아재들의 원격 술 자리 Remote Drinking Session for Middle-Aged Guys 🍻💻

in AVLE 일상last month

2025.02.14 금요일, 집

유부남, 해외파와 술 한잔 하려면🍻🌍

각자 집에서 원격회의를 켜고 술을 먹었다. 💻🍺
나는 그날 일찍 일이 끝나서 집에서 자다가 온라인 회의에 들어왔고😴 , 미국에 있는 친구는 새벽 5시인데 🌅거의 일어나자마자 맥주를 먹었다(논알콜)🍻.
유부남인 친구는 이제 집에 들어와서 씻고 가족들이랑 저녁을 먹는 시간이었다고 한다.🍽️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

한국시간으로 저녁 9시에 모여서 한시간 반정도 얼굴보며 회의(?)를 했다.🗣️😂
만나서 얘기하는 것보다는 당연히 좋진 못했지만, 이렇게라도 얼굴 보는 시간도 필요한 것 같다.🤝💙

How to Drink with a Married Guy and a Friend Abroad 🍻🌍

We each turned on a remote meeting from home and drank together. 💻🍺

I had finished work early that day, so I took a nap before joining the call. 😴
Meanwhile, my friend in the U.S. was drinking a non-alcoholic beer 🍻
at 5 AM, right after waking up. 🌅

Our married friend had just gotten home, taken a shower,
and was having dinner with his family. 🍽️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

We gathered at 9 PM KST and spent about an hour and a half chatting on this "meeting"(?). 🗣️😂

Of course, it wasn’t as good as meeting in person,
but sometimes, even this kind of virtual hangout is necessary. 🤝💙