Motivated Plan For Your Business - Content Guide For Your Blog And Business Boost | Pastry Sector

in Business Activity3 years ago


The companies and entrepreneurs that join Steem Blockcahin are motivated by this future with sustainable financial value.

Each investor corresponds to a sector and is focused on a work area or several of its branch and everything that its business description involves; A work plan, which pursues a specific client or different clients looking for what is offered; To attract, it is necessary to implement a series of strategies that will serve to grow the business and increase it.

When we talk about investment it is not only intended for money, it corresponds to investing time in content, quality material, work sample, the value for the qualities of the product, unique service offered, so that those who seek the service, product, material, can feel satisfied with what you need and what is offered to you, how is it achieved? in the most striking way possible, looking for the existing possibilities, placing himself in the position of the client even when he is the investor.

It is necessary to consider how to approach the client, learn topics that help what is offered inside and outside the Blockchain has more value than it already has.


Business blog

Create your own original style of content, a sample to the client in the business blog, striking and different, learn to distinguish yourself from other companies and ventures. Each one, in the pastry sector, can show the same appearance, but does not do it in the same way, does not sell the same as another, an investor must be characterized by being unique in what he does, so that in this way what he offers and sell, correspond to that effect.

Structure each post with eloquence in a specific job, this is important, tackle one topic at a time, create interesting, eye-catching blogs, get the customer passionate and interested in what you sell and offer.

The investor considers himself a client to be able to sell, he must think about:

• Does the image you show have an impact?
• Is the information appropriate and corresponds to the advertisement, service and / or article?
• Do I offer a different dessert?
• What differentiates it from the others?
• Can I create what the client requests, are we capable?
• Is it attractive in visual impression?
• Are colors, shapes and aggregates of importance, as I show it?
• Is the presentation of the dessert correct?
• Are our flavors palatable in the dessert to offer?
• Desserts and sweets most requested, why?
• Can I vary between simple and more complex desserts?
• Does the variety attract the customer?
• Is the delicacy of desserts and sweets important?
• These are just a few questions to consider if you want to sell based on excellence.

The presentation is the first impression, then there is the indescribable flavor, where the client can taste that what the business offers is of total quality.

A pastry chef must have delicacy and subtlety when creating, decorating, being meticulous, meticulous and careful, not overlooking any minimum detail in view of the client, because impeccable work leads to more interested clients, in the continuity of the recommendations.

Distinguishing one business from another, for that a company and entrepreneurship is created, novel in every way and unique above all. The investor must feel fully satisfied with his business so that the client is therefore also satisfied.


How can you show your activities?

The pastry chef has infinite themes to never stop showing the client what he does, offers and how he does it if it is the taste of work to be exhibited, on his business blog.

Topics that will serve as a guide:

The breakdown will depend on your creativity and work to show, remember that the more creative in your baking, the increase in your client portfolio will have the desired impact.

Specific work content by publication. Each post in confectionery can be shown in different forms and presentations the same dessert, talk about that specific work on which the publication topic is focused. Show different techniques of the preparation, you can give advice and suggestions, encourage their preparation, among others that contribute to make your sales presentation striking.

Courses. Each investor gives courses at a cost, for this, increased profits and production, in the publications, it is motivating to make a summary of the activity, share how the experience was lived and enjoyed, in the preparation of desserts, if it is counted or contributes theoretical material to later put them into practice, mistakes in the preparations, desserts highlighted in the course. How is a pastry course conducive and its value for users and / or customers?

Tips. Structure a topic, raise, extensive content writing where valuable information is appreciated. The utensils are part of the baking task, inform which are the best to use, in what way they can be used, tricks that only you as a pastry chef can show. You may add other related information, at your professional job criteria.

Techniques. Publications to improve pastry techniques in textures, preparation and confectionery in general.

Recommendations. The confectioners, encompasses much more than just showing a dessert, the dedication in this art of making, from baking and much more, contain important recommendations, both for the exact point of the mixture and, baked, decorated. Covering, what to do? What not to do? Be ingenious when you want to sell, to attract customers.

Reports on orders. Reports can be based on sales in cryptocurrencies managed on the Steem Blockchain or in your local currency; Creating, for example, a weekly report with sales, will help keep regular customers and those who are about to know the business informed, of how productive it is and its performance as an investor.

Inventory. Every business requires an inventory, in which the existence of articles and others are necessary and essential to carry out the pastry work. With the lack of materials, it is where the generated profits play an important role, you can show what you acquire, making a sample both in images and in text, describing the uses of each article or ingredient, the priority of its acquisition, the prices in steem or sbd, with what they were able to obtain. Show your achievement on the Blockchain.

Eye-catching promotional video. Technology leads us to create and display content that dazzles, that impacts, that makes that dessert a tendency to be sought by customers. Gif-style videos, short presentations, specific advice on desserts and samples, are welcome, with their respective information. Remember, you shouldn't just make a recording, it should contain valuable information.

Sales made through the Steem Blockchain. This topic is of importance to everyone, the sample of sales made through cancellation in Sbd or Steem. Make a nice format and description of this sale, mention of the user in Steemit that makes the purchase, receipt of cancellation, date and location, talk about the experience and show everything that involved this financial process and of course, the outstanding sales requested by the client, showing motive, decoration, work plan, among others.

Events. Each pastry chef works differently, in this sense, sharing the experience in corporate events, protocol service, pastry festival. Comply with describing the purposes of the event, your products to offer, in which they stood out, receptivity, the benefit of this reason to participate for your business in growth and expansion.

Visually striking and textually clear to understand, it attracts the customer, and thus will require your services.

The publications shown below are works carried out in the community, a captivating start to its continuous publications, which from them must "perfect" the entire structure and context, format in general, in such a way that it is not identical to another, and totally improved. Working example #1. Working example #2. Working example #3. This publication is a work sample in which you can evaluate how to offer and sell, through your publications. Mentalize your unique style, add enough text, be passionate about reading and writing, use keywords, a different structure but with a unique value.

Be original when creating your content, these tips and examples are to guide you in your best development in the community and in the search for customers who will be your allies around the world.

Look beyond what you see and show more of what the client wants, be able to change the perspective to what the client has not yet found to motivate him. Investors and publications are and have to be unique, create your blog and distinguish yourself by excellence.


What do you achieve with desserts and sweets with different samples and presentations?

The client is demanding by definition, a great variety of jobs to be offered must be shown, so that they find in you as an investor the possibility of hiring their services in pastry

Being a pastry chef is not just selling a dessert, it must give value to the different quantities of samples, for what? How will you position yourself? Each dessert and sweet, all the art that he makes from simple, complex and artistic, has a value for both the investor and the client.

A dessert is not just a dessert, because whoever works it must strive to ensure that it is of quality, in taste and presentation, in this way the great pastry chefs have achieved their boom.


How to expand the client portfolio?

Your personal presentation, your description, your work is what will make you known and therefore expand your portfolio of clients.

The focus should be on "expanding with your pastry work" differentiating yourself, so that what distinguishes you is your own style of work, flavors, presentations and quality. Regardless of where you are, they want to require your services.

The investor must make himself known and the visual impressions are what attract in the first place, then the flavors will be encompassed, as the second reason, later a wide portfolio of clients, by recommendations and reputation.


This publication is a wake-up call to the sectors in this area to educate themselves on how to attract, with the material shown to captivate and make their portfolio of clients broader.

Currently pastry investors

Company name
Heidy Reposteria
Truchi Café
Usaha Rumah Tangga (URT)

We hope that the confectionery sector covers much more in the Blockchain and that this content will guide its development in quality content.

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@Cindycam - MOD Editorial staff 🔹

 3 years ago 

Thank you @cindycam for this publication of such excellent support for a high-level projection for our pastry sector.

 3 years ago 

Thank @mvchacin you for trusting the community and making your businesses part of this new future that awaits you and that today is a reality. We hope these tips are valuable for your continued publications.

 3 years ago 

This is additional information, for chefs, or cake entrepreneurs, and becomes additional knowledge for all of them, very useful.

 3 years ago 

@humaidi , Of course yes, tips that are for your own benefit. Blockchain businesses need to increase their sales, they need to be seen by everyone, and the future is in their hands. Thank you for belonging to the community.

 3 years ago 

you're welcome guys, I'm happy to be here, and thank you very much for everything.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the suggestions, I will take them into account for future posts.

 3 years ago 

@felyess , We hope that they are useful to you, that you follow these recommendations for your own growth and the good appearance of your publications, for the impressions of your clients. Always successful for you.

 3 years ago (edited)

this is very extraordinary dear all the explanations and business ideas that you write really help us in working to advance our business you are a great writer dear i will consider for this you publish content that motivates us to be more advanced this is very interesting.

greetings @riska-amanda business lover USAHA RUMAH TANGGA (URT) from Indonesian

success always my friend @cindycam

 3 years ago 

@riska-amanda , All the success in the world for you and your business, we have seen your dedication and I hope that these tips will serve for your publications in the impression that is pleasing to the eye of your clients. Always a pleasure to read your content.

 3 years ago 

thank you my dear friend

Excelente, cabe destacar que la rama de la repostería y pastelería es muy amplia y en está información encuentras los aspectos fundamentales de como abordar puntos claves de tu negocio así no se sienten tan perdidos al momentos de crear su contenido.

 3 years ago 

Un mensaje motivador para todos aquellos que se dedican a la pastelería, repostería en general. Una idea para que continúen en sus publicaciones, las cuales son clave para atraer la mirada del cliente. Gracias por apreciar estas recomendaciones para los negocios que hoy hacen vida en la Blockchain de Steem.

Very good content for all those companies and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to the pastry sector.
We hope to see a lot of quality content and companies that want to grow within the platform.

 3 years ago 

We are sure that it will. All who join are in search of the potential increase of their business.

Esto es totalmente cierto..

Un pastelero debe tener delicadeza y sutileza a la hora de crear, decorar, ser minucioso, meticuloso y cuidadoso, sin dejar de lado ningún detalle mínimo a la vista del cliente, porque un trabajo impecable conduce a clientes más interesados, en la continuidad de las recomendaciones.

Todo esto sumado a una buena atención al cliente. Excelente información @cindycam

 3 years ago 

Gracias por tomar en consideración este mensaje para los inversores de Steemit, esto es en pro de su crecimiento empresarial. Éxitos para usted.

This information is excellent for all enterprising pastry chefs. The truth is that it is a job where you have to do with a lot of creativity.

 3 years ago 

Creativity, love and passion for what is done. Every detail changes the client's perspective, bringing him much closer to the investor and requiring his services.

 3 years ago 

Excellent article, your advice as always is very wise and gives us a different way of seeing our undertaking and especially of showing it in the community.
There really are no words to thank you for your effort and time to teach newcomers like me to understand this business.

 3 years ago 

@maurelvys , Thank you for bringing your business to the Steem Blockchain. We hope these tips will be of use to you, and soon we will be sharing more valuable and helpful content for each sector. You are valuable to the community. Thank you for being here and being part of this project on Steemit.