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RE: Exploration-s23w3 /Cocina al Aire Libre.

in Steem4Entrepreneurs2 days ago

I'm sorry that it wasn't possible as much as I tried.I worked with great enthusiasm this week, but I couldn't get the proper marks because my work was wrong.But yes, of course you have great enthusiasm, so I think I will move forward very quickly and fix everything very easily.


Tranquilo a todos nos pasa, recuerda que son enseñanzas que poco a poco vamos adquiriendo conocimientos, a mi también me pasó al principio, hay que
tener paciencia y no darse por vencido, lo que dices es verdad hay que tener entusiasmo y tú lo tienes y eso es importante. Tal vez no lograste las calificaciones que querías, estoy segura que para la próxima lo vas a lograr. Bendiciones

Yes of course I want to learn my hard work and education properly.This week, I couldn't do it because of my own mistakes, meaning I couldn't understand it properly even after trying so hard.But I have an interest, I don't give up, it's been there from the beginning and that's why I'm able to survive.I really enjoyed talking to you.