Exploration-s23w3 /Cocina al Aire Libre.

in Steem4Entrepreneurs3 days ago (edited)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Hello My dear friends, I hope everyone is well? Alhamdulillah! I am also well with your prayers and love. I am @sheikhtuhin From #Bangladesh
Show us your Skills by Creating any Craft with Paper_20250307_173014_0000.png

cover photo edit by Canva

I am very happy to be participating in the Steemit Learning Challenge Season 23.I am also very happy that all the creative content has been selected here this time.

Dear friends, I will join Exploration-s23w3 /Cocina al Aire Libre. right now, where my dear teacher @karianaporras has taught me very beautifully.I will join that challenge and try to show some great activities in the 3rd week, God willing.Without further ado, let me get straight to the solutions to my homework.

1.Cuéntanos tu experiencia con la comida al aire libre, que te gusta preparar, disfrutas el proceso?

I have both positive and negative experiences with eating out.The positive side of eating out is that it is very enjoyable and I have eaten out fairly well, but yes, I have no experience in preparing outside food.But I have a fair amount of experience in home cooking, including cooking for daily meals, which I have used many times and which I have needed for some time.

The negative impact of outside food is that if the food is kept in a store, it can get spoiled by dust.But I have seen that food is usually prepared at picnics that are held occasionally, and I also refer to this as outside food.During this time, everyone shared the tasks and worked happily, so I say it was a good experience.Besides, when you go to different camps from scouts, you have to prepare food, which is always challenging.

2.Preparar dos de las 3 recetas explicadas en el curso y presentarlas de forma creativa.

I will prepare two of the three dishes mentioned in today's course.The two meals I have already decided to prepare are:

(i) Hunter's Bread.

(ii) Kabub

Preparation method:

Hunter's Bread

Required materials:

  • One cup of flour
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 pinch of salt.
  • Watering.
  • 1 stick of wood without bark.
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Preparation steps:

First step:

Pour the flour into a bowl or plate as needed.You should take only as much as you need, along with salt and sugar in moderation.You should also take water at the same time.

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Second step:

The water and flour should be mixed together and stirred, just as flour is mixed for making bread.This work should be completed with just the amount of water needed.

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Third step:

The flour mixed with water should be given a long shape according to the amount.Since it will be made with the help of a stick, it should be made as long as possible for the purpose of twisting it around the stick.

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Fourth step:
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The long parts that have been made must be attached to a specific stick.It should be rolled according to the rules and kept with a stick which will serve the purpose of making pitha.

Fifth step:
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The stick wrapped in flour must now be placed over the fire.Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a picture while I was putting it on the fire, but I did take a picture later after it was cooked.At the same time, I have created a video to complete the entire process, which I present below.

Hunter's Bread Making

I have shared with you all the steps I took to make this cake from start to finish in this video.


Required materials:

  • Chicken.
  • Onion
  • Necessary spices.
  • Vegetables (I used eggplant)
  • An iron fist
  • Open oven
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Preparation steps:

First step:
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First, you need to collect and assemble the necessary spices and ingredients.And the meat must be washed in water.

second step:
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Wash and place the meat on a large plate.Along with this, the necessary vegetables and spices should be prepared.And the right steps must be taken to ensure that the spices reach the meat properly.

3rd step:
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After mixing everything together, including the necessary spices and chili powder, mix the vegetables and meat with them.

Fourth step:
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Then, you need to stir-fry the meat and vegetables with the iron spoon.It should be taken exactly as I have shown in the picture and it is important to ensure that it is strong and does not burn when exposed to fire or fall to the ground, so it should be attached to something strong like this.

Fifth step:
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Now, I have to place the two ends of the wire on top of the two ends of a small outdoor stove that I made with my own hands.And because the fire is burning from below in the middle, the things I have prepared here will be cooked properly due to the heat of the fire and will be delicious and have a beautiful aroma.Just like I took the first photo, I flipped it over and took the second photo.

Kabub making

I have shared a video here to show the details.Where a video has been beautifully shown for making kabobs, which can be easily understood.

3.Cual de las recetas te resultó más fácil y más difícil? Por qué?

I have prepared two recipes here that my dear teacher showed me with great care.But in the meantime, making kebabs has become extremely easy for me.


The reason why making kebabs is so easy is that I do it occasionally.And I've seen them made in large restaurants and outdoors in general, so it wasn't too difficult for me to make.Making kebabs was very easy and could be done very easily, so in my opinion this would be the easiest and best recipe. All the spices were ready at the same time, so it was even easier.

Relatively difficult:

It was a bit difficult for me to make Hunter's Bread because it was my first introduction to this dish.This type of food is not commonly seen in my country, Bangladesh, so it was a bit of a thought process and a bit of a challenge, but I hope I was able to complete my task successfully with great care.And the biggest contribution to successfully completing it was made by this lesson.Thank you very much dear madam.

4.A qué steemians invitarías a comer tú preparación y por qué? Como lo invitarías?

I know the food I prepare won't be that delicious.But yes, these dishes may not be delicious to me, but the recipe is great and can be made deliciously if you try.After I finish cooking this dish, I want to invite some Steemian friends and users to eat.The first name that comes to my mind among them is @mahmud552. The main reason I invited him is that I came to this platform through him, so I really wanted to share the best with him.

I would also like to invite the respected teacher of this course, @karianaporras, to eat my food.The main reason I invited him was because I learned how to cook through him, so it was natural to want to enjoy a little with him.I don't know if anyone was specifically asked for here, but I wanted to invite some of my favorite people to this meal, so I mentioned multiple people's names.

There is a third person I would like to invite to eat this meal, and that is @mueenislam Brother.Basically, I have a lot of love for them, so I have a great desire to share these hobbies or things I create on challenging topics with them.However, if I had to choose someone individually, I would be very interested in choosing the first person.

5.Las tareas asignadas deberán graficarse con imágenes y al final un selfie con el platillo listo.

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Of course, I made the food, so I feel obligated to take pictures with it.I've taken pictures with everything I've done before, including various drawings, but I'm really excited to take pictures with this one.I am taking pictures of the food I have prepared with great joy, arranging it on a plate.


The moments of preparing the meals were extraordinary for me and I find it very beneficial to take on such challenges again and again.


I invite these members to join this challenge.@pea07 @girolamomarotta @aneukpineung78 @khursheedanwar

Thank you very much everyone

AndroidRedmi 10C
CameraLMC 8.4 Camera 📸
LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩
Short by@sheikhtuhin

Yes, it's really delicious. I've been fasting all day and just tried it.It has a wonderful aroma. The spices I used have given it the same quality. I would like to invite you to try it too.

Thank you very much.It is only my effort and a matter of duty and desire for me to tackle the challenging issues here.I just tried, but how successful it will be depends on the judges' opinions.Thank you for the encouragement.

 3 days ago 

We are grateful for sharing your valuable posts in the Steem4Entrepreneurs community. We are always interested in seeing posts related to your economic business activities. Stay connected with our community by posting regularly. The review details for your post are below.

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Thank you very much for guiding me.I have already given some SP delegations and I hope this community will go far.I would like to thank all the organizers and all the members of this community.

 2 days ago 

Thank you very much. Stay with this community. InshaAllah, we will go far.

InshaAllah, I have always been with this community, from the very beginning.Maybe sometimes I miss writing because I don't feel like writing due to lack of time or various busy and annoying situations.

 2 days ago 

Stay active regularly. Best wishes to you. Please contact us for any needs.
Discord: Khan#6508

Thank you, I will definitely contact you if necessary.I already talk to brother Solayman regularly, so I hope to learn everything from him.But if I need anything, I will definitely ask you.

 2 days ago 

Ok... thank you


Saludos amigo, que chevere que te uniste a este emocionante desafío, cocinando al aire libre, son experiencias únicas al estar en contacto con la naturaleza, a parte son conocimientos muy bien adquiridos, a falta de gas jejejeje cómo a veces ocurre, este es un buen método, a parte que se puede poner en práctica cuando salimos a la playa, montaña, o en el patio de la casa. También deja un rico sabor. El pan te quedó muy bien y la brocheta también, lo único que está última te quedó un poquito quemada, pero fue por qué l fogata tenía mucho fuego ❤️‍🔥, un pequeño consejo para una próxima, deja que la leña del fuego seda un poco, cuando esté bajito es cuando vas a colocar las brochetas y veras que las Brochetas te van a quedar fina y no se te van a quemar. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Bendiciones

I'm sorry that it wasn't possible as much as I tried.I worked with great enthusiasm this week, but I couldn't get the proper marks because my work was wrong.But yes, of course you have great enthusiasm, so I think I will move forward very quickly and fix everything very easily.

Tranquilo a todos nos pasa, recuerda que son enseñanzas que poco a poco vamos adquiriendo conocimientos, a mi también me pasó al principio, hay que
tener paciencia y no darse por vencido, lo que dices es verdad hay que tener entusiasmo y tú lo tienes y eso es importante. Tal vez no lograste las calificaciones que querías, estoy segura que para la próxima lo vas a lograr. Bendiciones

Yes of course I want to learn my hard work and education properly.This week, I couldn't do it because of my own mistakes, meaning I couldn't understand it properly even after trying so hard.But I have an interest, I don't give up, it's been there from the beginning and that's why I'm able to survive.I really enjoyed talking to you.

salam teman roti pemburu dan kaboob nya terlihat begitu lezat anda begitu kreatif sekali menambahkan bahan yang baik semoga sukses teman

Thank you so much dear for your attention. But I cannot arrived My target. I was trying to my best but I can't Haseeb my target and I cannot gain my hopeful marks. I am thanksful to you because your attention my post.

সাধারণত মেয়েরা বাড়িতে রান্না করে থাকে।বাহিরে রান্না করাটা অনেক কঠিন। তবে আপনি ছেলে হয়েও বাহিরে অসাধারণ রান্না করেছেন। রেসিপি দুইটি খুবই লোভনীয় এবং সুস্বাদু দেখাচ্ছে।

আমার জন্য এটা কঠিন মনে হলেও বাস্তবে ঠিক সেই রকম না কারণ রোভার স্কাউটদের দ্বারা এসব কাজ প্রায় সময়ই করানো হয়। কিন্তু আমি যে লক্ষ্য অর্জনের উদ্দেশ্যে এই প্রতিযোগিতা অংশগ্রহণ করেছিলাম তা যথাযথভাবে অর্জন করতে সক্ষম হয়নি বিগত দুই সপ্তাহে আমি যথেষ্ট সফল ছিলাম তবে এই সপ্তাহে কিছুটা ভুল হয়েছে এই কারণে নম্বর কম।