Ohhh…..That Looks Slippery! 😳
“Silbertop, sign say 15MPH, SLOW DOWN Man!”🐸
“PEPE, we are on foot, hiking….. Lol!”😇
My green friend doesn’t seem to like this “frozen pond water” Lol!☺️
PEPE and Silvertop hiked down the steep hill on our road to check out the condition of the Mountain Pass far below……….
“PEPE, I can’t tell if the county plowed, or if the snow is just packed down!”😮
For a look at this “First” hill on our road check out @elizabethbit post today!
This steep hill is always a challenge……….
After driving through deep snow on the Mountain Pass, you need to abruptly turn sharply right, and hit the gas HARD to “try” to make it to the top of the hill!😳
My youngest son works for a large city maintenance crew close to Seattle, and in the winter one of his responsibilities is driving a snow plow truck.
“ Dad… just call into the County maintenance, tell them you have a lot of old people on your road. They can’t get out in case of a medical emergency!”
“ Of course I’m not talking about you Dad Lol!”😇🥰
18 degrees above zero this morning Burrr……………
I didn’t “bank” the wood stove fire last night, and Silvertop woke this morning to 55 degrees INSIDE!🥶
I quickly turned on our mini- split heat pump, and simultaneously lit the fire in the woodstove!
Soon it was warm and toasty!😊
As we hiked in the beautiful sunny, but very cold and extremely windy weather, we stopped by my neighbors tiny house.
David was outside tending to his small herd of goats.
“Silvertop, our tiny house was 50 degrees this morning, it took till noon to bring it back up to 70 degrees!”😮
I really didn’t expect that low of temperatures at night in a tiny house, especially with four people living in it!🤔
“You have us beat my friend Lol!”😇
“PEPE maybe I should bring in a little extra firewood for tonight!”😇
“Dat good thing Silbertop, dis solid, white water, no good Man!”🐸
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike, enjoying a winter wonderland Lol!😊