Contest: Eyes Allergies

in Healthy Steemlast month





Hello my dear Steemians,


I would like to invite you to the contest that is running by @afzalqamar and if you would like to have a look, here is the link:


What do you know about the eyes allergy?


Commonly allergy affect the area of entry into our body such as:

  • eye

  • nose

  • mouth

  • skin

Many people some type of allergy including just one symptom or often many of them. Many people have simple allergic reaction but others can have severe allergic reaction that could be lethal.

Today we can discuss the allergic reaction affecting our eyes. Actually in the past I saw some people who had red eyelids, tears and seeing them I thought that they cried. In reality it was more serious and obviously it was allergy.


Have you ever encounter the eyes allergy?


Since my childhood I had allergy against pollution and mostly it was my nose that was blocked and running.

Since I grown up, I started to have irritation of eyes too. My first symptom was that I had a feeling of sand in my eyes, that meant I tried to rub my eyes. The more I rubbed the more itchy they were and that also cause redness of white of my eyes. Later on following day I noticed swollen eyes and also they were heavy and difficult to open. Many people notice that over night sleep I woke in the morning and my eyelashes were very sticky, that I needed to wash my eyes with cold water and carefully try to clean my eyelashes without giving more irritation.

As children it is difficult to listen and do what parents say and not to rub the eyes and that is the most hard part. Adults can tolerate it better but even though often we can not tolerate that without a help of medicine.


How can you cure the eyes allergy?


Allergic reaction involving eyes are not possible to cure completely but to treat the symptoms like using antihistamine eye drops. Today we have many different type of them on market. I have tried different ones, of course, the very first one was simple, short acting that lasted 6 hours and I had to use if up to four times a week. Later on I found another type and they were long lasting, so I could ise it only once a day. That helped to stop tears, also oedema of my eyelids were significantly reduced and I did not have itching eyes anymore.

In m y case my allergy include symptoms involving my eyes and nose that is why I tried antihistamine tablets that were for once a day and I was nicely surprised that one tablet stopped all symptoms. That is why I am using only tablets now and I would just advice for many to use the tablets rather only topical for nose or eyes.

I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.





That is why I am using only tablets now and I would just advice for many to use the tablets rather only topical for nose or eyes.

Мне это стало знакомо несколько лет назад. Но я бы просто так не рекомендовал пить таблетки без назначения врача. Может быть привыкание.
8 лет назад иммуноог-аллерголок выявил у меня аллергию на бумажную пыль и на полынь. Я прошел двухгодичный курс лечения. Это я колол себе небольшие дозы аллергена. Всё нормализовалось. Но полынь дала о себе знать пару лет назад. После употребления Jagermeister у меня распух язык и было трудно дышать. Больше подобный напиток не употреблял с тех пор и все запаы зятю отдал. Вкус напиток. :)
И вот с середины декабря у меня появилась заложенность носа и иногда песок в глазах. Я понимаю, чот поймал аллергию, но не понимаю на что она проявилась. :(
С препаратами лечения аллерии в России сейчас тяжело. У жены коллеге назначили лечение, как мне в прошлый раз, так лекарства даже в Москве найти не может девушка. :(

Аллергия очень широко распростренно в последнее время, у меня даже без лекарств сейчас лучше, по крайнее последние два года, я надеюсь что или так останется но не будет тяжелее.


 last month 

Hola amigo , gracias por brindarnos información sobre las alergias en los ojos , a mi de vez en cuando se me suele presentar y tengo esa irritación , pero con tratamiento suele desaparecer .

Yes, it is good to know what is allergy caused and also to take treatment in time.
