It's a man's world, it's a woman's world

in Be Happy8 days ago


Greetings distinguished Steemians, I am super excited that we've gathered here again so as to discuss and share knowledge. In this episode, I will be addressing three important questions that concerns our daily living. There include;

70% of a man's choices and actions are influenced by a woman. How true is this?
Do women genuinely seek to control the world? If so, why?
Does one gender truly surpass the other?
70% of a man's choices and actions are influenced by a woman. How true is this?

There's no doubt that the claims of a woman being responsible for about 70% of a man choices looks so real. This issue has been debated on socially, culturally and even on psychological discussion. Yet, there's is no still direct answer to this question owing to the fact that there's no yardstick to measure the percentage accurately.

Meanwhile, it is undeniable that woman contributes effectively towards man choice and at the same time, men as well influences women's choice equally. Women in this context could be mothers, sisters, wives and even female friends. In the broader sense, it could be the head of establishment or a media figure. But all of these points to the angle that women do influence men's choices in most cases. Before we continue, let me quickly mention that influence is not the same thing as control lest one would begin to think of the women being superior to the man.

The Nature of Influence in Human Relationships

So as to grant Justice to our discussion, it is pertinent that this heading is discussed in full because, influence happens to be a natural part of human interaction. The influence narration could be seen between parents and their children, teachers and their students, among peers etc. in a relationship, men and women influences each others alike though this influence may not be easily noticeable.


Personally, the influence of a woman could be seen in me as my mom influenced me never to hit a woman life and this as become part of me. Also, I have an elder sister who has suffered a great deal for us since my mom departed. Today, she influences me as I try not to do things that would bring anger or sorrow to her already experienced pains

I would end this section by acknowledging societies which intends to promote the male as being the major figure. It as been ascertained that even in this communities, the women acts from the background as in the case of Napoleon Bonaparte and his dear wife Josephine. This woman is always considered as the backbone of Napoleon empowering him from behind while he showcases as the superior.

To come to a close, the idea that a woman controls 70% of the man action is not empirical as they is no yardstick to measure it and @alexander and @ruthjoe could testify to this.

Does one gender control the world?

This is a debate of superiority. This debate is a long lasting debate which I hope would come to an end has we unravel this piece. Let me begin by addressing the fact that both the male and the female gender has their own unique weaknesses and strengths. Going by this, there should not be an intense fight on who is the strongest but rather, both parties should work together in total collaboration except @berda01 has something contrary.

However, it is also worthy to mention that both the male and the female are engineered differently with varying hormones, physical abilities, and psychological buildup in terms of psychology, it is always said that men are always used to take risks when compared to the women. On the other side, the women are always prone to emotions and sympathy. Though, this works, they are not general truths as some men tends to show empathy more than some women and @spektro223 can testify.

Meanwhile, the women are always praised and celebrated even though they do similar things to the men. For example, country governed by women were highly celebrated during the COVID 19 conquering compared to those left by women. At the same time, men such as Elon Musk is also celebrated for is risk taking ability wish pays them through wealth.

In my opinion, instead of searching for the gender controlling the world, I feel that both gender should continue to.compliment each other's abilities.

Do Women Seek to Control the World?

In my opinion, the question if women seek to control the world is mainly a stereotype whose foundation is rooted on fear and misunderstanding. However, from time memorial, women have always strive towards ensuring that their voice are being heard owing to the fact that they are considered weaker vessels by the society.


By this, women try to ensure that their voice are being heard in education, politics, employment, and even religion. This strive towards ensuring that their voices are heard makes it look as though they seek to control the world. But in reality, I do not not subscribe that ladies are always wanting to control the world. However, I think that @bossj23 would have something meaningful to contribute here.

Finally,my sincere appreciation to @nsijoro for hosting this contest with the aim of solving this Herculean problems.


Can I ask? If women are given a chance, do you think they wouldn't have loved to rule? Think of the case between Trump and Harris. Men supporting men and women supporting women. I'll say it's a man's wold after all because most women are sidelined. It was Adam's world before he opted for a supporter. 😁😁. Don't mind the jokes.

Perfect perception

Appreciated Sir

Can I ask?

You haven't gotten permission to ask, so why have you asked a question? 😂 sorry i was joking.

I really understand the joke Sir. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just like going to a friend's house and knock on the door asking to come in when you've already opened the door. I'm happy with this your joke. Anyways, this community means well for people.

Yes you are right. Is the case of opening the door your personal experience? 😅

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We have limitations in performing verification, The main task of Atlas Ambassadors is to verify posts originating from their own country.

Ohkay. Noted

I think the topic is too complex to deal with comprehensively in a Steem post. It's too complex for a doctoral thesis ;-))

I also think that among all genders there are lovely, nice, correct, ambitious, achievement-orientated, successful people as well as unreliable, lazy, dishonest, bored people. You will also find arseholes among all of them... But what is different is society's view and expectation of individuals. If a woman has many lovers, in some cultures she is at least looked at askance (in others she is executed)... A man with the same hobby is a great guy, he's got what it takes! A woman who has a career, doesn't want children and perhaps doesn't want a man is considered frigid and unfeminine. A man who becomes a nursery school teacher or a nail designer - a pussy, a failure, a wimp...

We create our own gender problems. You are right about one thing: women play a huge role in this; in the vast majority of cultures, they are the ones who are most intensively involved in bringing up the younger generations. Machos are also brought up by women...

My sincere appreciation, mentor. Sometimes I wonder where you derive inspiration from. Then I realized it is part of you Thanks So much for passing by

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

I hold nothing in contrary to this beautiful piece

Finally,my sincere appreciation to @nsijoro for hosting this contest with the aim of solving this Herculean problems.

Are you sure you have created a post in the right community?

Yes! We were given liberty to drop in any community of our choice so I choose this community

Okay thanks.

I hosted this contest when the incident of Sen Akpabio and Sen Natasha didn't surface, if men don't seek to control the world, why was her case brought to the dust, is this an underlying factor that influence woman speech or is it completely political, how many woman has been given the opportunity to become governor in our country, the record if not mistaken shows that women have been undermine. You are very much aware of school politics, why is a woman never the president and a man her vice, explain if a consensus could emerged.

Based on physical abilities women are weaker vessel no doubt, and the level of compassion is incomparable to men, and in holding a position in government don't you think there will be much compromise in favour of those that means a lot to her, can she die hard on her opinion,

Can you tell me, reason why kamala couldn't supercede Trump, men rule the world but it's doesn't mean we should undermine women's ability to handle position.

Men ruling the world is dependent on sector, in the families today women control men we can accreditate this to the level of intimacy and love. If you are not controlled to some extent there may be no peace in the home.

There is a lot to talk about let's hold it there you have written well, women will seek to control the world if they don't feel loved. A child who is not well treated by the parent will seek independence, it's not wrong actually but it's a strive to be recognised.