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RE: Contest and result; Comment affairs #03/ Does money bring happiness?

in Steem For Ladies2 months ago

Opinions and understandings vary, minds and perceptions differ, and each one has his own direction to which he turns. In fact, some people, even many of them, seek their happiness in what brings them misery and destruction in this world and the hereafter.

We often search for happiness, and it is close to us, just as we often search for glasses that are above our eyes.

Happiness is also known as a feeling resulting from a job that a person loves, or it is the result of something that people have done for someone. It is also a feeling of satisfaction within the soul, and it is not necessary for it to be associated with success, but it would be better if the successful person was happy or the happy person was successful.. Happiness and success together should be the goal of each of us, and since happiness is an energy of contentment that accepts reality, because it is the will of God, and works to improve it with the reasons that God created for us to improve our conditions in the universe.

Happiness and money are separate from each other and neither affects the other, but some studies have revealed that money can bring happiness and increase it as well under certain conditions. The main factor in the effect of money on happiness is how that money is spent, meaning that if money is spent “in the right way,” it will lead to happiness and peace of mind.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @graceleon, @adrianagl, @karianaporras to participate in this contest.

 2 months ago 

Woow. So much wisdom in one comment . Thank you for dropping by to contribute your thought on this topic…
I agree with you that happiness is not necessarily associated with success. Someone may be successful but not find happiness and true satisfaction and vice versa. Under certain conditions money can bring happiness like you said depending on how it’s spent. I was talking to some persons and explaining to them that money is amoral meaning that money is neither good nor bad, its either good or bad depending on who is handling it and what’s it’s used for and hence I think the same applies to this case of happiness and money.
@beewrites, @ngoenyi, @bossj23
what’s your take on this?

Last time you said no men?

 2 months ago 

That was the first contest I held on story telling but the comment contest is open to all both men and women.