Contest: Lung cancer

Hello my dear Steemians,
I would like to invite you to the contest that is running by @khursheedanwar and if you would like to have a look, here is the link:
When we talk about the commonest cancer in UK, then lung cancer is taking a second place after breast cancer and remain quite serious one that despite of many preventive measurements and possibilities to fight it still not completely under control.
When we think about the causes of lung cancer one of the cause that everyone would name is Smoking or tobacco. Nowadays it is very accessible and despite of increasing the price for cigarettes by government people and especially young people still manage to buy and consume them.
Have you ever thought why people smoke?
In old time, people or mostly men smoked because they had hard physical work, often they did work outside and in winter with rough weather and going early to work by foot it was something to keep them warm from inside. At least I heard from my grandfather. Of course, later on it became a habit and he was not able to imagine a cup of coffee without a cigarette
Women and cigarette: again if we take old time it was then something very cool for women to smoke like men, Therefore, if anyone wanted to look strong and tough then that women also smoked. The other reason was maybe to look sexy, like a beautiful women with a thin cigarette, like we can recall from old movies
Modern teen and young people: why they smoke? I think the reason is the same, to look grown up and strong and also to do something that they should not in order to look cool in eyes of their friends.

Now if we look at the causes of Lung cancer we can list them as follows:
Radon, have you heard about that cause and how we can have exposure to it? It is a gas usually a part of some rocks and soil and sometimes can be used without knowing about in construction and while we can breath it with air it lands in our lungs and can be a cause of cancer
Chemicals, that people can be exposed during their work like: asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, coal, nickel and many others, that is why it is important to pay attention to occupational health before starting any job
Sometimes people may have no exposure to above mentioned but still develop lung cancer
As to symptoms, there are few common that some of them everyone know and can easily notice:
- chronic cough, without infection, usually in 74%
- shortness of breath in 37%
- coughing blood in 57%
Also there are many other symptoms that could suggest lung cancer, of the affected side, arm and hand muscles could be weaker, because the lesion is compressing the arteries and that reduces blood supply to muscles. The same time the same arm can be swollen as the veins could be compressed and blood flow reduced causing oedema.
The treatment of Lung cancer depends on many factors:
type of cancer: if it is aggressive and fast growing and spreading or if it is slow growing
on stage: early stage without spread or large with spreading
location and if the cancer invading neighbour-organs
If the tumour is not large and not aggressive but also if it is not infiltrating other organs then
surgical removal is definitive treatment, sometimes followed by chemotherapy
if it is not suitable for surgery, then often an option is targetted radiotherapy
often if radio and chemotherapy fail, there is a possibility of biological agent therapy, that treatment is aimed to slow down growth of cancer cell.
Overall, you know yourself it is easy and better to prevent and give no chance for cancer then to fight it and sometimes loose a battle.
Hope you found this post informative and thank you for reading.
I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.

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Curated by : @edgargonzalez
Thank you @edgargonzalez for supporting my post and for SC05 :)