I Take my Moments of Concentration Whenever I Can Get Them!

in WORLD OF XPILAR17 days ago

Concentration and Focus have been my greatest challenges for most of my life... going all the way back to grade school.


Whereas I was never "that unruly and disruptive kid," I was often driften off to never-neverland in my mind, losing focus and not "getting" what was being taught, or what the teacher was writing on the blackboard.

I wasn't dumb, mind you... nor did I particularly hate school... but I did struggle mightily to keep my mind on things.

Not to mention the fact that I would sometimes just doze off, much like my grandmother would do, out on the back porch on a warm sunny day.

The "adult" explanation and diagnosis was typically that I just "wasn't being challenged enough" and that I was bored.


But neither of those were actually true.

ADHD — is it is now called — wasn't really "a thing" when I was a kid, and to the degree that it was a thing it was typically associated precisely with "that kid" who was massively disruptive and bouncing around like a flea in a bottle.

So here we are, some 40+ years later.

I have deliberately chosen to self-manage whatever "condition" it is that afflicts me because I was never very happy about the prospect of being medicated into oblivion by the legacy medical — and mental health — establishment, whose de-facto response to anything that even looks like ADHD tends to be "give them pharmaceuticals!"


A lot of people think I am somewhat nuts for going my own way... and I'll be the first to admit that "my way" is only feasible because I am self-employed and work almost 100% from home.

As such, I don't have a boss, an employer, even a set of clients to be accountable to.

The downside — at least to the perspective of an outsider looking in — is that I allow myself a lot of freedom and latitude, in terms of how I approach getting my work done.

What's important to note here is that I do get my work done; but sometimes it is done in fits and starts, 5 minutes at a time... and sometimes it is done is a great "whoooosh" because I suddenly find myself in a "concentration zone" where I can get more done in a day than most people an do in days.


I always struggled to get anything substantial done when I "wasn't in the mood."

And that was pretty much my experience back in grade school when I would fall asleep, and it's pretty much still my experience... having to concentrate when I am not "creatively receptive" tends to mean that I get very little done. If I am trying to write, I will just sit there and rewrite the same sentence, over and over. If it's something else... it ends up feeling like I am always "about to begin," but I never truly get going.

Which is where the "luxury" of self-employment comes in: When I do find myself in one of those "hot" periods, I try to use every second I have to my advantage.

And it would not be an out-of-place statement to admit that I have sometimes written 12-15 blog posts during an "on" day!


Of course, I don't publish them all on the same day... I "save" them for those other times when it feels like I couldn't write my way out of a paper bag.

Or whatever other task I might have on my personal menu, for the day.

I am grateful that today is turning into a somewhat fruitful day.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your weekend!

How about you? Have you ever struggled with focus and concentration? If so, how did you manage the situation? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2025.03.08 20:48 PST

 17 days ago 

Thank you! I'll take all the help I can get!

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 17 days ago 

Thank you!

Amazing read. Thanks for sharing.