in Boylikegirl Club12 days ago

“Welcome to the Jungle!” 😅
Before the Sun came up, I could hear the sound of heavy rain pounding on the glass skylight above our bed!🙄
Today was “D-Day”…… the Annual Farm Forestry tree sale!😊
Liz had pre-ordered 25 Shore Pines, 2 Sitka Spruce, and 2 Noble Fir seedling trees!🤗
My neighbor David, from the tiny house had a pre-order of several hundred trees!😮
“Silvertop it’s going to pour cold rain, then it’s going to start snowing….ALL day long!” 😳
Not today David!🙄
I could see myself getting muddy, and soaked!😅
These trees are stored bare rooted in refrigeration trucks leading up to this tree sale……….
How do they say it………..
“Time Is of the Essence”, these trees need to get into dirt quickly!
A nursery trick is to “Heel” these trees into a garden plot of dirt, at approximately a 45 degree angle.
You really aren’t planting these trees, just covering them with dirt!
They can’t stay this way too long, but it’s a quick fix especially since the rain looked like it had set in for the day!🙄
The Mrs pulled into the Northwest Fairgrounds parking lot, the tree sale was being held in one of the unheated livestock barns.
They told everyone to dress in layers, you might need to wait in long lines!🥶
We passed one Man walking to the barn in the rain……….He said…………
“It really does my heart good to see so many people picking up trees to plant!”🤗
Especially in the rain, my friend!😇
See the older gentleman with the green coat, and red ball cap?
This is Mike my neighbor, volunteering to help wrap up prepackaged tree orders in bundles for people!😊
This is a community event!
So many smiles, on so many faces!
“Mike, I was hoping for better weather to plant these trees!”😮
“Well Silvertop, you always have tomorrow!”😇
Very true my friend!!!!!
Soaking wet, I finally finished “Heeling” in these baby trees, in what was once fine topsoil…….now sticky mud!😬
“Silvertop soon the rain will stop completely, and you will be hoping we get a little rain so you don’t need to water your trees!”🥰
“So very true Liz……, this is how we roll in the Pacific Northwest!” 😊
Till tomorrow, Silvertop Mike 😊