Contest Alert: "Healthy Liver"

Hello my dear Steemians,
I would like to invite you to the contest that is running by @suboohi and if you would like to have a look, here is the link:
Liver is one of the universal regenerator organ, we know from ancient Greek mythology when Zeus has punished the Prometheus for stolen fire, he was chained to rock and everyday an eagle was eating his liver everyday and following day it was regenerated. Human liver does not regenerate so quickly, still it is one of the organ that grow back a bit even after a person donates part of his liver to someone.
Healthy liver keeps our body clean from different toxins, it is a detox organ. Healthy liver takes part in the producing blood cells and proteins, it is producing proteins and clotting factors, preventing us from infection, from bleeding to death and also for storage of energy converting carbohydrates into glucagon and fat for later bad time.
Often liver can be damaged, reversible damage could be due to:
- alcohol intake, but if it is early stage and a person stops alcohol, then liver can recover completely, if a person had long term alcohol intake then liver turns into knotted shrunken liver and cause liver cirrhosis
- non alcoholic fatty liver disease, often in case when a person’s intake of carbohydrates and calories are too high, then our body can not use all that amount and convert carbohydrates into glucagon that is stored in liver
- acute liver injuries due to for example Paracetamol overdose, people who take too much pain relief without paying attention at the dose. Some chemical overdose such acute injuries usually recover if the person is in hospital on early stage
What you can do to keep your liver happy:
avoid alcoholic
healthy food, less greasy and fatty food
less sugar, carbohydrates
reduce weight and do fitness exercise
avoid any other drugs and chemical substance exposure
One of the commonest problem nowadays in western countries is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, this is common when people have overweight. Reversible condition when treated early
Alcoholic liver cirrhosis that is often not reversible condition, that could cause alcoholic encephalopathy that is brain injury secondary to alcohol. Also, it could cause fluid in abdomen that could get infected and cause sepsis. Liver cirrhosis could cause dilated veins in gullet and that could cause bleeding. If liver has cirrhosis that could lead to disturbance of clotting of your blood that could cause bleeding that is difficult to stop. Cirrhosis also could cause jaundice because the cells of liver are unable to create red blood cells they are damaged and yellow pigment is them will be expressed into blood and cause jaundice.
For this contest I decided to do a painting of liver and I used gouache for this painting, I love that opaque feature of this paints.
I also captured the steps of my painting:

Here is a liver that has a triangular shape, there is ligament that is keeping the liver in the middle of abdomen. There is a gallbladder under the liver, also there are bile ducts of right and left part of the liver joining together. There are arteries of liver called hepatic arteries and a large vein called portal vein.
I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @memamun, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.

I am positive to both Hepatitis B and C and maybe I might die from liver failure in the next few years or so but I am still not showing signs of liver failure.
My other co-patient at dialysis showed signs of his viral liver disease for a short while and then he died. But unlike me he is a dialysis patient that drinks alcoholic beverages which most probably conked his liver out faster than it should by the Hepatitis virus itself.
I discovered my Hep B liver disease around 1996-97 after my first visit to the Nephrologist. It is the reason why my Kidney disease didn't get treated because the treatment for Kidney disease that I got would hurt the liver.
Then more than a decade after my first dialysis session around 2002, I contracted the Hep C virus. I still am hopeful that these viruses would go away and I am still planning to get them treated-out before they kill my liver.
So now whatever will be will be and I'll just trust God on how he would direct my life but I still wan to live on in this world because life is still beautiful and it will just be another hurdle for me to pass through if God wills it for me. @stef1
Right I am just making my diet as nutritious as I can have them and taking antioxidant like Vitamin C and Moringa powder as my main vitamin source. 😀👍
Congratulations!!! because your comment has been upvoted by Team 7 using steemcurator09. Curated By <@ripon0630>
I am sorry to hear about you having Hepatitis B and C, those too are often cause long term liver damage. I am glad that you are staying away from substances that could damage your liver more. Often people maybe lucky and have remission for a long time too. That is good idea about healthy diet and antioxidants.
"it is one of the organ that grow back a bit even after a person donates part of his liver to someone"
This is really cool...did not know this.
Great post @stef1. Now I feel guilty for drinking beer last night…haha, but the last time I had a beer was 5 months ago, so my liver had time to regenerate :)
I know often we feel guilty for some treats that we get, like during festive periods when we eat and drink more than usually. But luckily the nature often on our side and only we have to time to time remember that :)
It's all time amazing to reading your post because it is fully filled with info and creativity of your art. I love to reading you blogs. I wish you good luck for this challenge.
Thank you for reading and I am glad that you find it interesting :)
I will definitely drop my own entry very soon on this. Thank you so much for actually sharing this. Most times a lot of us does not really know much about the part of our body including liver
Yes, it is an interesting topic, we often forget about how important to follow simple rules to keep us healthy.
Thank you for support :)
Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest