Contest and result; Comment affairs #03/ Does money bring happiness?
Greetings beautiful Steemians,
Welcome to comment affairs contest #03 and announcement for #02
This is a free write and comment contest geared to promote engagement amongst steemians. Our last contest we had 28 comments and 10 users who commented.
This week is another interesting time for engagement. So for the week, let’s look at this…
Does money bring happiness? What’s your take on this, tell us what you think about money and happiness and why you think so.
Points to note:
- This is a free write and comment contest, you do not need to make a post, simply write whatever you want as a comment under this post. It can be as as long as you want but ensure it’s more than 100 words.
- Attach a picture (just one picture) to elaborate your point. Ensure the picture is sourced.
- Tag three of your friends to join the contest under your comment.
- You can choose to write a fresh comment or You can express yourself under someone’s comment if you want to contribute to what the person wrote about.
- This contest ends on Thursday 6th February and the users with the best and quality comments will be rewarded.
1st Place: 2 steem power
2nd Place: 2 steem power
3rd Place: 1 steem power
- Entries to this contest are open to everyone
- Post your comment under the contest post, you do not need to write a different post, add a picture to your comment.
- Comment must be at least 100 words. Comments should be written in English only.
- Plagiarism, AI content, and abusive commemts are not allowed.
- Do not use any Upvote bot services
- Vote and resteem this post for others to see.
- Tag three of your friends under your comment to join the comment contest
The contest ends on Thursday 6th February 23:59 UTC and the decision of the Steem For Ladies team is final.
Winners for Comment affairs contest #02.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the last contest. There were many interesting and quality comments but please let’s adhere to the instructions to write only in English.
Hence let’s drop our quality comments in English and the comments must be inline with the context of the contest.
Below are the winners.
Name | Reward |
@deetalka6 | 2 steem power |
@deprincedeman | 2 steem power |
@chisom77 | 1 steem power |
Steem power prices sent
Thank you so much, please keep making quality posts and we can’t wait to see our engagement in the comment contest. Let’s get commenting.
10% to @steemladies
menikmati liburan juga membutuhkan uang
Apakah uang mendatangkan kebahagiaan? Apa pendapat anda tentang hal ini? beritahu kami pendapat anda tentang uang dan kebahagiaan serta mengapa anda berpendapat demikian.
Baiklah saya ingin menjawab bahwa uang bukan segalanya tapi segalanya butuh uang, bisa kah dipahami? Jadi setiap manusia akan berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan uang bahkan dengan menghalalkan segala cara, tapi dengan mempunyai uang yang banyak belum tentu mereka bisa mendapatkan kebahagiaan, karena kebahagian itu datang dari dalam diri kita sendiri bukan dari uang dan uang adalah pendukung dari kebahagiaan kita.
Kita akan mengalami banyak masalah jika tidak punya uang, mau mendapatkan makanan, kesehatan, pendidikan bahkan saat kita mati saja masih membutuhkan uang karena hidup itu tidak ada yang gratis.
Sebaliknya mempunyai banyak uang juga akan mendapatkan masalah karena semua uang kita harus di jaga betul-betul supaya tidak dirampas orang lain dan itu akan membuat kita jadi resah dan kehilangan kebahagiaan juga.
Alangkah baiknya kita hidup sederhana dengan penuh kebahagiaan dari pada bergelimang harta tapi kita tak bahagia.
Mengundang Bu @sumarni123, @watii, @hafsasaadat90
Terimakasih buat teman @alexanderpeace yang sudah mengadakan kontes komentar yang sangat menarik,salam🤝🌹.
Tidak hanya biaya, tetapi juga kematian. Banyak yang tidak mampu membiayai pemakaman. Ada perdagangan mayat, bagian tubuh manusia yang dikirim, sebagian disewakan, untuk penelitian. Ada skandal besar ketika sebuah kontainer berisi mayat dan bagian tubuh ditemukan di pelabuhan Rotterdam yang dikirim oleh sebuah perusahaan di Amerika. Keluarga terdekat tidak dapat membayar dan jika mereka membayar, apa yang tersisa akan dikuburkan oleh perusahaan tersebut. 😥
Waduh......ini nampak kejam sekali ya, biar bagaimana pun kalau di tempat saya orang-orang memperlakukan mayat dengan sangat baik sekali, walaupun mereka miskin akan tetapi di kuburkan dengan cara yang sangat layak, memang benar kan walaupun kita sudah mati sekali pun tetap butuh uang, kalau di tempat saya yang pertama untuk biaya membeli kain kafan serta peralatan lain yang di butuhkan, kemudian untuk biaya menggali kuburnya dan acara kenduri selama 7 hari 7 malam semiskin apa pun tetap ada acara kenduri di rumah orang meninggal, kalau mereka dari Kalangan orang kaya akan membayar upah orang yang mengakibatkan di kubur juga dengan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
Biaya pemakaman di sini setidaknya 10.000 euro dan untuk itu Anda hanya memiliki kremasi dan mungkin peti mati yang sangat murah, jika tidak, tidak ada apa-apa. Ada banyak hal yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Tanahnya sangat sempit dan terlalu sedikit sekarang mereka berbicara tentang cara lain untuk membuang mayat. Larutkan dalam asam atau?
@ wakeupkitty
Waduh ...itu sangat mengerikan menurut saya, kalau di buang atau dilarutkan dalam asam, bagaimana kita akan berziarah suatu hari, kalau doa bisa dimana saja kan.
Pasti orang miskin yang paling di sayangkan karena mereka tidak sanggup membayar,di daerah saya banyak sekali lahan kosong dan masyarakat akan memberikan wakaf untuk tempat pemakaman umum kalau lahan sebelumnya sudah penuh,atau masyarakat akan membeli tanah bersama-sama untuk di jadikan tempat pemakaman.
میں اپ کی بات سے مکمل طور پر متفق ہوں کہ، پیسے ہی سے خوشی نہیں حاصل کی جا سکتی۔ مگر پیسہ ایک ایسی بنیادی ضرورت ہے جس کے بغیر زندگی ادھوری ہے۔ انسان پیسے سے خوشی تو نہیں حاصل کر سکتا، مگر خوش رہنے کی کوشش ضرور کر سکتا ہے۔۔کیونکہ ہماری بیسک ضروریات پیسے ہی سے پوری ہوتی ہیں۔اگر بنیادی ضروریات ہی پوری نہ ہوں تو انسان خوش رہنے کا ڈھونگ ہی رسا سکتا ہے۔ خوش نہیں رہ سکتا ۔روٹی، کپڑا ،مکان یہ تینوں چیزیں ایسی ہیں جن جو پیسہ مانگتی ہیں۔ کوئی بھی کسی کو تین ٹائم روٹی نہیں کھلا سکتا ،سوائے اللہ کی ذات کے۔ لہذا انسان کو اللہ سے علم نافع اور فائدہ دینے والا مال مانگنا چاہیے ۔جس میں انسان کو دلی راحت اور سکون حاصل ہو سکے۔
میرے اسٹیم اٹ کے کچھ خاص ساتھی ہیں جن کی میں پوسٹ کا شدت سے انتظار کروں گی۔
You wrote the names of those you tagged wrong!
Oh no
Terimakasih temanku atas komentar baiknya,
Well said friend, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sometimes I notice that when I have money to take care of my basic needs, I worry less. Money is good and helpful to sustain us. But need do not finish hence need for satisfaction in one creator. Endeavor to share your thoughts in English as it’s part of the rules when next you join us, thanks for your contribution.
Ok insha'Allah I will write in English in next time
Terimakasih ya Bu @suryati1 sudah mengundang saya. Insya Allah ikutan juga.
Oke sip👍
Yea, I agree with the fact that we all need money to lead good lives and money is a support for happiness and not necessarily the root.
Thanks for sharing Your thoughts, we are glad you dropped by, please endeavor to share next time in English as it’s part of the rules.
Baiklah temanku terimakasih atas informasinya, tapi saya tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris 😭, saya senang anda mengingatkan saya, terima sekali lagi🙏
Tidak apa-apa, Anda dapat menggunakan penerjemah untuk menerjemahkan jawaban Anda ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Saya tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia, tetapi saya harus menggunakan penerjemah untuk memahami apa yang Anda katakan. Lebih baik agar semua orang dapat berkomunikasi dengan mudah satu sama lain tanpa banyak kesulitan di kolom komentar.
Ok.. thank you friend 👍🌹
You’re welcome
¿El dinero trae felicidad? ¿Qué opinas al respecto? Cuéntanos qué piensas sobre el dinero y la felicidad y por qué lo crees.
Bueno, el dinero definitivamente no trae felicidad, aunque, si tenemos dinero como cubrir nuestras necesidades básicas vamos a sentir algo de alegría, satisfacción o contentamiento; y cuando no tenemos dinero nos sentimos muy triste, porque no tenemos como comprar comida, y las cosas básicas de la vida.
Pero la felicidad va como más allá, es algo más profundo, como más duradero. Pienso que la felicidad se lleva adentro, y no tiene que ver con si tenemos más o menos dinero. Creo que tiene que ver más con las cosas espirituales.
No depende de las circunstancias, sino de la relación que tenemos con dios, el significado que le demos a nuestra vida.
Conozco personas con muchísimo dinero, que son tan vanidosas y orgullosas que no son felices. También conozco personas muy ricas que si lo son, porque tienen valores espirituales muy araigados.
Esa es mi opinión, el dinero nos da cierto grado de seguridad y alegría, pero no nos garantiza la felicidad duradera.
Invito a @sitaraindaryas @tripple-e y @naina9
Money is not happiness but it is the cause of happiness. Happiness obtained from money is not permanent but temporary like any desire like shoes, clothes, food, drink, organizing a function, these are temporary happiness.
Real happiness is related to our self, to our thinking, to our intention, to our action. Always put the pleasure of Allah first in your life and make gratitude your habit in every situation. Happiness is not related to money, but to the state of the heart and thoughts. True happiness lies in peace of heart and we need to find true happiness within ourselves and not in external and artificial things.

Very truth you have shared here. Lasting happiness which I actually call joy comes from our relationship with God. Happiness is a product of happenings and joy is a fruit of the Spirit and is there despite the situation around us. Money can help but definitely not the source. Pls endeavor to share with us in English when next you drop by as it’s part of the rules. Thanks.
Ok, thank you very much, I'll take it into account.
Thank God I've seen someone that also shares my thoughts, money does not give happiness, true happiness comes from within.
Thank you for the invite ma'am
No entiendo muy bien a qué te refieres con los dos ejemplos de ricos. ¿Por qué poner como ejemplo a los pobres? Da la sensación de que los pobres deberían contentarse con nada porque existen personas ricas e infelices. 🤔 El dinero sí te hace feliz. Puedes comprar comida más sana, tener un médico mejor no tienes que morir congelado en los inviernos fríos porque no puedes pagar la electricidad y el gas. Wwll quizás sólo aquellos que son realmente pobres y tienen que renunciar y en los que las facturas se acumulan dicen que el dinero hace feliz?

Opinions and understandings vary, minds and perceptions differ, and each one has his own direction to which he turns. In fact, some people, even many of them, seek their happiness in what brings them misery and destruction in this world and the hereafter.
We often search for happiness, and it is close to us, just as we often search for glasses that are above our eyes.
Happiness is also known as a feeling resulting from a job that a person loves, or it is the result of something that people have done for someone. It is also a feeling of satisfaction within the soul, and it is not necessary for it to be associated with success, but it would be better if the successful person was happy or the happy person was successful.. Happiness and success together should be the goal of each of us, and since happiness is an energy of contentment that accepts reality, because it is the will of God, and works to improve it with the reasons that God created for us to improve our conditions in the universe.
Happiness and money are separate from each other and neither affects the other, but some studies have revealed that money can bring happiness and increase it as well under certain conditions. The main factor in the effect of money on happiness is how that money is spent, meaning that if money is spent “in the right way,” it will lead to happiness and peace of mind.
Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @graceleon, @adrianagl, @karianaporras to participate in this contest.
Woow. So much wisdom in one comment . Thank you for dropping by to contribute your thought on this topic…
I agree with you that happiness is not necessarily associated with success. Someone may be successful but not find happiness and true satisfaction and vice versa. Under certain conditions money can bring happiness like you said depending on how it’s spent. I was talking to some persons and explaining to them that money is amoral meaning that money is neither good nor bad, its either good or bad depending on who is handling it and what’s it’s used for and hence I think the same applies to this case of happiness and money.
@beewrites, @ngoenyi, @bossj23
what’s your take on this?
Last time you said no men?
That was the first contest I held on story telling but the comment contest is open to all both men and women.
Yes Yes Yes MONEY can bring Happiness
I am in the favour of money. There are a lot of problems when you don't have money and there are a lot of things that make you happy with money. A simple example I will share here , you and your family have to travel to another city for meeting relatives, if you don't have enough money you have to travel local public transport where no facilities and a lot of time consuming with irritation. But if you have money and having own car your journey become enjoyable trip. When ever you want you can stop and whenever you want you can travel with no boundness.
Health is wealth, same to think apply on your health. Illness is part of life . When you get some kind of illness and having money in your pocket you can visit a specialist doctor in private clinic , where you get up to the mark diagnosis and treatment and get recovery soon. But if you don't have money you have to visit a govt hospital where you have to wait a lot of time then your appointment came with a junior doctor and first he will test some kind of medicine on you if you get ok with that medicine it will be your luck. Otherwise after illness get strong then Doctor suggested you for medical test and reports come late untill then your body become really weak. And in recovery process rich can get good quality food that will help you to recover early but when you don't have money and don't get good food your body remain weaker for several months . Sometime this weakness remain forever.
So I strongly suggest money is everything on our planet for live.
I recommend my friends to participate @yasin2018 @blue0 @menaalfy
I love money too! 😁
We all love money and you ❤️
Money is good really I must attest and can make for happiness, I usually wonder at that scripture verse that says “money answereth all things”, but if I may ask, there are people who have more and are not happy, have you witnessed such or know of any?
Yes. Let me start with 100 percent (%) belief. Money bring happiness. I could remember how I started life. I started life as a girl with nothing, the story of things fall apart really got me experienced. It looks as if life was after me, nothing seems to work for my favour. I experienced total shutdown in all dimensions. However, I couldn't give in to those parasitical influencers called distractions, I just kept on pushing, doing what seems impossicant, and believing fully for a miraculous future.
I lost the strength, ego and the vibez during this race. I could remember drawing plans for an invisible money I never see. Thinking that money falls from the sky like a winding ball string. I work like elephants and eat like an ants.
I use to hear people say, money is everything and I wander how it'll become everything even in this my brokenness. The first piece I raised was 12000 naira. This wasn't enough, because at the end of the day, I would spent it on drugs, just to keep myself safe. I won't say at that point I was happy. Imagine you a married man and then all that you hustle for in a month is used in treating body pains, yes. For the fact that health is secure, there'll be every possibility of walking into your dream wealth. So I faced this. Totally blackout. My money used for medications instead of feeding me with foods that will make me look better and happy.
The reality of this proverb came to existence the moment I received 1,000,000 million naira from a friend in U.K. Omo! Cum see joy 4 ma face. I was over happy. Excited and a drop on my head that Money really bring happiness.
So, from that day, I gave money a new meaning, which I'm about to share with you all.
In summary, money is brings happiness truly. Thanks for reading. Drop your question or comments if you have any.
I invite the following to participate too @ngoenyi, @eglis and @nemerem01
I won't conclude by saying Money bring happiness. If so, then the ritualist, yahoo-yahoo boys, the illuminati, those who have sold their souls to the devil should be perfectly happy for doing that just to get money. Instead, they can't even have peace of mind enjoying that money. Some build mansions but sleeps in the bushes, cars everyday. If truly money gives happiness, why can't the billions they have gotten make them happy?
Does it mean that there are two types of money?
Could that be the reason why the Bible declared: The Blessings of God makes rich and added no Sorrow? I guess so.
Any money gotten from devil brings sadness. Any money gotten from God brings happiness.
I also guess that's the reason why I do see Children of God celebrates even in their riches while the most potential societal men do not celebrates. They always look disappointed.
What do you have to say concerning this my friends? I invite you @bossj23, @abun56 and @chisom to come and share your thoughts on this. Is it true money brings happiness? Does the headline has a breakdown for this manifestation? Or is it just anyhow money, whether good or bad? Drop yours too. Thanks
Let me add something to it. You know what, I strongly believe that we all know that if anything is excessive or over ........ there's some how a consequence for it. For example, even the food we eat to keep us healthy, if we over eat and so on, it might lead to vomiting. Everything should be moderate. Like the Yahoo boys you mentioned, they did it for reason, to show off. How do you expect happiness when you cause someone else pain. We have conscience. We're not talking about money making just to be like..... My mate, to show off. We're talking about making money in the right way, and there's no way you'll not enjoyed that type of money. Common example I can give is the money you made on steemit. I know someone like @missyleo and @ogechukwu-martha will locate one joint, collect some chill palm whine and roasted fish. Omo, that's when you'll know that happiness is free.
Am having problems with my keyboard
That your keyboard will not only have problems but your phone will fall into the water anytime you mentioned my name again...😜🤣
Meanwhile 14th Feb. Is my birthday, so warm up and prepare your gift item and keep.
Sorry for your phone misbehaving bro.
Well said dear, you made a good point too…small enjoyment bring hapiness too. Na work chop we dey for here.
sorry about your phone, don’t mind @missyleo
Lol... 🤣🤣🤣
Nice submission you have made here, I asked someone if he has seen a situation where people have money and are not happy and here you answered it maybe because of how they got their money. But those who got their money genuinely have a level of happiness because at least they have peace of mind. Money and happiness are relative to me if asked because if you dont have money, there is little you can do in life if not why did the Bible say that money answereth all things. Have you seen that scripture and what’s your take on that?
Yeah. Truly. Money answereth all things. But there's also an advantage when the money itself is gotten from a genuine source, it clearly define this scripture: "the blessings of God maketh rich and added no sorrow". Meaning that, there are money that bring sorrow and there are money that bring joy. Think about that..... Money is good. But! When it's gotten from a wrong source it becomes evil, and the repercussion is always regrettable
Yes, in my opinion money can buy happiness. I believe that having money can solve our many life's problems, which is a big part of happiness. With money we can get good food, a safe home, good healthcare, and a proper education. We can also use money to experience new things, travel, or fulfill our hobbies. Financial stability helps us to reduce uncertainty and brings peace in our life.
Although we see some people around us who have a lot of money but are not happy due to family or health problems, I still strongly believe that money can buy happiness. A friend of mine once said, "Crying in a small house or on the street is not the same as crying in an air-conditioned room."
We don't need a lot of money, but having enough to live comfortably is important.
I invite
🤣🤣🤣. That was a hilarious ending, crying is crying ooo. That was a nice perspective though, for me Money brings happiness…I like money😋
Are you kidding me,😂😂 let talk after shopping, maybe you have forgotten the best shopping center so far. Money brings happiness. Imagine me today in my working place, sitting outside waiting for customer. I haven't eaten yet as my boss told me I should take money from the market I sold to buy food. Around 12pm, no customer and there's no cash with me. Hmm, my mood changes, nothing looks funny to me at that moment.
But I finally eat, oh man........ Am alive, my body, the flesh, the spirit , everything works in the same direction. I can smile at anything though it doesn't look funny to others. To me, when I said money brings happiness am not talking about illegal way of making money. But in other to achieve happiness, we need money.
I will continue tomorrow as my battery is going down. Hey @emishael60, @evom and @cicisaja, what do have to say about this?
Hahahha🤣🤣🤣🤣, I was literally rolling on the floor laughing at that thumbnail Gif and your story. I’ve never heard it said like that, Omo show me where to go shopping for happiness, that would be after I get the money though 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thank you for making my day with your write up but please next time use only one picture as part of the rules.
Oh, one picture, am sorry about that, how about I edit and remove it?
Happiness is a state of mind. If we talk about money , money too bring happiness for some instant. If you have money you can buy everything, but we couldn't say those thing as buy will bring happiness to our life. As I said earlier it's a state of mind . Money and happiness are complex things to relate with each other.
Money bring happiness when we get our basic needs like medicine,food, clothes and shelter.
Same like we pay fees of school our children on time . It also relief ourselves from stress. If we have money we can travels around the world and enjoyed that moment. But after that time , we could be happy or sad. It will be depends on the state of mind.
At last I will say . If we want to become happy we have to train ourselves on any situation whether we have money in our pocket or not!
I want to invite @muhammad-ahamad @darwesh-khan @ulfatulrahmah
Nice submission you have stated, my point of view is that money brings happiness relatively and not absolutely…
Agree . Thanks 💗
Money can't do with happiness. Yes money can make you temporary happiness and make your life living easy. But I have seen many rich person's unhappy and found in problems like health and other issues. And seen some really poor person but living life happy. If you have health it is biggest wealth. And your family is problem free then you are the happiest person on earth weather you are rich or poor.
Money can make your life easy and up to the mark and you can buy whatever you want. But money can't buy happiness. If you are poor and you got a new dress once a year. That dress make you as much happy that rich people can't imagine who can buy daily a new dress.
There are a lot of movies and dramas about this topic on social media showing the reality of life. Personally if you are religious then money will not be issue for your joyness and happiness. Everything matter separately person to person. Some give more importance to money some not. It's depends on nature of hay person.
My dear you have made your point but me I know that money can buy happiness even if it’s temporal like you said. I don’t know of poor people who are happy because they can barely provide their basic needs. I also know of rich people who may not be happy with a particular area of life but at least they are not struggling with basic needs….all been said, live without money can realy be terrible…
Money can bring happiness but the truth is that it's not just the responsibility of money to make one happy,happiness is a decision against all odds.They are some wealthy fellows who doesn't have anything to do with being happy.if money were to be a source of happiness nobody will ever encounter a wealthy person with depression issues.My opinion here is that money is as important as life but does not guarantee happiness
Money can buy you a whole lots ,it can be a ransom for life,it can take you wherever you wish to be on earth but it can't buy you peace of mind which is the actual happiness.On this note i concur with @tripple-e that happiness doesn't consist in things we can handle but in God
If money is an invitation to happiness,there won't be cases of divorce from wealthy homes because the presence of money should have made them so happy not to even recognize flaws in anywhere.
Finally happiness lies within you and not in your bank account.
Thanks to everyone
I invite @enamul17 @ruthjoe @jswit to participate in this contest