Contest: Dengue Awareness Challenge

in Healthy Steemlast month





Hello my dear Steemians,


I would like to invite you to the contest that is running by @ahsansharif and if you would like to have a look, here is the link:


What is Dengue?


Dengue is commonly known as Dengue fever and as such we in Europe heard many stories of very severe cases when people died. So what is then Dengue, it is a viral infection that is spread by mosquitoes and often it happens in area with tropical or subtropical climate. In Europe such infection could be only be brought by people who infected in many cases people may not know because for the first about 10 or 20 days people have no symptoms


What are the three symptoms of Dengue explain it.


As any infection it causes high temperature up to +40C, often people may develop pain in muscle, abdomen, eyes. There are some people who develop nausea and vomiting when mucosal lining is affected there are often cases of internal bleeding, that could be lethal.


How does Dengue affect our lives?


The serious complication of the disease are blood loss due to bleeding mucous membranes and bowel. The same time people may develop internal bleeding as the blood clotting will be disturb. High temperature could cause delirium and that patient may develop seizures and loss consciousness. Patient have shallow and rapid breathing, if the condition is not under control then heart and lung can fails


How to prevent Dengue?


As I mentioned before mosquitoes transmit the disease that means that prevention of contact with mosquito bites if the best prevention. When you are in building use window screens made from fine net, sometimes there are net that you can hang over the beds too. For your skin wear clothes with long sleeve and trousers. Try to cover all visible skin and also using mosquito repellents when you go outside.

I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.


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