Pick a Word, Paint a Story #07
I often hear that grass is not meant for human consumption but is eaten by animals or used to hold the soil or to keep lawns decorative.
So first of all, the idea that eating grass makes the brain dull is not true, and the question of eating grass making the brain dull can be a bit confusing. Generally, grass is not considered suitable for human diet, as it can cause difficulty in digestion.
I did some research on this and found that certain types of grass, such as Durva grass, have many health benefits. The first of these benefits is that consuming Durva grass helps in reducing mental stress. It contains natural elements and antioxidants that calm the brain nerves and reduce anxiety and depression. This can be beneficial for us Steemians.
Image mine
And this grass keeps the digestive system healthy and gives relief from problems like constipation, which improves the overall health condition of the body as it strengthens our immune system, and it contains vitamins and other nutrients that make the immune system strong.
But dear Steemians, if a user tries to eat normal grass, then it can cause digestive problems. Since the human digestive system cannot digest grass properly, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies, and it can have a negative impact on mental health.
So I want to tell you that there is no clear evidence of brain dullness due to eating normal grass. However, consumption of special types of grass like a specific Durva grass can improve mental health.
If my friend @senehasa, you are considering eating any special type of grass, then it would be advisable for you to first consult a grass expert like me.
You will know how intelligent I am by reading the story written below.
A Richman had a goat which was very dear to him. One day he announced that the person who satisfies his goat by feeding it enough grass will be given five thousand grands as a gift. But his condition was that he himself would test whether his goat was satiated or not.
After the announcement, a large number of competitors turned out because they thought it was not a big task. Everyone reached the house of that Rich man and tried to satiate the goat by feeding it grass one by one.
Everyone tried, but no one succeeded because as soon as the goat went near the Rich man, he would put grass in front of him, and the goat would start eating that grass.
Likewise, everyone failed in this task, and had accepted that no one can win this competition. There was a very intelligent man in that area, me, Dev. I reached the Rich man's house and took the goat with me to the nearest forest. First, I fed the goat grass until he was fully filled up.
After feeding the goat fully, I took him to the next blade of grass to check whether the goat tried to eat grass. Whenever the goat tried to extend its mouth to take a bite, I would hit him with a stick.
I kept doing this until evening and reached the stage the goat stopped extending his mouth because he now understood that if he tried to eat grass, this man would hit him. He was kind of scared of eating the grass in my presence.
In the evening, I took the goat to the Rich man. He immediately placed grass in front of the goat. The goat thought that if he ate grass, I would hit him because I was staring at him. Thinking this, the goat refrained from taking a bite and not even looked at the grass. Rich man was surprised at how this was possible, but as per the condition, he gifted five thousand grands to me.
Actually, grass is just an example, but the conclusion of this small story is that whatever the problem in our life, there is definitely a solution to it. All that is needed is to think a little differently. In this story, I thought outside the box and won the competition.
People say eating grass makes a person a fool or slows down his thinking capacity, and the best example is the animals. But we all know animals are not fools, but only we don't understand their language; otherwise they would suggest we eat grass and live green.
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10% @hindwhale
First of all, I must say that I never try to eat grass, because in my country, there are plenty of nutritious green leaves that are suitable for humans. It is only today I know that you are descended from cattle.🤣 Anyway, I appreciate your ability to think creatively. Reason may be a grass-eating. 😁
Thank you for participating in this contest.
You should try eating grass. I have tried it and found out it doesn't taste different, but it hurts the throat. And yes my ancestors were animals but they didn't eat grass. Monkeys don't eat grass but they are fond of banana.
Curated by : @karianaporras
Thanks @karianaporras. Grateful 👍
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কোন্ দেশেতে তরুলতা
সকল দেশের চাইতে শ্যামল?
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দলতে হয় রে দুর্বা কোমল?
There are no country where creepers are more greener than my country.
One has to step into soft grass while walk which also don't happen in any other place.
I feel it's the same everywhere, but the maintenance makes all the différance. I wish we knew how to take care of grass and save our trees and mountains. Thanks for your visit.
Pleasure 🙏🏾.
You have presented a very amazing story in which a person uses a stick to feed grass,
But in my story, I feed grass to the goat, but when I feed grass to the goat, it eats it with my hands and does not eat it with anyone else's hands because I always used to give it to the goat with my hands.As soon as I extended my hand she would start eating grass,
Your competition is very lovely and one should keep moving ahead in it with success.