
We all agree that @ronie10 is a good commenter.
Wel done👍
Your performance is commendable.

#wewrite #comment

 22 days ago 

You are very good and active too and so is @suryati1 @almaguer @surmani123, @jiva34,
aneukpineung78 and are the others. We have a good group and make a difference.

I hope we keep commenting. I know it can be jard and by now my comments aren't that long but my time is more limited, my phone slow and I have days my hands hurt and writing in my mind is easier than typing.

A big hug and compliment to all of you!


You all rock and are the gems of Steemit

 22 days ago 

Lot going on here. Car died on the highway and financial woes. Kind of preoccupied right now with just staying afloat. Thought processes directed away from creative writing and Steemit. for now. I shall return...

 18 days ago 

Hi dear, sorry for the late reply. A dead car is a burden and a big worry. Did you receive help to get home and what about your car? If you feel to it you can email me [email protected]

Lesson 4 started today, a catch up lesson so if you like you can give it a try and see how far you get.
A big hug for you

Terimakasih temanku, saya dapat memahami kegiatan anda yang sangat padat, ponsel menjadi lelet dan tangan mengalami masalah, saya sendiri mengalami masalah mata dan tak bisa menatap layar ponsel terlalu lama

Pandangan menjadi kabur dan perih sehingga saya jadi lambat juga dalam bekerja, padahal saya sangat senang membaca setiap postingan orang lain dan mengetahui kegiatan dan hal-hal baru

Jadi sekarang saya memakai handphone hanya sebentar saja

#wewrite #comment

 18 days ago 

I am sorry to hear you have eye problems. Is it better now? I use the night modus and at times sunglasses. I don't like the light that comes from a screen it hurts my eyes as well. What also helps is if you don't stare and don't sit too long behind the screen. I know curtors who dealt with the same issue.

Saya mengalami mata katarak dan tidak bisa menatap layar handphone terlalu lama, dan itu sangat perih sekali saat ini saya sedang memesan obat mata namun belum sampai, semoga setelah mengkonsumsi obat tersebut mata saya jauh lebih baik,

We like working under you. It is under your patronage that we have learned to comment and post what we like. And God willing, we will all remain active in the same way in the future as well.

Without your support, we wouldn't have learned all this.
@aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty
Best wishes to both of you.

#wewrite #comment

 18 days ago 

You know I found it hard to comment. Twice I left and every time I had to learn it again although one picks it up faster and what is different here from the offline life is that it isn't weird or rude if you jump into a conversation. That was what I found most difficult.

You are doing great and this is you, not me.

Commenting is really difficult. I write stories very calmly and peacefully, but I used to ignore commenting.
But your mentioning me in the comments section proved to be good for me. I used to worry that if I was mentioned, then I must reply.
Then I used to hesitate but now I have become fluent in commenting and now I reply to everyone without hesitation.

#wewrite #comment