic chicken, but it looks impressive!
Its delicious!
I hope so :)
Espectacular presentación
Así como deliciosa. Gracias por la visita.
Muy buena atencion amiga a degustar exito.
Un delicioso almuerzo amiga con ecelente presentación.
Te deseo un feliz año.
Hola Steemians.
Que bueno🎉 gracias por la mención mister-omortson y felicidades a los seleccionados. Aquí les dejo mi participación:
Delicia de pescado frito.
Gracias por la visita
Pescadito delicioso
Se ve delicioso y crocante
This fish looks great, even when cut :), I'm sure it's very tasty!
Yeah, totally crispy!
I like when it's crunchy :)
OMG, this looks delicious!!!
Que rico se ve felicidades y exitos.
Crujiente como me gusta
Bread. just bread. But this bread is made with love and therefore it is very tasty.
Until recently, I thought I had never eaten bread tastier than in Rome. 2 weeks ago I tried bread in Dagestan. And I got a gastronomic orgasm.
Хлеб. просто хлеб. Но этот хлеб сделан с любовью и поэтому он очень вкусный.
До недавнего времени я думал, что не ел хлеба вкуснее, чем в Риме. 2 недели назад я попробовал хлеб в Дагестане. И получил гастрономический оргазм.
Una delicia como acompañante mi querido amigo.
Únete y disfruta.
Gracias amigo, siempre disfruto tus publicaciones y fotografías. Un fuerte abrazo.
Гастрономический оргазм...хм...интриган :-))
почти 4 дня сплошного оргазма.
🤣 😂😅
Круто :)
A little adjika and ... life is good! It's hard to argue here :).
Oh, yes! Adjika is a nice thing, a wonderful seasoning!
Of course, Ajika was there. And there was sour cream with garlic, too.
There is such a thing, garlic broth sauce with spices, called muzhdey, for such cakes, that’s it :)
Todo lo que se hace con amor es deliciosos asi sea pan pelado felicidades.
Saludos y bendiciones mi apreciado amigo.
Como acompañante.
here is my entry for the round 112.
Сам выпекал? :-)))
не, я не способный к такой изящной кулинарной словесности! как я там написал выше: коллеги на работе угощали!
попытка шутки юмора, мог бы сказать, что всю ночь трудился :-)))
Que sabroso se ve
My entry for competition.
Dessert Bonanza Collage
So nice Dessert Bonanza very yammy
Thanks so much. Enjoy your weekend🍒🌿
Delicada y artística presentación con el chocolate mi querida amiga
Que hermosa presentación y se ve muy deliciosa.
Appreciate your encouraging comment. All the best for 2023 🤗🍒
Likewise my dear friend, I wish you a happy new year 2023 and I congratulate you for all your incredible contents.
Thanks @javima for your positivity 🤗🌿🙏
Que bien se ve esta presentación @dianadee
How good this presentation looks @dianadee hug
Appreciate your positive feedback. Have a great weekend 🍒🤗
Hi @mister-omortson
This marinated salmon is my contribution for this week.
Que colorido tan apetitoso.
Este aperitivo a trae por sus colores y composición.
It’s hard for me to understand what exactly is on the plate, but it’s very beautiful and I hope it’s very tasty!
Con colores y movimiento invitando al disfrute.
О, это самый популярный конкурс)