SLC-S22W6 |Baking course: Stuffed bread w. carrots and potatoes

Hello my dear Steemians,
Today is Sunday and it is another day off for me, but also that means that means I need to decide what to cook today. Time to time we have a day without any meat or it is a vegetarian day and it is then today.
While checking what we have I found some carrots and also potatoes, we did not use them this week and to prevent them to become old I thought it would be a good to use them.
Still when I thought how to cook I recalled my grandmother’s home made stuffed bread with different fillings and that was a “Bingo!” feeling for me. The same time I recalled that one of the weekly challenges was about “Creative Bread” that is why I thought why not to present it there too.

I was lucky that I had everything else for bread and I also decided to do semi-sweet based on yeast bread. Following ingredients I used for bread:
300 ml milk
2 table spoon sugar
1 tea spoon salt
2,5 table spoon butter, I just had to scoop it out and warm it using microwave
8mg or one bag of dry yeast
438g of flour

I warmed up milk and added some sugar and yeast.

Do not forget salt, I remember I forgot once and that completely spoiled my bread but keep in my it usually gives the whole taste to your bread.

After using microwave to melt butter it is very soft and easily will be mixed with everything.

I decided to check how much of flour I will be adding that is why used a little kitchen scale for that.

I have sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen and will be airy

I usually mix the dough using a table spoon because it usually sticks to fingers. Once your dough is ready, cover it and leave to rest for an hour.

I decided to use two carrots for half of the bags and potatoes and also an onion.

Potatoes I cut into cubes and then cooked for 15 minutes

Carrots and half of onion I prepared for a second fiiling.

Then in wok with a bit of vegetable oil I fried carrots and onion till golden colour about 10 minutes, then it is ready and needed to cool down.

Once potato is ready cooked, I mashed it and also add fried onion and salt.

The dough is now rested so I prepared the pieces and spread just with fingers in flat bread, added carrots and onion filling and seal them.

The second half is filled with potato puree.

After the bread is ready I usually leave it for another hour to rest and to raise a bit. Once an hour passed I put it in cooker with 180C fan preheated adn leave it for 15 minutes.

I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.

We have almost the same bread as yours, but we call it a risol cake. This cake has a dense vegetable filling.
You are right that salt is often referred to as a natural preservative, by adding salt to dishes, it will make the food more durable
Enjoyed reading your article, very helpful!