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RE: Communication skills in the couple

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello dear friend @yusvelasquez.

As usual you share with us another extraordinary content, it is important to highlight what you express:

Communication is key in every relationship, especially between the couple to form solid foundations, be an example for their children and promote it with the whole family. It may not be easy for everyone to communicate, but we must learn and practice certain skills that will be of great help.

It is totally true what you say because through communication we can strengthen ourselves as couples and thus strengthen our families.

Thank you for sharing such important content with all of us. Best wishes.


Hello dear friend @rbalzan79!
I believe that today more than ever we must pay attention to our families and look for the tools that allow us to be united, happy and share. We live in an era where it is very easy to separate and not look for the solution, that is not the idea. Thank you for your comment, greetings!