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RE: Pick a Word, Paint a Story #07
সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত
কোন দেশে
কোন্ দেশেতে তরুলতা
সকল দেশের চাইতে শ্যামল?
কোন্ দেশেতে চলতে গেলেই
দলতে হয় রে দুর্বা কোমল?
There are no country where creepers are more greener than my country.
One has to step into soft grass while walk which also don't happen in any other place.
I feel it's the same everywhere, but the maintenance makes all the différance. I wish we knew how to take care of grass and save our trees and mountains. Thanks for your visit.
Pleasure 🙏🏾.