Poker Time

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 years ago

From quite an old boudoir photoshoot at local Casino. Not an often case to have such a blonde model in a such unusual place.
One movable studio flash used in additional to available artificial light. Black and white conversion with a bit of "coffee" toning worked very well

Post-production in LR+PS

Enjoy !


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

CameraCanon 1Dx / Sigma 35mm f/2.8 / Mixed light

From now on You can buy my works in hi-resolution digital format for ETH/USD


 5 years ago 

I think you deserve some $trdo

!trdo симпатичная карточка, было бы наверное как раз по теме челенджа "белое на белом"

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 5 years ago 

Ty vse vspominaesh tot stariy steemit challenge?

ну, я падкий на челенджи тип. а в том поучаствовать не довелось, так что да, сидит где-то в башке в фоне, занозой



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