Contest: "Bloating"

in Healthy Steem6 days ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


I would like to invite you to the contest that is running by @suboohi and if you would like to have a look, here is the link:


What do you understand by bloating?


Bloating is one of the commonest condition that we might have, I even say that everyone experienced it at least once. Often it happen unexpected and suddenly, sometimes we notice after a party where we taste different dishes with different spices, cooked, fried, different salads because they are all look delicious and also because we just want to try them.

Often we do not know that our body does not like that exotic mixture of different food and also the reaction of our body. The reason is because often some of the food could get fermentation quickly in presence of certain other ingredients that we not really mix for our normal regular meals. Those days your body will let you know that this is not really good and one of the symptom that many will notice that if a person is wearing jeans or belt then the waist are becomes too tight within hours. Understandably we know that it is not the case that we gained weight within these hours but we definitely have air trapped in our bowel and that caused distension of our bowel, causing distended abdomen.

So bloating is an excessive gas that our bowel produces due to increased fermentation that is taking place in our body.


Causes of bloating


  • One of the commonest is that we swallowed a lot of air during our meals, drinking gas containing drinks

  • Another reason is when we are constipated, in that case the content of large bowel is slowed down, the bacteria in our bowel still processing the food and producing gas, due to constipation that is trapped in a bowel and will cause a feeling of bloating

  • Food intolerance such as gluten and lactose, where the body has no enzymes to digest those food and bacteria in our gut will be will be fed by the food, that will cause more gas production but also inflammation of gut

  • Irritable bowel syndrome, that presents with abdominal cramps, bloating, heartburn, nausea nd diarrhoea. That happens if food goes too fast or too slow through gut. Usually the patients have very sensitive nerves of their bowel, that often can be provoked by stress.

  • hormones, in female before or during menstrual period women notice trapped wind and abdominal distension


Give some home remedies to cure bloating


There are some simple measurements that one can use to prevent bloating:

  • physical exercises, that stimulates your bowel and its activities

  • do not speak when you eat and also do chew with closed mouth

  • drink plenty of water and avoid sparkling water

  • high fibre diet will help to avoid constipation

  • peppermint camomile or fennel tea

  • smaller meals

  • massage of tummy from right to left that is also something we do when a baby has trapped wind and could help

Hope you will find the information interesting and will avoid been bloating.

I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.





I have this condition where after I eat my guts would revolution and I produce gas. Belonging from an Asian ethnicity, I am lactose intolerant, I even suspect that my grandfather from my mother's side of the family has a Chinese blood too but none of my siblings says that they have a lactose intolerant condition, neither my father but only me and my mother. With regards to my Mother she really feels sick when she eats dairy foods which is why she doesn't use cheese when she eats some bread.

I don't know if I will experiment in not eating bread because of the gluten intolerance if I have that condition too but I had learned that people that cannot digest or absorb gluten will feel much way better after eating bread. So it remains be seen and felt if I would experiment on it and see the results, I might go and do it now.

I really hate my guts to be honest because my stomach would start to churn whenever I eat which is why I prefer to eat at home rather than outside so that if I will feel the urge to go, you know, the toilet will be just near me. That is why I envy many people with not much gut problem because they can eat whatever they want especially milk products which I love to drink and eat but cannot because of this lactose intolerance plus my restriction about consuming high-phosphorus foodstuffs.

Your suggestions to make some improvements when gas happens or to prevent it works and so we also have to pinpoint what really cause sit to avoid such discomfort in happening but for certain individuals, I see that there is no lasting remedy and really the solution will be not ingesting foods that will give us a general ill-feeling in our guts which is why prevention in that regard will pay dividends by feeling better always if we know what is causing the problem in the first place,
