"GOOD DAY SUNSHINE!"😎 ..............................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀

in Boylikegirl Club2 months ago

“Good Day, Sunshine!”😎
Well…….Sunshine for the Pacific Northwest Lol!😇
I was starting to see something out of the corner of my eye, as I climbed the Gold Mine trail for a second day………….
“Is that Snow PEPE?”☺️
“Silly Silbertop, dis not possible….Big Pond not fly though sky …………Lol!”🐸
I forgot PEPE hasn’t ever seen snow before, it’s been a very strange Winter!🙄
As quick as I spotted the snow flakes……they were gone!😮
“Silbertop, hab been drinking too many lattes… you starting to see things Man Lol!”🐸
I’m sure PEPE will get the chance to see some “Real” snow, it is still only January!😇
As we hiked uphill, I noticed another hiker, coming down the Mountain trail……
I recognized this guy from numerous hikes this past summer, he is a regular on this trail!
“Nice day for a hike!”😊
“Very nice Bud, have a great day!”🤗
You realize everyone you pass is part of one big hiking family!
Sometimes people will just exchange pleasantries………
Sometimes they want to know where you’re headed, and they will let you know where they just hiked……..
Like the 80 year-old hiker I met last summer. He had just climbed up to “lost Lake”, and hiked over 15 miles that day!😅
“PEPE, I sure hope I’m still hiking like that when I’m 80 years old!”😇
“I hold your hand Silbertop….and lead the way ….Man!”🐸
“Snow is coming PEPE!”😊
“Silbertop need PEPE hold hand now…still seeing things Lol!”🐸
Till tomorrow everyone Silvertop Mike 😊

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