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RE: PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 72 [ENG | ITA]

in Italy25 days ago

If it comes to it you have daily worries and you should let go of it and let the family deal with their own problems. You did and do enough while they were fine you were dumped and sent away from your child. You will and can't go back, like you said they will not take care of you amd perhaps it is time to ask yourself who your real family is. I believe you live with them. People who see and hear you if you are sad. People who tried to keep you safe and gave you extra money every time your family whimped. Did any of them ever askes how you feel? Did any of them ever asked if you are in debts or do they find it normal you cry and beg to help them? Sorry, to say this but I find their behaviour shameful. That they even dear to ask you and put all financial worries on your shoulder. What will they do if you are dead? Will they send the next female in the family away as a slave being ungrateful and keep demanding till she is raped or killed? How about the men? Why don't they sell themselves or will they leave and never carry about the family back home again? Theyall studied on your expenses it is time they pay you back. A good start would be if they take care of themselves instead of contacting you to ask for money again. How about telling them you have debts? How about you calling them and ask for money and help? Giving in to being manipulated and abused is no good deed not part of any doing good to someone else what god will reward. It is a sign of not having learned your lesson after all those years. If you keep doing this to yourself you have no reason to cry and ask anyone for help. Everyone has a lesson to learn in life. This is yours: say no!
Their lesson is to take care of themselves and you all should be the director of your lives and stop god and the world blaming for the misery and doom you brought over yourselves. How would your lufe have been if you did not pump all those amounts in your family? What would your bankacvount look like? You miggt have had a house of your own instead of sharing a room with the washing machine after a years of working like a slave and giving the lamd and trees your mother planted for you away to give you a good old worry free life and a home if you return . Was all her work for nothing?

Is your brother overweighted? How was his lifestyle? Livers are not damaged just so. Look how many are chain smokers, alcoholics and take too many medication. The liver has to rinse the blood and the more you eat, drink and the more it has to put at work. It is not just a sieve where you put blood through without it being damaged. Kidneys and livers are the most replaced organs and the main reason is because the owner lives an unhealthy life style. A small amount of the replacement is due an illness or accident. It is time for you all to grow up and take responsibility for your lives and the results of your acts. If you will see your life will better drastically. I wish all wisdom.

What hurt me is you wrote "my fake daughter". It doesn't sound nice to someone you love. It is good to think about how you like to call her from now on, the baby put in your arms and the mother decided to take the painful deciscion to take a step back to gove both of you a chance to bond and live happy.

A happy day with your real family


Well said, @wakeupkitty.pal, I understand every word you said for always, Now, I let his children settle the problem. Yes ,I cried a lot but it helped me nothing and just made me weak out of focus. I told them and they knew the real situation I have now. They didn't ask me because I told them about my situation. I learned a lesson and it is much more than a learning. I been through a lot of sorrow but I am no longer crying lime before. You can see me improving my connection mag engagement. I woke up already and I will see how they grew and get put from the problems. A little bit sad honestly but I kept my mind stronger. I have no where to go and God knows it. I am already softly killing myself but its not yet the time to surrender but make th realization how I feel now. Thank you for always givinge reminders I am still lucky to have friends who understood me. It is really appreciated. I will be stronger than ever.