Miner - We-Write Winners - Lesson 2

Lesson 3 started on Monday, March 3, 2025 and with that, Lesson 2 came to an end. If you would like to join Lesson 3 it would be good if you do Lesson 1 and Lesson 2. Not only to find and show your niche but also because of the prizes given at the end of this 6-week course.
We didn't see AI show up, but also, writing with a timer is not done by everyone and we like to see this practised more. If you do so next to the tasks feel free to mention us.
NOTE: If you have a niche, try to show it in every post you write! Break the old habit and develop your own style.
- 3 commented in all 3 communities
- 2 commented once or twice in Italy as a reply to what we wrote
- 3 participants wrote only one post
- 4 participants have a niche and still show it
- Commenting and upvoting could be improved, and so could engaging (replying is a good start).
Total of valid entries: 11 (participants not post count)
- All the rules set weren't followed. Only three commented in the community Italy. We like to hear why this was ignored by most participants. Leave a comment, please.
- Task 1: Commenting: a minimum of 50 words turned out to be a hard task the same for commenting in Italy.
- Task 2: The posts were diverse and interesting to read.
Points were based on commenting, engaging, showing the niche, freewriting, using the daily prompt, and progress. The delegations of this week will be taken care of by @aneukpineung78 and UVF by wakeupkitty - @hive-169911 Tales & Stories.
#1 @sumarni123 - 20 SP
#2 @xiao-aine - 15 SP
#3 @naina9 - 10 SP
#4 @almaguer - 5 SP
#5 @ronnie10 - 5 SP
5 UVF will be for the one who commented most and this will be calculated by @aneukpineung78
The winner is @ronnie10
Miner We-Write
Lesson 1
It is about awareness (who am I, what is it I like) and hopefully will people post about their likes instead of the same post over and over again and a bit of fun wouldn't hurt either.Lesson 2
The community SSEA helps those with low SP/newcomers grow (300 SP is delegated).Lesson 3
We write reviews from kitchentools, books, cars, films, trips and attractions (SteemAtlas can be used).
March 4, 2025 UTC
MINER We-Write Team
@aneukpineung78 | @wakeupkitty
Sungguh saya tidak menyangka ada di urutan 1 dalam berkomentar. Apa yang terlintas saat saya membaca postingan teman-teman itu yang saya komentari. Terimakasih atas hadiahnya Temanku @wakeupkitty. Semoga ini awal yang baik bagi saya.
Ini baru permulaan! Senang mengikuti kontes komentar. Inilah kreativitas. Sangat mudah untuk ikut serta dan Anda dapat mengenal banyak orang yang dapat membantu Anda.
Pastinya sangat senang apa bila mendengar kabar yang membuat kita bahagia temanku @wakeupkitty. Bagi saya memberikan komentar pada tulisan orang lain itu sangat menyenangkan. Apa lagi yang kita komentar itu memang tulisan yang menarik dan dapat membuat kita masuk ke dalam cerita tersebut. Cetita menjadi hidup karena membawa pembacanya berinteraksi secara penuh.
Berikut adalah terjemahan teks ke dalam bahasa Inggris:
"It's definitely thrilling to hear news that brings us joy, my friend @wakeupkitty. For me, leaving comments on someone else's writing is truly delightful. Especially when what we're commenting on is a captivating piece that draws us into the story. The story comes alive because it fully engages its readers."
#wewrite #comment
You are so right. Don't you think that reading comments is a different side of Steemit and it enriches?
Saya merasakan manfaat dari komentar yang saya komentari dari teman-teman penulis.
Thank you very much for the reward.
I have tried my best to complete my task.
I had also shared a post in Italy community in which I had mentioned my sister's wedding. Even in the preparations for the wedding, I have tried my best to engage with other Steemians through comments.
#wewrite #comment
Selamat Temanku #naina9
Semoga apa yang kita dapatkan semakin memotivasi kita untuk terus menulis. Salam manis untukmu Kawan.
Bundle of thanks dear friend ☺️
Have a great day.
Semoga hari-hari kamu penuh kebahagian kawan.
You did a great job, and I noticed you posted in the community. If you do it once per week or join the photo contests, which aren't difficult, you will see that this will benefit you and help you grow.
Thank you very much
All it takes is love and an encouraging pat. Then automatically man starts moving towards the goals of development.
You have introduced me to these communities. And I hope that my fellow Steemians will agree that since we have participated in the Freewrite program, there has been a pleasant change in us. A sense of independence is beginning to emerge.
#wewrite #comment
We hope you find your way faster and make many friends, find the easy fun vontests as well since there are plenty of them and comment contesrs are great for engagement and stimulate creativity. So write it down and keep visiting them once per week. It also keeps you updated.
A warm embrace to you
Congratulations to all winners. @sumarni123, @xiao-aine ; @naina9 ; @almaguer ; @ronnie10...
The delegation has been sent to each of you.
The 5 UVF goes to @ronnie10, paid by @wakeupkitty via TᗩᒪES & STOᖇIES Community account ( @hive-169911 ).
Setiap membaca di pemberitahuan dan nama saya disebutkan langsung jantung saya berdetak tajam. Dan saat membaca SP sudah di transfer, Senyuman indah terkembang tampa di undang.
untuk teman-teman @almaguer @naina9 @xiqo-aine @ronnie10 ini adalah awal yang baik untuk kita semua. hari ini saya mendapat sedikit lebih, besok giliran teman-teman. Mari terus berkarya dan menuntaskan kontes ini. siapapun pemenangnya, kita sudah berani menunjukan bahwa kita tidak hanya jadi penonton. yang terpenting, kita jadi banyak kawan dan Saudara lewat kontes ini.
Terimakasih juga temanku @wakeupkitty dan Pak @aneukpineung atas kemenangan ini. Sehat dan bahagia selalu semuanya 🙂
Berikut adalah terjemahan teks ke dalam bahasa Inggris:
"Every time I see my name mentioned in notifications, my heart beats faster. And when I read that the SP has been transferred, a beautiful smile spreads across my face without being invited. To my friends @almaguer, @naina9, @xiqo-aine, and @ronnie10, this is a great start for all of us. Today, I received a little more, and tomorrow it will be your turn, friends. Let's keep creating and completing this contest. Whoever wins, we've already shown that we're not just spectators. What's most important is that we've gained many friends and siblings through this contest. Thank you also to my friend @wakeupkitty and Mr. @aneukpineung for this victory. May we all be healthy and happy always 🙂"
#wewrite #comment
The feeling is mutual. Of brotherhood and motivation. We will continue to create.
Ini yang saya harapkan dalam langkah saya. Dapat teman dan saudara. Terimakasih.
Same thing happens with me.
There is tension even after seeing the notification and even if there is no notification then there is tension😂.
Now what should a person do in this chaotic tension.
Well, we are all getting good training.
I started remembering my school days. Even then, how much I was afraid of the teachers and now maybe of @aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty🤣🤫😂
#wewrite #comment
Semangat @naina9. Tiada yang perlu di takuti pada guru. Kita bisa jadikan guru sahabat. Yang kita perlukan hormat dan adab kita pada guru agar ilmunya nanti berkah dalam kehidupan kita. Bukankah begitu Pak @aneukpineung78
Thank you so much 😊.
Congratulations to my other steemians as well.
And for those who could not get the reward, I want to give a message that do not lose heart, if we do something with courage and consistency, we will definitely get its fruits.
In the 1st round I could not get the prize but there was a quest in me that I can do it and by the grace of Allah Almighty I succeeded. And in the future too, God willing, I will do my best to achieve success.
#wewrite #comment
Thank you. It is for all these reasons that I stay motivated. Even on hard stone, flowers are born, life is born, hopes are maintained. Keep creating and maintaining these spaces for art. Not everyone understands what it means to create. Not everyone understands artists and writers. Not all art is recognized as it deserves. So we must endure and be constant in promoting what we love.
#miner-wewrite #wewrite #comment
I guess everyone deserves a round of applause. As I understand it has been a close one and everyone tried really hard. I was active for a while and I believe the rest have invested a lot of time as well.
Congrats @sumarni123, @xiao-aine ; @naina9 ; @almaguer and best of luck in the third round. I think it is going to be difficult one for me. Let's see how you do in it..
#wewrite #comment
Semangat temanku @ronnie10. Mari kita bergandengan tangan dalam menyelesaikannya tantangan ini. Kalah menang itu biasa dalam pertandingan. Namun jiwa kesatria dan persaudaraan harus terpatri di dalam hati. 🙂
That is the spirit!
Winning and losing together? LOL.. At least someone would win this one. I think those who have ideas about the prompts have a better chance than I do this time around. I am not really sure how that is going to be this time around.
Best of luck to you..
#wewrite #comment
Keberuntungan dan kesuksesan akan bersama kita Kawan. Amin.
#miner-wewrite #wewrite #comment
That's the spirit indeed but it's better not to see is as a game where you win or lose. The end result counts where we find friends, support or are thrown on ourselves if no one cares. Be relaxed do what I do and only what you can afford. No stress!
Saya setuju dengan pendapat Anda. Nilai akhir yang kita dapatkan. Memiliki teman dan menjadikan kontes ini sesuatu yang membuat kita bahagia.
We are doing great! , 😃
It is difficult not only for you but for everyone.
If we find it difficult, we will waste our time and not come up with ideas about prompts.
And if we consider it eaay and write it thinking that it is a free writing, you can write anything in it, for example, a story, a fiction, an artistic event or even a poem, then it will be very easy to write.
And I am telling you my experience.
And thanks for your good wishes.
#wewrite #comment
#miner-wewrite #wewrite #comment
Yup, that's freewriting. No need to think out something. Just wrote with a sleepy head like I did till the 10 minutes are up. No need to write something great. You know what is cool? To scroll back a few months or years and see what you did. Kind of scrapbook for writers.
Thanks. Not that I invested a lot of time. You guys did way more. I mainly did the necessary/minimum required to avoid stress and I forgot. LOL
I like to keep it fun nothing more. You should do the same. It's not a one week Steemit thing but a long term/years commitment. Why stress over social media?
#miner-wewrite #wewrite #comment
#miner-wewrite #wewrite #comment
I don't have the numbers to compare and I don't look at them. I was told that this was a close one. I did not know how much time did it take for the others. But, doing the minimum is also not a one minute thing. You have got to be focused to bring in something nice.
#wewrite #comment
Thank you so much. I am happy with my collection of SP. I grow sloooow.
Congrats everyone!
Click on the image to see it on x.com.
Thank you. After seeing myself at the 5th position. I think there was a lot of competition. Everyone has probably put their best in reaching the top.
So, congratulations to all the winners and best of luck to everyone who did not win this round. Maybe another chance in the coming ones.
#wewrite #comment
There was not only a lot of competition but most of you achieved nearly the same amounts of points. A deciscion if it coes to the winners is made by who followed all rules and comnented in all three communities, next the points achieved were counted where number 1 and number two have exactly the same score.
For 4+5 the highest score /grade is used.
If everyone would have commented in the Italuan community the list of winners would have looked differently.
Certainly there was. I can see a lot of dedication from everyone to this. But, I am surprised that a lot of people would not have commented in all three communities. I mean I was not expecting myself to put down 6 comments in Italian community. But, I was able to find things that I am interested in.
I respect that you did not share the usernames of those who did not follow the competition rules.
#wewrite #comment
There is English text and I invited for the photochain a comment contests where easily a few comments could be written.
I believe the post isn't read by everyone which is the most common problem hosts of contests and those writing reports deal with.
What is written is not read and trust me it's a lot of work to write a lesson, find the right topics and communities which are free and supportive and where you make a chance to be rewarded, next to adding all links of #howto posts we write and as you can see it does not benefit us.
The rewards we receive for the lessons say enough (in average 1/3 is left to share the rest goes to curators).
Still if 4 or 5 good growing Steemians arise this is a win for them but also this platform.
Like it or not but for that certain rules has to be followed to succeed. Those rules SEC did said for those following the SEC project but we hope the others also understad that investig in your niche can be rewarding.
Just like a business in real life it's easier with a plan.
It is not my intention to list who did what or not I am sure those who read this (if they read) know theselves and also understand what can be improved.
No or partly commenting is a loss of 3 points.
I can sense some anger and maybe a little bit of disappointment. I can tell that it must be really tough coming up with these contests on a weekly basis and then following up with all the contestants and their progress.
With that being said, I think the results that you are having is not surprising. At least not to you. Because, it is not a new experience to you that some people would just jump and answer a question before even knowing what that question is about.
I can understand that someone may miss something from a post. But, on a weekly basis that is odd.
#wewrite #comment
Every host of a contest deals with this and so does everyone who writes and receives an odd (AI generated) comment.
should have been : "... at the end of this 6-week course."
Alright, I removed the T rex 🐉
How many posts we had with the hashtags?
#miner-write started on 16 Feb with an announcement post https://steemit.com/freewriters/@aneukpineung78/miner-we-write-starts-on-monday-the-17th, so far we have 93 posts, including the announcement.
The top 3 authors are @naina, @suamrni123, @almaguer and wakeupkitty. The top 10 is seen the chart below.
The statistical charts generated on https://steemhub.tech/. Thanks to its developer, @kafio.
I write about life and its rivers. I write all that has been, turned into oblivion. Those that remain on the margins. So it is possible that, all that literature of banishment, will come to steemit, turned into wings of butterflies, or flocks of swans. It is possible that I write so much that the colors of life are lost.
#miner-wewrite #wewrite #comment
Isn't that cool and how fast you are let's see how many more goods we can write with this group.
You didn't show the length of the average text which doesn't say anything about quality but we aren't good for quick shorties only. Not to forget to mention the 0 AI!
Do we write more on certain days of the week?
Thanks @kafio! ♥️
There's another feature you'll love, and I'll share it with you tomorrow.
btw : The extension for the format blog is ready, but I'll wait to share it.
Congratulations everyone!
@ronie10 you are the best commenter. 75!
Well done!
Paid by @hive-169911 - 5.3.2025
We all agree that @ronie10 is a good commenter.
Wel done👍
Your performance is commendable.
#wewrite #comment
You are very good and active too and so is @suryati1 @almaguer @surmani123, @jiva34,
aneukpineung78 and are the others. We have a good group and make a difference.
I hope we keep commenting. I know it can be jard and by now my comments aren't that long but my time is more limited, my phone slow and I have days my hands hurt and writing in my mind is easier than typing.
A big hug and compliment to all of you!
You all rock and are the gems of Steemit
Lot going on here. Car died on the highway and financial woes. Kind of preoccupied right now with just staying afloat. Thought processes directed away from creative writing and Steemit. for now. I shall return...
Hi dear, sorry for the late reply. A dead car is a burden and a big worry. Did you receive help to get home and what about your car? If you feel to it you can email me [email protected]
Lesson 4 started today, a catch up lesson so if you like you can give it a try and see how far you get.
A big hug for you
Terimakasih temanku, saya dapat memahami kegiatan anda yang sangat padat, ponsel menjadi lelet dan tangan mengalami masalah, saya sendiri mengalami masalah mata dan tak bisa menatap layar ponsel terlalu lama
Pandangan menjadi kabur dan perih sehingga saya jadi lambat juga dalam bekerja, padahal saya sangat senang membaca setiap postingan orang lain dan mengetahui kegiatan dan hal-hal baru
Jadi sekarang saya memakai handphone hanya sebentar saja
#wewrite #comment
I am sorry to hear you have eye problems. Is it better now? I use the night modus and at times sunglasses. I don't like the light that comes from a screen it hurts my eyes as well. What also helps is if you don't stare and don't sit too long behind the screen. I know curtors who dealt with the same issue.
Saya mengalami mata katarak dan tidak bisa menatap layar handphone terlalu lama, dan itu sangat perih sekali saat ini saya sedang memesan obat mata namun belum sampai, semoga setelah mengkonsumsi obat tersebut mata saya jauh lebih baik,
We like working under you. It is under your patronage that we have learned to comment and post what we like. And God willing, we will all remain active in the same way in the future as well.
Without your support, we wouldn't have learned all this.
@aneukpineung78 @wakeupkitty
Best wishes to both of you.
#wewrite #comment
You know I found it hard to comment. Twice I left and every time I had to learn it again although one picks it up faster and what is different here from the offline life is that it isn't weird or rude if you jump into a conversation. That was what I found most difficult.
You are doing great and this is you, not me.
Commenting is really difficult. I write stories very calmly and peacefully, but I used to ignore commenting.
But your mentioning me in the comments section proved to be good for me. I used to worry that if I was mentioned, then I must reply.
Then I used to hesitate but now I have become fluent in commenting and now I reply to everyone without hesitation.
#wewrite #comment
I had a question with regards to the delegation. Is there any expiry date for that delegation?
#wewrite #comment
You mean the 300 SP or what you win for prizes?
300 SP till you reach a certain amount of SP like described/told by the SSEA project.
Prizes delegated/SP will not expire.
Alright, that answers my question. I am only asking about the prize won in this one.
Regarding the 300 SP, it was mentioned that one should reach 500 of own SP for not being eligible.
#wewrite #comment