Mental HealthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Mental Health4 years ago

One of the most frightening experiences a person can have is hearing a friend or loved one say they want to die.
Even I’ve experienced it. There was a time when I want to die, i had suicidal thoughts so i know how people take mental illness and suicide like issue and this is really heartbreaking.
We still make fun of mental health issues and if someone has it we didn’t take them seriously and see those people as attention seekers. Instead of comforting and supporting them we make fun of them and make them feel more uncomfortable by being judgemental like “hah you’re worrying about minor issue like this or that 🙄” ,you’re thinking too much” etc etc.
We never guess what a person is going through. Everyone is fighting his own battles.
Please if anyone around you is going through any mental issue or talk about depression or suicide please take them serious. Don’t make fun of them. Please instead of helping them to get rid off those issues don’t push them towards them. Please keep check on your loved ones or people around you. Please try to heal them. Please try to heal them with your kindness, with your love , with your concern. Please.


Yes you are very right. Mental health crisis is still a serious issue in our society today. 1 in 4 people will be diagnosed of a mental illness everyday. Many people don’t know anything about mental illnesses like depression until they suffer from it . Mental health education should be taught in schools at an early age like PHE. We need to increase the awareness. We need people to speak up about their experiences unashamed. I dream of a stigma-free world where I can tell someone I have bipolar and they won’t think I am gonna hurt them. I know gradually we will get there. I am also a warrior and an advocate. I love your write up btw