Communication skills in the couple
Hello dear friends of the Project Hope community.

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In my opinion I believe that the most important thing is to see the problems that at couple level can be presented to us, it is not wrong to follow advice from our parents or people with experience, what we should not do is to make the same mistakes and so we can to cultivate healthier relationships and grow as a person. We should not be satisfied just for the fact of following certain social patterns, if it is not what we want and we do not like it, we must work to change, thus avoiding failures and breakups.
Communication is key in every relationship, especially between the couple to form solid bases, to be an example for their children and to promote it with the whole family. It may not be easy for all of us to communicate, but we must learn and practice certain skills that will be of great help.

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We can start with developing empathy, many times we believe that just because we have been next to a person for years we know everything about them, what they think and what they feel, well I tell you that many studies indicate that this is far from being true because we are almost always wrong. To be empathic we must simply be able to put ourselves in the other person's shoes, and try to understand their point of view and thus have an appreciation of how they may feel, imagine with our eyes closed for a moment to be the other person and think about their concerns, their expectations, their reality, this skill is key to communication.
When we feel upset or frustrated, what we most want is that our partner understands us and seeks to know why we feel that way, and just by conveying their opinions with sympathy we can experience some relief, and it will be easier to express what we have accumulated, the tension is released and it is easier to have expressions of affection in the couple. This is part of the emotional validation, improves relationships because the other person feels listened to, understood, thus increasing trust in the couple.
Honesty is also very important, we must show ourselves as we are, be able to accept mistakes, in this way we can trust each other, its absence can destroy the couple instantly, even though there is love. Any relationship that is based on deceit or lies does not last for long.
We should not focus on who is right or who has the truth in their hands, since each one has a truth and a reason to expose, the important thing is that both get a solution and understand each other. I want to emphasize that what should be sought is that the opinion of one does not prevail over the other, if in the relationship it is felt that both have an interest to reach a common good, they will live with the feeling that they care for each other.
If these skills are practiced, it will be easier to overcome problems or emotional distance that may exist. Always taking care of what you want to express and the way you do it.
Hello dear friend @yusvelasquez.
As usual you share with us another extraordinary content, it is important to highlight what you express:
It is totally true what you say because through communication we can strengthen ourselves as couples and thus strengthen our families.
Thank you for sharing such important content with all of us. Best wishes.
Hello dear friend @rbalzan79!
I believe that today more than ever we must pay attention to our families and look for the tools that allow us to be united, happy and share. We live in an era where it is very easy to separate and not look for the solution, that is not the idea. Thank you for your comment, greetings!
I agree with you that empathy and honesty play a big role in building a healthy relationship in a couple. If partners manage to strike the right balance through an optimum combination of empathy and honesty, that would be an ideal situation. I would like to add that physical attraction also plays a role in setting limits in empathy and honesty, which means that if two people like/love each other, this will prevent them from victimizing others or becoming victims themselves in a relationship.
Hello @thepavsalford!
Yes, if a balance between all these tools is achieved, it will be possible to build a healthy relationship and solve the problems that may be faced. Thanks for your comment, Greetings!
When it comes to relationships, developing good communication skills is important as it helps to keep both parties on the same page and with clear understanding with each other
As you comment, in a relationship it is very important that both understand each other and look for ways to follow the same path without the welfare of one prevailing over the other, Thanks for reading!
Everyone wants a positive attention especially from their partner, they want their partner to feel very concerned and loved about them.
Very true, when we have a partner we want their attention and when we don't have it, we look for a way to get them interested in our things, although the ideal is that one is always interested in the other. Greetings!
Communication is always necessary to preserve a relationship. I have seen many relationship get crumbled because there is lack of quality communication skills in the relationship
Hello @mandate!
I have also seen many cases like this, others prefer to stay together even though they do not communicate or do it in the wrong way, so we must always improve our skills to achieve good communication, greetings!
I totally agree that good communication is the basis of all relationships, especially those that last over time.
Hi @emimoron!
Certainly time will tell if the relationship is based on good communication, greetings!